
  • 网络Test pile;test post;Test Stub;Stub
  1. 用冲击法测试桩静承载力的数值讨论

    Numerical discussions on shock measuring for static bearing capacity of single pile

  2. 自平衡测试桩基础承载力技术与应用

    Self-balancing test technique for bearing capacity of pile foundation and its application

  3. 铜焊技术在阴极保护测试桩中的应用

    Application of Brazing Technique in Cathodic Protection Test Piles

  4. 测试桩主要用于检测阴极保护效果和运行参数。

    Application of Test Station : Test Station is mainly applied to test the cathodic protection effect and operating parameter .

  5. 采用桩顶压力盒和表面应变计测试桩项反力,分析其变化规律。

    Taking the pressure cell on the pile and surface strain cell to measure pile counterforce , the variation law will be summarized .

  6. 现通过在上海铁路南站工程中进行自平衡试桩法测试桩的承载力,并与锚桩试桩法测试结果进行对比,取得了满意的结果。

    This paper applies a self-balance loading method to test the carrying capacity , and compares the result with that of anchor pile method .

  7. 最后,通过设定测试桩,对呼叫接入过程各种常见情况进行测试,证实设计的可行性。

    Finally , making tests to the various common cases of call admission process and confirming the feasibility of the design through setting test stakes .

  8. 在阴极保护测试桩施工中,测试电缆和钢管的连接直接影响阴极保护系统的运行测试。

    In construction of cathodic protection test piles , the linkage of test electric cable and steel pipe influences directly functional test of cathodic protection system .

  9. 标志桩、测试桩、里程桩、警示牌等燃气管道设施安全识别标志;

    The safety identification marks for fuel gas pipeline facilities , such as mark stake , test stake , mile stake , warning board , etc. ;

  10. 在缺少大直径混凝土管桩静载试验的情况下,现在普遍采用了动测试桩的方法确定大管桩承载力。

    Since few static tests are carried out to determine the capacity of large - diameter concrete pipe pile , dynamic pile test method is widely used to determine its bearing capacity .

  11. 在方案的设计过程中,主要包括终端测试桩、测试系统管理、测试用例和测试驱动的设计。

    In the process of the design of the solution , it mainly consists of the design of RTU ( Remote Terminal Unit ) test-stub , testing system management , test case and test driver .

  12. 应力波测试混凝土桩基础的质量之优点在于不损伤桩基本身,且快速和有效。

    The advantage of stress wave testing for concrete pile quality is nondestructive to Pile itself . This method is rapid and effective .

  13. 复合试样在荷载及应变不大时,桩土应力比增加很快,随后荷载逐渐向桩周土集中,桩土应力比减少。这种规律与现场测试的桩土应力比是一致的。

    It verifies the principle that in case of a smaller load and strain , stress ratio of reinforcing column to soil increases faster and reaches peak , and then the stress ratio decreases .

  14. 本文探讨利用超声波传感器测试长桩质量,分析了多路超声波及遥控装置的设计、检测长桩质量原理及评定方法。

    The article researchs on the testing long - pile quality using ultrasonic wave sensor , analyzes design of remote control apparatus using the principle of testing long - pile quality and valuing the method .

  15. 自平衡测试技术及桩端后压浆工艺在大直径超长桩的应用

    Application of self-balanced testing and post grouting to large diameter and super-long piles

  16. 动、静测试在单桩承载力评价中的应用

    Application of Static Loading Test and High Strain Test to Assess the Bearing Capacity of Piles

  17. 经超声波完整性检测以及桩身混凝土钻芯试样的测试表明试桩无断桩和缩颈等缺陷,经综合评定试桩为I类桩。

    Ultrasonic detecting result indicates that no defect such as pile breaking or section reduction is found .

  18. 通过桩身埋设测试元件对桩身内力进行测试,分析了预应力桩、承压型托底桩的荷载传递性状、桩侧阻力分布及抗裂性能上的工作特性。

    Pressure type underpinning pile load transfer traits , pile side work on the distribution and crack resistance characteristics .

  19. 试验中测试抗滑桩及挡土板变形及受力状况、路基变形情况等。

    To tested the strain of slide-resistant pile and retaining plate and deformation of roadbed and slide-resistant pile respectively in every centrifuge model test .

  20. 测试得到的桩侧摩阻力比桩基规范值和勘察报告推荐值要大得多,说明本工程桩基具有较大的承载潜力。

    The rult for pile side friction by tested is larger than value of National Code of Pile Foundation Design and reconnaissance report , which prove the pile foundation in this project have great bearing capacity .

  21. 根据自平衡静载测试结果,桩端压浆不仅可提高桩端阻力,还可改善桩周土和桩土接触面的性质,使桩周摩阻力也得到提高。

    According to the results of self-balanced static load tests , not only base resistances were improved after grouting , but also frictional resistances were improved by bettering the characteristics of soils and interfaces between piles and soils .

  22. 结合工程实例叙述了利用自平衡法结合其它测试元件确定桩侧土体摩阻力、桩端阻力及单桩极限承载力的全过程。

    The whole process of determining the pile side earth friction , pile end resistance force and limit bearing capacity of the single pile by using the self-balanced method and the other testing elements is described based on the engineering examples .

  23. 本文通过桩土相互作用的室内模型试验,提出测试和确定桩侧土和桩底土参数的试验方法,并对半埋入单缺陷桩在桩顶作用半正弦脉冲激振下的瞬态波动响应进行试验研究。

    Experimental methods of testing and determining the parameters of pile-side-soil and pile-bottom-soil are proposed by the laboratory model experiments of pile-soil interaction , and the transient response of single-defect-pile embedded partially in soil under semi-sine exciting fore is researched in this paper .

  24. 杭州湾大桥试桩工程中,采用自平衡试桩法对钻孔灌注桩承载力进行测试,在试桩A1中埋设双荷载箱,测试桩端注浆提高承载力的效果。

    The self-balance test method is adopted for Hangzhou Bay Bridge to test the capacity of the bored pile . Two load-boxes are buried in the pile to test the effect of improving the capacity of the pile by injecting cement into the bottom of the pile .

  25. 汇编程序覆盖测试中虚拟插桩的实现

    Implementation of Virtual Instrumentation in Coverage Test of Assembly Code

  26. 用静力触探原位测试参数估算群桩基础最终沉降量

    Imputing Final Settlement Of Pile Group Foundation Using Static Sounding In Situ Test Parameters

  27. 在人工挖孔桩试验中预埋测试元件,研究桩的荷载传递机理。

    Field tests of belled pile ( hand dug ) instrumented with strainometers and pressure transducers have been conducted in Fuzhou in order to study shaft load transfer mechanism .

  28. 本文改进自平衡试桩法,针对大直径桩竖向承载力提出了一种新型测试方法,即桩顶加载自锚式测试方法。

    This dissertation improves the self-balanced method and presents a new method for static load test : measuring pile bearing capacity by self-balanced system with loading on pile top .

  29. 通过对嵌岩灌注桩的原型测试,分析该桩的受力机理,并推断出该桩在竖向荷载时的合理承载力。

    Through prototype test , the loading mechanism of the bored cast-in-place piles is analyzed and the reasonable bearing capacity of these piles in the vertical direction is also deduced .

  30. 结合岩溶地区2根大直径人工挖孔灌注桩的静载荷试验和应力测试结果,对桩的荷载传递特性进行了详细的对比分析。

    Based on the results of static load tests and stress tests for two large diameter cast-in-place piles in karst area , the load transfer behavior of piles is analyzed and compared .