
  • 网络weight;balance weight
  1. 产品:内、外胎冷补胶片;冷补胶条;补胎工具;车轮平衡块等产品。

    Product : Tyre cold patch ; cold bar glue ; Tire repair tools ; Wheel balance weight etc. product .

  2. 为减少电动机负值功率的影响,要为抽油机合理配备平衡块,这就要求准确监测抽油机的工作状态。

    In order to decrease the influence of the negative power , we outfit the electromotor with the balance weight .

  3. 基于PLC和触摸屏的平衡块整形分拣系统

    Application of PLC and Touch Screen in the Automatic Sorting System

  4. 本钢1700轧机与2300轧机CVC液压平衡块结构分析

    The Structure Analysis of CVC Hydraulic Balancing Block , Hot Strip of BX STEEL , 1700 Mill And 2300 Mill

  5. 设计了一种全新的减振方案,即用直线电机推动一个质量平衡块来抑制制冷机的振动,采用基于前馈的自寻优控制器,控制算法由DSP芯片实现。

    A new kind of vibration attenuation project is designed , in which only one motor is used to push the mass balancer and restrain the vibration . A self-optimization arithmetic based on feedforward control is studied and realized by the DSP ( digital signal processor ) .

  6. 加平衡块后,可以有效地解决缸体裂纹问题。

    Adding balance weights can effectively eliminate the cylinder block cracking .

  7. 带平衡块六拐曲轴模锻工艺

    The Forging Die Technology Research of Six-Bend Crankshafts with Ballance Blocks

  8. 曲轴平衡块质量分布不合理,会引起发动机振动大。

    The irrational distribution of crankshaft counterbalance weight causes greater vibration .

  9. 曲轴平衡块精铸工艺方案设计分析

    Analysis for Designed Scheme of Investment Casting Technology of Crankshaft Balance Piece

  10. 同时增添了曲柄副平衡块,以提高平衡扭矩。

    And an auxiliary counterbalance is added to improve the balancing torque .

  11. 基于Pro/Engineer的活塞式压缩机曲轴平衡块优化设计

    Optimization Design of Crankshaft Balancer of Piston Compressor Based on Pro / Engineer

  12. 三是调整抽油机平衡块。

    Adjust the balance are three unit block .

  13. 冲小孔凸模设计冲制平衡块模具的改进

    The Protruding Mould Design of Punching Pinholes Improvement on Die for Punched Counter Balance

  14. 本厂研发生产铁质车轮平衡块和锌质车轮平衡块系列产品。

    We design and manufacture series of iron wheel balancers and zinc wheel balancers .

  15. 大型全纤维曲轴平衡块成形塌角问题研究

    Research on the upset forging sunk defects of large full fiber crankshaft 's balance block

  16. 平衡块卡子冷冲压模具的磨损方式及提高模具寿命的措施

    Wear Way of Cold Stamping Die and Measures on the Improvement of its Working Life

  17. 可能由于不同的底盘设定激活平衡块而导致产生噪音。

    Noises may occur due to the balancing weight being excited because of different chassis settings .

  18. 并对平衡块进行了优化设计分析,结果表明优化后的平衡效果是更佳的。

    Analyse through simulation result , the simulation result suggested that the optimize balance method is finally .

  19. 计算结果表明,附加平衡块可以减小机构的冲击和振动。

    Calculating results obtained showed that attaching balancing mass to the mechanism could diminish impulsion and oscillation .

  20. 使用连接在曲轴上的转动平衡块,转子的运动就能完全平衡。

    The motion of the rotor can be balanced completely with rotating counterweights attached to the crankshaft .

  21. 自动链板刮沙机,带平衡块,水泥人工加入或水泥筒仓和螺旋输送机。

    Automatic pivoting sand scraper with counterweight , cement loading manual or with silo , and screw conveyor .

  22. 比较了曲柄平衡块标定法及电模拟标定法的计算公式及优缺点。

    A comparison is made between the calculating equation for crankshaft counterbalance calibration and that for electric simulation calibration .

  23. 比飞轮平衡块法降低惯性力小90倍。

    Decrease the maximum reciprocating inertia force by 268 times and by 90 times over the present balancing method with counterbalance .

  24. 我的感觉是,公关只是一个平衡块,平衡媒体由商业利益驱动的对负面新闻的贪欲。

    My hunch is that PR is merely a counterweight to the media 's strong , commercially driven appetite for bad news .

  25. 在进行活塞式压缩机设计时,关于曲轴平衡块的设计计算大多采用试算法,计算量比较大。

    The tentative calculational methods is used in the design of crank shaft balancer , the workload of which is very large .

  26. 根据这个原理,该队技术员尝试减少抽油机平衡块来取得节能的效果。

    According to this theory , the team of technicians to try to reduce the pumping unit block to obtain the energy balance effects .

  27. 基于这个虚拟样机模型,进行了运动分析和动力学分析,并以曲柄连杆平衡块质心位置为设计变量,以轴系动不平衡干扰力最小为优化策略,从优化设计的角度实现了动力学最优设计。

    Based on this special model , the kinetics and dynamics analysis are studied . And then , the optimum design is carried on also .

  28. 采用锡材料做平衡块对比以前铅材料能够有效减少对自然环境损害。

    The use of tin as balance weights is believed to have less of an environmental impact than weights made of lead , as previously used .

  29. 并计算了轴心轨迹和轴承负荷,为了减少轴承的负荷,分别采用了对曲柄臂施加四平衡块和八平衡块两种平衡方案,并给出了两种方案的对比。

    In order to reduce bearing load , the four balancing blocks and eight balancing blocks are applied to this crankshaft , and two results are contrasted .

  30. 在空间允许的情况下合理加大平衡块可以有效地降低轴承平均负荷并可以减小机体平均振动加速度,使得整机振动情况得以改善。

    Space permitting , we can increase the Counterbalance reasonably to reduce effectively the bearing average load and the vibration average acceleration to improve the vibration conditions .