
  • 网络mean absolute error;Mae;MAD;mean absolute deviation;MAPE
  1. 在最小平均绝对误差(MAE)准则下,实现了复合顺序形态滤波的结构元素自适应处理。

    In this paper , the adaptive processing of the structuring element in complex ranked-order morphological filtering is implemented under the criterion of minimizing the mean absolute error ( MAE ) .

  2. 利用模型对试验结果进行预测,模型预测值与对应试验值的平均绝对误差为2.092033mg/m3,平均相对误差为4.215287%,两者的线性相关系数R2为0.9988。

    Using the model to predict the experiment results , the mean absolute error of model predictions and the corresponding experimental values was 2.092033mg / m3 , the average relative error was 4.215287 % , and the correlation coefficient was 0.9988 .

  3. 实验结果表明,本算法较之传统推荐算法和SlopeOne算法在平均绝对误差值上有一定的提高,证明了本算法的可行性与有效性。

    Experimental results show that the algorithm is better in the mean absolute error against traditional algorithm and the Slope One algorithm .

  4. 结果:预测值与实测值的平均绝对误差E为0.532,平均相对误差为1.059%。

    Results : Factual value and predicting value and average and absolute error margin E is 0.532 , the average and opposite error margin is 1.059 % .

  5. 结果表明:温度残差的平均绝对误差(MAE)是Spline平均相对误差(RME)分别为:9.56%和9.66%。

    The results of mean absolute errors were ranked as Spline relative mean errors ( RME ) averaged 9.56 % .

  6. 与仅以氨基酸组成为特征矢量的BP神经网络方法比较,相应的他检验平均绝对误差分别减小了0.024和0.016,标准偏差分别减小了0.031和0.018;

    Compared with the BP neural network method only using the amino acid composition as features , the average absolute errors for cross-validation test are relatively reduced by 0.024 and 0.016 with the standard deviations reduced by 0.031 and 0.018 , respectively .

  7. 从相关系数R和回归方程的显著性检验(F)都说明r与Sr密切相关,其中102种阳离子半径数据与具有代表性的离子半径参考值相比平均绝对误差仅0.9pm,相对误差1.1%。

    The correlation coefficient R and test of significance ( F ) showed that r was closely related to Sr. The average absolute error of the 102 radii of positive ions was only 0.9 pm with the representative radii of ions , the relative error was 1.1 % .

  8. 本文应用WAGA优化柔性形态滤波器,并研究了在不同噪声比例和最小平均绝对误差(MAE)、最小均方误差(MSE)准则下优化算法的性能。

    In this paper , we apply WAGA to optimize soft morphological filters and study the performance of optimization algorithm with various noise percentages under MAE or MSE error criteria .

  9. 反演结果具有较高精度,平均绝对误差达到4.36m,平均相对误差达到12%。

    Their inversion results have preferable precision , the mean absolute error is 4.36m and the mean relative error is 12 % .

  10. 实验结果表明:以水深值2m为阈值,水深值小于2m的区域,模型反演水深值与实测水深值的平均绝对误差为0.1663m,平均相对误差为13.29%;

    The model is applied to measure water depth in subsidence area of Huainan . It is demonstrated that the mean absolute error is 0.166 3 m and the mean relative error is 13.29 % , when the actually measured water depth is less than 2 m.

  11. 对752种烷烃(C1到C100)的计算结果表明,沸点的预测值十分接近实验值,平均绝对误差1.36K,平均相对误差0.29%,计算精度优于文献方法。

    The calculated results show that the predicted values of boiling points agree with the experimental data satisfactorily , the mean relative deviation is 0.29 % for 793 alkanes . The method has an advantage over the existing ones .

  12. 对于样本外的预测,我们分别使用平均绝对误差(MAE)和均方根误差(RMSE)进行度量比较,结果表明:我们使用四个因子所建立的预测模型是合理、有效的。

    For the out-sample forecasting , we use the mean absolute error ( MAE ) and root mean square error ( RMSE ) to measure and compare , the results show that : the prediction model we use established by the four factors is reasonable and effective .

  13. 通过该方法对缺陷的漏磁信号进行量化分析,表明缺陷长度、宽度和深度的平均绝对误差分别为2.4mm、8.3mm和0.8mm。

    The estimate method of the size of defects is designed . The results of quantitative analysis show that the mean errors of the length , width and depth are respectively 2.4 mm , 8.3 mm , 0.8 mm .

  14. 该预报方法所构造的预报模型对历史样本风速拟合平均绝对误差为1.80m/s,对独立样本风速试报的平均绝对误差为1.46m/s。

    Using the prediction model , the ( average ) fitting absolute error of the wind velocity is 1.80m/s for the historical samples , and the average predictive absolute error is 1.46m/s for the independent samples .

