
  • 网络load cell
  1. SY实体压磁式测压仪及其应用

    SY Solid piezomagnetic force-measuring instrument and its application

  2. 采用C语言编制仪器管理软件,对电控式测压仪进行控制并将其测得的原始数据进行数据处理,以图像或数据表格的方式进行预览和打印。

    This paper using C # language programming realized a set of instrument management software . This software can control the electronically controlled pressure measurement device , process the raw measured data and then preview and print the processing results in the form of image and data tabular .

  3. 置入18G气腹穿刺针后,连接自动电子充气连续测压仪,选取腹内压为0、5、10、15、20、25mmHg时记录相应的膀胱压。

    An 18G pneumoperitoneal puncture needle was inserted and connected to an auto-manometer with electric air pump . When the intra-abdominal pressure reached 0 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 mmHg , the corresponding intravesical pressure were recorded respectively .

  4. 你怎么搞到的这台测压仪的,罗伊?

    How ... how did you get the stress machine Roy ?

  5. 微机四通道生理测压仪的研制

    Development of a microcomputer 4-channel device for measurement of physiological pressure

  6. 静补型无创食管曲张静脉测压仪的设计

    Design of Noninvasive Measurement of the Pressure of Esophageal Varices with Static Compensation

  7. 本节所述测压仪为哈奈2171型。

    The manometric apparatus described in this section is the Hach Model 2171 .

  8. 无创性静脉测压仪的研制

    Study of Noninvasive Measurement of Venous Pressure

  9. 早上还不知道测压仪是啥,现在却有了俩。

    Didn 't know what a stress machine was this morning , and now we have 2 of them .

  10. 本课题在吸取成熟的超声波测量流量理论及其有关硬件电路的基础上,研制出一套以单片机技术为核心的实验超声波测压仪。

    A single-chip microcomputer measurement system has been designed on the base of mature theory in testing flow and its instrument .

  11. 骨内压测量:使用生理测压仪,对正常和模型动物双侧股骨远端骨内压进行测量和比较。

    Intraosseous pressure measurement : Physiological pressure - measuring instrument was used to detect , analyze and compare the intraosseous pressure of bilateral distal femoral medullary cavity of the experimental and control groups .

  12. 子宫输卵管通液测压诊疗仪的临床应用价值

    Clinical Application Value of Hydraulic Pressure Diagnostic and Therapeutic Instrument in Hysterosalpingography

  13. 目的:探讨子宫输卵管通液测压诊疗仪(简称遥控造影仪)的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical application value of remote controlled hydraulic pressure diagnostic and therapeutic instrument in hysterosalpingography ( HSG ) .