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  • anode polarization
  1. 中温电解制F2过程中Mg添加剂对阳极极化的影响

    Effect of magnesium additive on the anode polarization in electrolysis of kf · 2hf melt

  2. 用X射线衍射和阳极极化曲线分析了热处理对镀层耐蚀性的影响。

    The influence of heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of coating was analysed by XRD and anode polarization curve .

  3. 离子注N对人体用金属材料在人工模拟体液中的阳极极化行为的影响

    Effect of N-ion Implantation on the Anodic Polarization Behavior of Surgery Medical Materials in Artificial Body Fluid

  4. 用循环阳极极化曲线评价Al6061/SiCP复合材料表面稀土转化膜耐腐蚀性能的研究

    Study of Corrosion Resistance of Rare Earth Metal Conversion Coatings on Al6061 / SiC_P Metal Matrix Composites with Cyclic Anodic Polarization Curves

  5. 络合剂种类对化学镀Ni-P镀层阳极极化特性的影响

    Influence of Complexions on Anodic Polarized Characteristics of Electroless Ni-P Deposits

  6. TEM和SEM显示阳极极化能有效切断碳纳米管成长度更短,管口更多的碎片。

    TEM and SEM observations indicate the anodic treatment cut the nanotubes into shorter pieces with more opening formed .

  7. 结果表明,X70钢在高pH溶液和近中性pH溶液中的阳极极化曲线表现出明显的差异:在高pH溶液中有明显的活化-钝化转变而在近中性pH溶液中则无;

    The anodic polarization curves showed different features in near-neutral pH and high pH solutions in terms of active-passive transition behavior .

  8. 本文提出了静电离子团模型解释纳米晶Cu阳极极化曲线上的斜率转折点现象;

    A model of " electrostatic ion clusters " was proposed for interpreting the " slope pivotal point " occurring on the anodic polarization curves .

  9. 本文作者测定了铝在5种不同pH值的丙烯腈水相聚合引发剂溶液中的阳极极化曲线和阴极极化曲线及其参数。

    The anodic and cathodic polarization curves of aluminium in initiator solutions with five different pH of acrylonitrile by water-phase polymerization and their parameters have been determined .

  10. 通过交流阻抗分析可知,Al掺杂在铅合金中有利于提高合金的活性,尤其是阳极极化24h后的Pb-0.15%Ag-0.11%Al和Pb-0.11%Al阳极表面的催化活性好。

    EIS results convey that aluminum helps to improve the catalytic activity of lead alloys , especially after polarization for 24h .

  11. 采用拉普拉斯变换交流阻抗测量方法,测量了铝在NaCl溶液中阳极极化后的瞬时阻抗。

    The instantaneous impedance of Al in 1N NaCl at various polarization times has been measured using Laplace transformation method .

  12. 对电弧喷涂Al涂层进行了抗滑移系数衰减试验、孔隙率和阳极极化曲线的测定、中性盐雾加速试验。

    Attenuation test of anti sliding coefficient , the porosity and the potentiostatic anodic polarization curves , and the salt mist of arc sprayed coatings have been tested .

  13. 阳极极化过电压满足Tafel方程,其常数a和b分别为0.53和0.16。

    The overvoltage has obeyed the Tafel equation , and constants of a and b are 0.53 and 0.16 , respectively .

  14. 纳米晶铜在Na2SO4溶液中阳极极化动力学分析

    Kinetic analysis on anodic polarization behavior of nanocrystalline copper in Na_2SO_4 solution

  15. 我们试制出五种电池用铝合金,并测定了它们在不同pH值和添加缓蚀剂的高氯酸铝溶液中的阳极极化曲线和腐蚀速率。

    Five Kinds of aluminum alloys for cells had been prepared , and their anodic pola-rization curves and corrosion rates at different pH in aluminum perchlorate solution with corrosion inhibitors were determined .

  16. 碳钢在Na2CO3-NaHCO3溶液中的阳极极化行为

    Anodic polarization behavior of carbon steel in Na_2CO_3-NaHCO_3 solution

  17. 该电极的灵敏度和选择性主要取决于阳极极化电位与极化时间、富集电位和溶液的pH。

    The sensitivity and selectivity of the GA / WGE depend mainly on the anodizing potential and time of the electrode pretreatment , the accumulation potential and the pH of the determination media .

