
  • 【航天】TT&C task
  1. 测控任务并发调度管理的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Concurrent Scheduling and Management for Detecting and Controlling Task

  2. 制造质量诊断技术是实现在线测控任务的直接手段。

    Manufacture quality diagnoses technology is a direct means to measurement and control on-line .

  3. 制造质量在线预测控制技术是实现在线测控任务的重要措施。

    The manufacture quality information can be dug up by advanced forecast and control technique on-line .

  4. 为满足测控任务对网络通讯的实时性要求,通讯过程中使用了中断机制。

    The communication process also relates to interruption mechanism to meet the real-time requirement of the measurement and control task .

  5. 实践证明虚拟仪器是一种优秀的解决方案,能够高效的实现各种测控任务。

    This project testifies that VI is an available and effective solution and can be employed to accomplish majority complicated measurement task .

  6. 该设备以电视跟踪和测量为基础,主要用于测量船执行海上卫星测控任务和校飞时提供精确的航向数据。

    When the measure ship carries out the measure assignment , it provides exact course data via measuring fixed star day and night .

  7. 航天通信测控任务的新发展,要求通信卫星具有更强的星上处理与交换功能。

    Along with the development of space communication and command & control tasks , communications satellite should have the capability of on-board disposal and switching .

  8. 在轨道动力学仿真输出轨道数据文件的基础上,结合地面站相关参数进行深空测控任务分析。

    Combining the correlative parameter of ground station , the deep space TT & C task is analyzed based on the output of orbit dynamics simulation .

  9. 在目前的模块化设计方法中,通常依据测控任务的具体功能进行模块划分,模块的通用性受到限制。

    In the modularization design method , usually compartmentalize the software module based on the special function of measurement and control task , module is not universal .

  10. 通过对功能软件进行优化升级,可以实现各种测控任务的需求,有着广泛的应用前景。

    Through the optimization and upgrading the software , it may implement the requirements of multifarious TT & C task , it has a comprehensive application future .

  11. 根据约束的对象将所有硬约束归纳为四类约束:时间窗口约束、测控任务约束、测控设备约束和航天器约束。

    All hard constraints are classified into four categories according to constraints ' object : time window constraint , TT C task constraint , TT C equipment constraint and spacecraft constraint .

  12. 网络化的无线分布式测试系统在完成复杂、远程(异地)和范围较大的测控任务中具有显著的优越性,使得特殊环境下信息的高速传输、高效处理成为可能。

    The wireless , distributed and networked measurement system has remarkable superiority for completing complicated and remote tasks . It makes high-speed transmission and handle data efficiently possible as well in harsh environment .

  13. 在现代航天测控任务中,作为合作测控目标的应答机,配合地面测控站完成航天飞行器的测控对应答机技术的研究具有重要意义。

    In modern aerospace measurement and control tasks , as a cooperative control target of the answering machine , with the ground station in the spacecraft control answering machine technology the research to have the important meaning .

  14. 基于Java的分布式测控系统任务迁移研究

    Research on Task Migration of Distributed Measurement and Control System Based on Java

  15. 分布式测控系统任务分类命名与定位研究

    Task Class Name and Orientation of Distributed Measurement and Control System

  16. 空间作战飞行器测控指挥任务建模与仿真研究

    Study on TT & C and Command Mission Modeling and Simulation of the Space Operations Vehicle

  17. 导弹外弹道测量是导弹测控的主要任务之一。

    Metric instrumentation is one of the major tasks of the missile tracking telemetry and control system ( TT & C ) .

  18. 文中论述了分布式测控系统静态任务分配与调度中任务粒度与系统性能的关系。

    In this article , the relation of task granularity and system property in static tasks matching and scheduling of distributed measurement and control system is discussed .

  19. 光学经纬仪广泛应用于航天测控靶场,任务时由操作手操纵单杆控制经纬仪捕获跟踪目标。

    The Optical-Measuring-Equipments are used in the TTC area widely , in mission , which are manipulated by operators to capture and track the target in space .

  20. 在现代局部战争中,可采用高空长航时无人机作为通信中继平台,实现地面站与各任务机之间的通信(测控信息和任务信息传输)。

    In the modern high-tech regional war , when many UAVs ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ) carry out missions beyond line-of-sight information including telecontrol , telemetering and mission is transmitted using UAV as relay platform .

  21. 提出了一种利用Linux中的闹钟机制来实现IPC测控系统中多任务调度的简单方法。

    A simple method to realize multi-task scheduling in IPC measurement and control system based on Linux alarm clock mechanism is presented .

  22. 分布式测控系统中的任务调度模型的研究

    Research on Load Scheduling Model in Distributed Test & control System

  23. 我们对系统的线性、动态范围、测量精度有较高的要求,所以克服各种干扰、提高测量精度是激光雷达测控系统的首要任务。

    The first thing in measure and control of lidar system was overcome interfere , improve linearity , get more dynamic range and enhance precision of measurement .

  24. 论文分析了航天测控系统测控通信业务的任务需求,定义任务可靠性模型,用XML进行模型描述,划分弧段,得到具有静态可靠性逻辑结构的子阶段,并分别建立各个阶段的Markov模型。

    In this paper , we analyze the task requirement of communication business in TT & C , define the mission reliability model , describe the model in XML , subdivide the arc , get a static logical structure of reliability in sub-stage and establish the Markov model accordingly .

  25. 测控数据是测控系统进行测控任务的基础,保证其实时信息输入输出、监控显示、安全存储是非常重要的。

    TTC ( Tracking , Telemetry , Command ) data is the foundation of TTC system . Real-time input / output , monitor , display and safe storage of TTC data are very important .

  26. 针对测站级测控资源分配中存在的测控任务冲突问题,根据资源分配的一般原则及最优准则,建立资源分配优化模型,利用遗传算法给出该模型的求解方法及步骤。

    To solve the problem of tracking collision in the work of station resources allocation , a model of optimal resource allocation is given based on the general principle of resource allocation and the rule of optimization . The solution and steps are presented using genetic algorithm .

  27. 由于用任务可能开始时刻作为航天测控优化调度的决策变量时,人为地对测控任务执行时间增加了约束。

    When using task possible start time as decision variable of Space TT C System optimal scheduling , additional constraint is imposed on TT C task execution time .

  28. 研究了航天测控网资源集中管理、统一分配的工作模式,以及满足多星测控任务的测控网资源调度方法。

    The central management and unified allocation mode applied to the space TT C (( telemetry ), tracking and command ) network , as well as the scheduling algorithms to meet multi-satellite TT C missions are analyzed in the paper .

  29. AMC600作为一种通用高精度测控系统,具有多种输入/输出功能模板,通过灵活的配置组合,可满足大多数测控任务的需求。

    AMC 600 as a generalized high accuracy measurement control system , there are many input / output function cards , through flexible configuration , may realize most of requirement for measurement control tasks .

  30. 统一测控体制下的航天遥控遥测系统能够根据不同控制目标对参数和工作模式的不同要求,完成相应的测控任务。

    Special task can be performed by aerospace telecontrol and telemetry system according to special demand from different targets for parameters and work modes .