
  • 网络fracking;HEGF;fracture
  1. 美国能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)去年表示,水力压裂技术可能造成污染,因此联邦监管势在必行。

    Steven Chu , the US energy secretary , said last year that fracking could be linked to pollution , and that federal regulations were inevitable .

  2. 这一次的革新是水力压裂技术,能源咨询公司董事长、前财政部(TreasuryDepartment)能源政策办公室(OfficeofEnergyPolicy)主任菲利普·弗莱杰(PhilipVerleger)说。

    This time , the innovation is fracking , said Philip Verleger , president of an energy consulting firm and former director of the Office of Energy Policy in the Treasury Department .

  3. 长庆上古生界气藏CO2泡沫压裂技术研究

    Carbon-dioxide hydraulic fracturing technology and its application to the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs of the Changqing Oilfield , Northwest China

  4. BJ公司压裂技术思路分析

    Analysis of the fracturing technical thinking of BJ Oilfield Service Ltd

  5. 储层无伤害压裂技术&液态CO2压裂第三阶段捕获了低密度的三相含液态CO2包裹体。

    FRACTURING TECHNOLOGY WITH NO DAMAGE TO FORMATION : FLUID CO _2 FRACTURE In the third stage , triple phase inclusions with fluid CO 2 and the lowest density were trapped .

  6. 高能气体压裂技术在L17-291井的应用

    Application of High Energy Gas Fracturing Technigue in the Well L17-291

  7. 介绍了酸化压裂技术在WR95地热井中的应用。

    The paper introduces the application of this technology in geothermal well WR95 .

  8. 火山岩储层低伤害压裂技术及其应用

    The low damage fracturing technique of volcanic reservoirs and its application

  9. 强超压深穿透射孔及压裂技术试验研究与应用

    Testing study on application of ultrahigh-pressure deep penetration perforating fracturing technology

  10. 深层气井试油压裂技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of Oil Testing Fracturing of Deep Gas Wells

  11. 高温深层压裂技术研究

    The study on fracturing technology in high temperature & deep layer

  12. 异常高地应力致密砂岩储层压裂技术研究

    Fracturing techniques of tight sand reservoirs with abnormal high earth stress

  13. 变排量压裂技术及其现场应用

    Fracturing technology with alteration discharge capacity and it 's field application

  14. 二氧化碳段塞辅助压裂技术的研究与试验

    Research and experiment of carbon dioxide slug assisted fracturing technique

  15. 难采储量压裂技术研究与应用

    Application and study of fracturing technology on difficult producted reserves

  16. 新型复合压裂技术在多油层非均质油藏试验研究及应用

    Study & Application of advanced composite fracturing technology in heterogeneous multilayered reservoir

  17. 可控脉冲压裂技术名称考

    Textual Research of the Name & Controlled Pulse Fracturing Technique

  18. ГОС高能气体压裂技术在油田开发中的应用

    Application of ГОС High-energy Gas Fracturing Technology in Oilfield Development

  19. 大庆油田水平井多段压裂技术

    Multi-interval fracturing technique in horizontal well of Daqing oil field

  20. 利用高能气体压裂技术开采天然气水合物可行性分析

    High-energy Gas Fracturing Technique to Exploit Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoir

  21. 煤层气井压裂技术的现场应用

    Field testing of fracturing technology in coal formed gas well

  22. 低渗透底水油藏压裂技术研究与应用

    A Study and Application of Fracturing on Low Permeability Bottom-Water Driven Reservoir

  23. 水力压裂技术是低渗透油藏增产改造的主要措施。

    Hydraulic fracturing is an important stimulation technique for low permeability reservoir .

  24. 分层压裂技术在腰9井的应用

    Application of the separate layers sand fracturing technique in Yao 9 well

  25. 液态高能压裂技术的原理及应用

    Principle and application of liquid state high energy fracturing technology

  26. 长庆陇东低渗油田重复压裂技术研究

    Technique for Refracturing in Low Permeability Oilfield in Longdong Oilfield

  27. 固体推进剂采油燃气压裂技术简介

    Brief Introduction of Solid Propellant Gas Pressure Generation Technology for Oil Mining

  28. 高砂比压裂技术研究

    Study on high - sand concent ratio n fracturing technology

  29. 浅论油田压裂技术和压裂液的优化选择

    Optimizing Choice of Fracturing Technique and Fracturing Fluid in Oilfield

  30. 大庆低渗透油田增效压裂技术研究

    Study of extended fracturing technology for Daqing low permeability oilfield