
  • 网络reservoir space
  1. 应用测井新技术,包括井壁成象(FMI)、方位电阻率测井(ARI)和偶极声波测井(DSI)确定储集空间类型、缝洞定量特征、储集层有效性和连通渗滤性;

    Several new logging techniques ( including FMI , ARI and DSI ) are adopted to determine kinds of reservoir space , quantitative characters of fissure and cavity , reservoir effectiveness and connected percolation .

  2. 溶洞与裂缝孔隙为最有效的储集空间。

    The caves and fractures are the most effective reservoir space .

  3. 有效的储集空间发育于B带和C带。

    Effective pore space exists in B and C belts .

  4. TSR的发生,首先需要硫酸盐类溶解提供SO42-,储集空间得到初步改善;

    First , TSR process needs SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 dissolved from sulfate , which causes the reservoir pore space to make an initial elementary improvement ;

  5. 其中表层岩溶带位于潜山顶部,厚度小于50m,裂缝、溶蚀孔洞是最主要的储集空间,横向连通性较好,储集性能最好。

    The superficial karst zone was on the top of buried hill , with the thickness less than 50m . The main storage spaces were fracture and dissolution cave , and had good connectedness in lateral and storage capability .

  6. 储集空间主要是孔隙和裂缝。

    The reservoir spaces mainly refer to small holes and cracks .

  7. 煤成气储集空间主要是次生孔隙。

    The main reservoir space of coal gas is induced porosity .

  8. 储集空间有孔、洞、缝。

    The reservoir spaces include pore , cave and fissure .

  9. 储集空间为孔洞和裂缝。

    The reservoir spaces are pores , caves and fractures .

  10. 多处大型陆源碎屑体系为隐蔽油气藏的形成提供了广阔的储集空间;

    Many large land - carriage clastic system provide large deposit space .

  11. 白云岩深埋地下,具有良好的储集空间,可以形成高产油气藏。

    Deeper burial dolomite with good pore space can form prolific reservoir .

  12. 结论储集空间具有明显的选择性分布;

    Conclusion The distribution of reservoir spaces is obviously selective ;

  13. 储集空间主要由岩溶作用形成的半充填或未充填残余溶蚀孔洞缝组成。

    The reservoir space is remnant dissolved pores , vugs and fissures .

  14. 碳酸盐岩储集空间主要受成岩作用制约。

    Reservoir space in carbonates is mainly controlled by diagenesis .

  15. 方解石胶结物溶蚀所产生的次生孔隙是主要的储集空间。

    Dissolution of calcite cements provided the main reservoir porosity .

  16. 储集空间有原生孔隙、次生淋滤孔隙和裂缝。

    There are primary pores and secondary-leaching pores and cracks in reservoir rocks .

  17. 储集空间除白云石的晶间孔以外,主要以溶孔为主,物性较差,属低孔、低渗孔隙性储集层。

    The main reservoir space is dissolved pore besides the dolomite intercrystalline pore .

  18. 裂缝是巴楚隆起鹰山组碳酸盐岩主要的储集空间和渗流通道。

    Cracks are the main reservoir space and seepage paths in Bachu region .

  19. 裂缝是低渗透油气藏的重要储集空间与运移通道。

    Fracture is the important spaces and migration channels of low permeable reservoir .

  20. 储集空间发育与构造的关系。

    And the relation of reservoir spaces with tectonics .

  21. 第一阶段为原生储集空间的形成阶段,第二阶段为风化淋滤阶段。这二个阶段以建设性作用为主。

    Favorable reservoir spaces were mainly formed in the first and second stages .

  22. 第三类的储集空间为岩溶残丘;

    Space for the third type are karst-remaining hillocks ;

  23. 碳酸盐岩中的聚烃期储集空间

    Reservoir space in carbonates during hydrocarbons migrating and accumulating

  24. 结果认为,研究区储集空间类型以裂缝和次生孔洞为主。

    Diagenetic reservoir facies and pore space evolution pattern of low permeability reservoir ;

  25. 变质岩储集空间的形成与岩性的关系;

    The relationship between the form of the reserving space and the lithologic property .

  26. 热液作用始终对储集空间起破坏作用。

    Hydrothermal process always destroys the reservoir space .

  27. 其储集空间主要是原生气孔、溶蚀孔隙和裂缝;

    The reservoir space is mainly composed of primary or dissolved pores and fractures .

  28. 储集空间组合类型以裂缝孔洞型和裂缝孔隙型为主。

    Fracture-vug and fracture-pore are the two of main types of reservoir pore space .

  29. 古潜山储集空间以风化溶蚀型网状裂缝为主;

    Ancient family buried hill reservoir space is mainly weathered , solution network fractures ;

  30. 不同的储集空间及不同类型的储层具有明显不同的测井响应特征。

    Each reservoir space and each reservoir bed has different features of logging response .