  15. 结果表明,闪点预测值与实验值符合良好,绝对平均绝对误差6.0K,绝对平均相对误差2.15%,优于传统基团贡献法所得结果。

    The results show that the predicted flash points are in good agreement with the experimental data , with the absolute mean absolute error being 6.0 K , and the absolute mean relative error being 2.15 % , which are superior to those of traditional group contribution methods .

  16. 纵向平均绝对误差约为0.08mm。

    The longitudinal mean absolute error is 0.08 mm approximately .

  17. 对99组汽液平衡的实验数据进行计算,汽相组成(分子分数)的平均绝对误差为0.0098。

    The total average absolute arithmatic deviation of 99 data points is only 0.0098 mol fraction .

  18. 非参数回归核估计的条件平均绝对误差的指数收敛速度

    The exponential rate of convergence of the conditional mean absolute error for the kernel estimate of nonparametric regression function

  19. 研究了根据局部放电灰度图像光谱特征提取熵、标准差和平均绝对误差等三个统计特征的方法,对五类放电图像的统计特征计算结果进行了分析;

    Entropy , standard deviation , mean absolute deviation of the PD gray images are extracted and the acquired characteristics are analyzed for five types of discharge pattern recognition .

  20. 模型用于描述元宝山露天煤矿及其周围地区地下水位在疏干阶段的下降情况,计算值与实际观测值吻合良好(平均绝对误差0.33~0.40mm)。

    The models are used to describe the state of ground water level decline during dewatering . The calculated values matched well with field data ( mean absolute error 0.33-0.40m ) .

  21. 对测试集中的抑制剂,双参数模型预测得到的预测自由能和实际自由能之间平均绝对误差仅为1.15kJmol。

    To the compounds in the test set , the average error is only 1.15 kJ / mol between the actual and the predicted binding free energies by the two-parameter model .

  22. 对所有物质,最小绝对值法拟合的平均绝对误差比最小二乘法拟合的要小,因而最小绝对值法较最小二乘法有更高的准确性。

    In this paper , the least absolute value method is adopted to fit the Du line of several kinds of materials , and comparing with the generally accepted least square method .

  23. 水深值为2~6m的区域,模型反演水深值与实测水深值平均绝对误差为0.5786m,平均相对误差为15.20%。

    The mean absolute error is 0.578 6 m and the mean relative error is 15.20 % , when the actually measured water depth is in range of 2 m to 6 m.

  24. 同时,该方法将块滤波器的块平均绝对误差与滤波器的步长因子相关联,使得块滤波器的步长因子随着数据块的平均绝对误差而动态调整,改善了辨识的收敛性能。

    Meanwhile , in order to improve the convergence properties of the identification , the step size of BLMS was made to associate with the absolute mean error of each data blocks .

  25. 他检验平均绝对误差分别为0.077和0.070,相应标准偏差分别为0.051和0.049。

    The average absolute errors for cross-validation test are 0.077 and 0.070 with the standard deviations 0.051 and 0.049 for the prediction of the content of α - helix and β - strand respectively .

  26. 从系统通信量,最近邻居集合的质量以及平均绝对误差等方面对系统的推荐效率及推荐精确度进行了验证。

    The analog experiments verify the efficiency and precision of the recommender system according to the evaluation standards : amount of communication , quality of the nearest neighbors set and Mean Absolute Error and so on .

  27. 运用土壤养分要素主成分建立的土壤水稻产量模型平均绝对误差406.5kg/hm~2,平均相对误差4.88%,效果良好。

    Absolute error of soil nutrient-paddy rice yield model that is established with the main composition analytical method is 406.5 kg / hm2 , and the relative error is 4.88 % , so the result is good .

  28. 另外,该算法采用了多序列比对作为输入,效果比单序列有所提高。采用该方法,对CB-513数据集平均绝对误差可以达到16.8%、相关系数为0.562,而用RVP-Net方法分别为18.8%和0.480。

    In addition , we used multiple sequence alignment as input information and obtained a prediction result of 16.8 % for MAE and 0.562 for CC , which was superior to that obtained with single sequence input .

  29. 通过对滤波后图像的一些客观指标(峰值信噪比、归一化均方误差、归一化平均绝对误差)的比较,证明本文算法优于以前的改进算法。

    It has been proved that this algorithm is better than these former algorithms through the contrast of image impersonality criterion ( peak signal to noise ratio , normalized mean square error , normalized mean absolute error ) .

  30. 与相应的综合测井资料计算结果相对比,用该方法得到的孔隙度平均绝对误差及相对误差分别为1.85%和11.88%;含油饱和度平均绝对误差及相对误差分别为9.08%和24.75%。

    Comparison the results of the improved NWL with the corresponding CWL , the average absolute error and relative error of porosity are 1.85 % and 11.88 % respectively , and those of oil saturation are 9.08 % and 24.75 % respectively .