
  • 网络screwdown screw;housing screw;pressure screw
  1. 通过对炉卷轧机的压下螺丝与螺母烧损的设备事故现象的分析,找出事故产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决方案。

    Some solutions are put forward by analyzing reasons of burning loss for the screwdown screw and nut on steckel mill .

  2. 在车床上磨削修复轧机压下螺丝的经验

    An Experience of Repairing Mill Screw-Down Gearing by Grinding on Lathe

  3. 周期式轧管机压下螺丝的可靠性设计

    Design of the reliability of screwdown devices of Pilger mills

  4. 浅谈2300中板二辊轧机压下螺丝回松现象

    A brief discussion on loosening of roll-adjusting screw in 2003 two-roll mill

  5. 1150初轧机压下螺丝回松的研究

    Study of the press screw reversed-spins in 1150 bloomer

  6. 本文应用概率统计理论对压下螺丝的强度及稳定性进行可靠性计算,为使用和改造提供一种计算依据,同时也可作为同类设备设计参考。

    Reliable strength and steadiness of the screwdown devices are calculated with the probabilistic-statistic theory to provide references for the application , modification of the mills and also for designs of the same units .