
  • 网络Sunshine Insurance;sinosig
  1. 阳光保险的总部位于北京,今年耗资2.3亿美元收购了纽约的巴卡拉酒店(BaccaratHotel)。

    The insurer , which this year spent $ 230 million to buy the Baccarat Hotel in New York , has local connections .

  2. 本系统是为阳光保险集团股份有限公司开发的阳光保险综合绩效考核系统。

    This system is developed by Sunshine Insurance Group Co. , Ltd. Sunshine Insurance comprehensive performance appraisal system .

  3. 该平台以阳光保险官方网站为后台基础,实现一站化管理,节约运营资源和成本。

    This platform , using Sunshine Insurance official website as background foundation , achieves one-station management , saves operating resources and cost .

  4. 那家新医院的建设资金来自阳光保险集团,意图成为山东省内规模最大的医疗机构。

    The new hospital , built with funding from Sunshine Insurance , a company based in Beijing , aims to be the biggest medical facility in Shandong Province .

  5. 摘要:法国旅行社推出了一项“阳光保险”业务,那些想享受阳光却被坏天气搅坏了心情的假日游客可以得到补偿。

    Travel agents offer sunshine insurance Sun-seekers whose holidays are spoiled by bad weather could be reimbursed after French travel agencies launched insurance cover for unwanted interruptions to the sunshine .

  6. 本文详尽介绍了开发企业员工综合阳光保险综合绩效考核系统的全过程,是按软件工程的思想设计的,包括问题定义、可行性研究、需求分析、系统总体设计、系统详细设计等。

    This paper describes the development of employees detailed comprehensive insurance , comprehensive performance appraisal system , the sun the whole process of thinking is based on the design of software engineering , including problem definition , feasibility studies , requirements analysis , system design , detailed system design .

  7. 中国农业保险的六大缺失&专访阳光农业相互保险公司董事长梁敏

    The six shortcomings of China Agriculture Insurance

  8. 当前我国农业保险模式的理性选择&以黑龙江阳光农业相互保险公司为例

    Rational Choice of Current Agricultural Insurance Pattern in Our Country : Case Study of Sunlight Agriculture Mutual Insurance Company

  9. 2004年阳光农业相互保险公司批准筹建,这引发了我对相互保险公司这种陌生的公司形式的兴趣。

    My interest to the strange form mutual insurance company arose when hearing the news of approval and establishing of the " Sunlight Agricultural Mutual Insurance Company " .

  10. 喜欢阳光的人,如果假期被坏天气破坏了,在法国旅行社推出针对没有阳光的保险后,将获得赔偿。

    Sun-seekers whose holidays are spoiled by bad weather could be reimbursed after French travel agencies launched insurance cover for unwanted interruptions to the sunshine .