
  • 网络rayleigh;Rayleigh Distribution
  1. 移动电话用户预测中Logistic模型和瑞利分布的综合运用

    The Application of Logistic Model and Rayleigh Distribution in Mobile Users Prediction

  2. 常用的幅度分布模型有瑞利分布、对数正态分布、威布尔分布和K分布。

    Rayleigh distribution , LogNormal distribution , Weibull distribution and K distribution are four distribution models commonly used .

  3. 基于瑞利分布的SPC控制图应用研究

    SPC Control Chart Based on Rayleigh Distribution

  4. 结果表明,GS和MW的渐近相对效率随着杂波偏离瑞利分布程度的加强而增加;

    The result shows that the two nonparametric detectors ' ARE increase appreciably as the clutter distribution deviates from Rayleigh .

  5. 一种基于瑞利分布的VBR视频流的小波模型

    A Rayleigh Distribution Based Wavelet Model for VBR Video Traffic

  6. 本文采用参量法的恒虚警处理方法,分别研究了瑞利分布、对数-正态分布、韦布尔分布、K分布海杂波数据直方图与理论值。

    In this paper , parameter CFAR method of treatment , respectively , of the Rayleigh distribution , the log-normal distribution , Weibull distribution , K distribution data points sea clutter histogram with the theoretical value .

  7. 研究了ATM网中VBR编码的视频业务模型,提出一阶自回归、瑞利分布残差而不是高斯分布的AR序列模型&RAR(1)。

    This paper studies VBR video source model in ATM networks . A first order autoregressive model with residual of Rayleigh distribution is proposed instead of Gaussian noise .

  8. 本文由混沌映射产生用于直扩码分多址(DS/CDMA)系统的四相扩频序列,证明了周期为N的此类扩频序列的四种广义奇相关均服从均方值为N的瑞利分布。

    In this paper , we generate 4 phase sequences for DS / CDMA by chaotic maps . The generalized odd correlations of such sequences of length N are Rayleigh distributed , with mean square correlation N .

  9. 分析了短时傅立叶变换(STFT)、维格纳瑞利分布(WVD)及小波变换(WT)等时频分析方法各自的特点。

    The characters of short time Fourier transform ( STFT ), Wigner Ville distribution ( WVD ) and wavelet transform ( WT ) are analyzed .

  10. 与瑞利分布相比,Nakagami分布更接近实验数据,并具有很大的灵活性。

    Compared with the Rayleigh distribution , Nakagami distribution is the better-fit distribution for obtaining experimental data with great variability .

  11. 然后,文章详细论述了杂波建模仿真方法,分析了服从不同幅度和功率谱统计特性的杂波模型,并采用ZMNL法产生了瑞利分布和对数正态分布杂波序列。

    Secondly , this thesis thoroughly presents the methods of modeling of clutter , analyzing the different statistical model in amplitude and power spectrum , and producing two clutter sequences which separately obey Rayleigh distribution and Log-Normal distribution by Zero Memory Nonlinearity ( ZMNL ) method .

  12. 瑞利分布在大坝监测数学模型中的应用

    Application of Rayleigh Distribution in Mathematical Model of Dam Monitoring

  13. 推导出基于修正瑞利分布的机动目标加速度的当前统计模型的适用范围。

    The applicable bound of modified Rayleigh distribution was derived .

  14. 根据瑞利分布模型可以推算城市机动车平均出行距离。

    Average trip distance can be calculated by Rayleigh Distribution .

  15. 经过雷达接收机的正交双通道处理后,海浪回波幅度的平方和服从瑞利分布。

    After orthogonal dual-channel processing , the sea echo shows Rayleigh distribution .

  16. 基于混合瑞利分布的三维医学图像分割算法

    The algorithm of 3D segmentation on medical image based on mixed Rayleigh distribution

  17. 基于数据分组与右删失情形下一般瑞利分布的参数估计

    Estimation of the parameters in the generalized rayleigh distribution with grouped and right-censored data

  18. 阴影效应服从对数正态分布,而多径衰落服从瑞利分布。

    The shadow affect is logarithmic normal distribution , and the multi-path fading is Rayleigh distribution .

  19. 基于瑞利分布的计量型序贯网图检验

    Sequential Mesh Test under Rayleigh Distribution

  20. 本文介绍了一种模拟移动无线电接收中遇到的瑞利分布衰落的设备。

    A real-time Rayleigh fading simulator to simulate the Rayleigh-distributed fading encountered in mobile radio is described .

  21. 在仿真过程中,我们主要是对幅度服从莱斯分布和瑞利分布的衰落信道进行仿真。

    In the simulation , we main introduce and model Rician fading channel and Ray-leigh fading channel .

  22. 利用风速频率瑞利分布对平均风速进行均一化,提出相当风速的概念;

    Standardized the wind speed by Rayleigh frequency distribution , a concept named equivalent wind speed was presented ;

  23. 用瑞利分布函数构造模拟连铸坯表面温度分布

    Simulation and forming of surface temperature distributions of strand in continuous casting process by using Rayleigh Distributed Function

  24. 在已有的瑞利分布混响统计模型基础上,本文着重研究了非瑞利分布混响统计模型。

    Based on the rayleigh-distributed reverberation model , the dissertation especially concentrates on the investigation of non-rayleigh-distributed reverberation model .

  25. 结果表明,威布尔分布较瑞利分布来说能够更好地逼近图像声呐灰度分布曲线,且具有较强的自适应性。

    The results indicate that the Weibull law is more appropriate than the Rayleigh law since the former has stronger adaptability .

  26. 然而,在现代高分辨声纳系统中,混响包络的统计特性并不符合瑞利分布模型。

    However , in modern high-resolution sonar systems , the statistics of reverberation envelope is not in accord with Rayleigh-distributed model .

  27. 结合压汞分析测得的吸收剂孔结构数据,计算其分形维数,用瑞利分布函数描述吸收剂的孔径分布;

    Based on testing data obtained on mercury porosimeter analysis , Rayleigh distribution was used as the function of pore size distribution .

  28. 本文指出了常用杂波图恒虚警电路所依据的杂波模型&瑞利分布不够合理,当实际杂波偏离所假定的模型时,检测性能相当差。

    This paper shows that the ground clutter model-Rayleigh distribution on which usual clutter map CFAR is based is not reasonable enough .

  29. 本文对参量型的恒虚警率方法进行介绍,分别在瑞利分布、韦布尔分布、对数正态分布的海杂波下实现恒虚警率检测。

    This thesis introduces parameter CFAR method , and implements radar CFAR detection under Rayleigh distribution , Weibull distribution , Log-normal distribution sea clutter .

  30. 我们还进行了波高和周期的概率分布分析,说明波高符合瑞利分布,周期接近正态分布。

    Analysis of the probability distribution of wave heights and periods show that wave heights fit the Rayleigh distribution and wave periods approximates the normal one .