  18. 选用哌啶作为AISI304不锈钢在中性氯化钠介质中的孔蚀缓蚀剂。运用稳态阳极极化曲线和P-G瞬态响应测试研究哌啶的缓蚀作用。

    The inhibition effect of piperidine ( PD ) for pitting initiation and propagation of AISI 304 stainless steel in NaCl solution of various concentrations was investigated by potentiodynamic anodic polarization and P-G transient inhibition measurements .

  19. 利用阳极极化曲线研究了含La医用316L不锈钢在37℃生理盐水中的腐蚀行为。

    The corrosion of the La added medical 316L stainless steel in physiological saline at 37 ℃ was studied by measurement of anodic polarization curves .

  20. 磁场和CI~-对铁在中性Na2SO4溶液中阳极极化行为的影响

    Effect of magnetic field and cl ~ - on anodic polarization behavior of iron in neutral 0.5mol/lna_2so_4 solution

  21. 采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射及阳极极化曲线测定等方法,对石墨化学镀Ni-P合金的组织结构及耐蚀性进行了研究。

    The structure and anti-corrosion of the electroless plated Ni-P alloy on graphite have been studied by means of scanning electron microscope , X-ray diffraction and the determination of anodic polarization curves .

  22. 采用阳极极化和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)技术研究了AZ31镁合金的电化学腐蚀行为。

    The electrochemical behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy was investigated by measuring anodic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .

  23. 阻抗谱分析表明加入CeO2后阳极极化电阻减小为原来的30%,输出功率提高了150%。

    Impedance spectra points out electrode polarization resistance decreases to 30 % and the power density increases by 150 % after adding CeO2 .

  24. 采用XRD与SEM分析技术、电化学阳极极化曲线测试和摩擦磨损试验等,系统地研究了FS-1化学镀Ni-P镀层的结构和性能。

    The microstructure and properties of electroless plated Ni-P coating are systemically investigated by employing XRD , SEM , electrochemical anodic polarization curve measurement , and wear test .

  25. 因MFC与BES的运行差别,通过测定阳极极化曲线,设计针对BES的生物阳极驯化策略。

    Considering the different operation ways of MFC and BES , bio-anode domestication strategies aiming at the BES was designed by measuring the anodic polarization curve .

  26. 利用电化学方法研究了F对工业纯钛(TAl)在NaBr水溶液中阳极极化行为的影响。

    The electrochemical techniques were used to investigate the effect of fluoride anion on the anodic polarization behavior of pure titanium in neutral NaBr aqueous solution .

  27. 采用XRD、SEM、PCT、EIS、线性极化以及阳极极化等手段研究结构变化对合金电化学性能的影响。

    By means of XRD , SEM , PCT , EIS , Linear Polarization , Polarization Curves , etc , the relationship between electrochemical behavior and microstructure of the alloy has been studied .

  28. 硬铝合金化学复合镀(Ni-P)-聚四氟乙烯性能的研究离子束混合对铝合金腐蚀行为影响的阳极极化研究

    Study of Performance of Electroless Composite Plated ( Ni-P ) - PTFE on Hard Aluminium Alloy Anodic polarization of hard aluminium : the influence of ion beam twice mixing on corrosion behaviour

  29. 通过在纯铜中添加Sn、Zn元素铸造试样,采用阳极极化测定法研究在弱酸(pH值为6)、弱碱性(pH值为8)溶液中Sn、Zn两元素对铜合金腐蚀行为的影响。

    To determine the influence of tin , zinc on the corrosion behavior of copper alloys in the weak acid ( pH6 ) and weak basic ( pH8 ) solutions , the method of anodic polarization test was adopted .

  30. 用极限电流、循环伏安和阳极极化等方法对低温、高浓度进料条件下Pd/Nafion复合膜直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)进行研究。

    DMFC with Pd / Nafion composite membrane was studied at low temperature and high concentration by limiting current density , cyclic voltammetry and anode polarization methods .