
  • 网络translation axis;translational axis
  1. 晶圆移动机器人具有三个平面旋转轴加上一个垂直方向的平移轴的结构。

    The structure of wafer handling robots includes three revolute joints and one vertical translational joint .

  2. 基于一阶径向畸变的针孔摄像机模型,提出了一种新的线性三步摄像机定标方法,即通过径向排列约束计算摄像机参数的旋转矩阵、X轴平移矢量和Y轴平移矢量;

    A new linear three-step approach for camera calibration was proposed to deal with camera model of one order radial distortion . In the first stage , all extrinsic parameters except for translation vector in Z-axis are computed by using the Radial Alignment Constraint ( RAC ) .

  3. 水平平移可以实现旋转轴与图像中心的精确对准,本文提出了一种旋转轴精确定位的方法,定位精度可达0.01mm。竖直平移可以实现放大倍率的选择,放大倍率在1.77~2.37之间可调。

    Horizontal translation , vertical translation and rotation is used to align the rotating axis and image center , choose the magnification factor and rotate the models respectively .