
  • 网络Saving Plan
  1. 这项储蓄计划只根据《1990年金融法案》及其下设规定提供。

    This savings plan is only available under the Finance Act 1990 and any regulations made thereunder .

  2. 韩国的定期储蓄计划(RegularSavingsPlan)允许韩国投资者进行小规模定期投资,如今正被普遍用作通往股票投资和多样化的门户。

    The Regular Savings Plan vehicle , which allows Korean investors to make small , regular investments , is now being widely used as a gateway to equity investment and diversification .

  3. 你可能最终又会把钱投入另一个储蓄计划,在理财方面丝毫没有变得明智些。

    You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances

  4. 明智的人做储蓄计划。

    Sensible people budget their incomes .

  5. 专家推荐从你的401(k)退休储蓄计划或者罗斯个人退休帐户开始投资。

    Experts recommend to start investing in your 401 ( k ) or Roth IRA .

  6. 如果你的雇主还没有采用SaveMoreTomorrow储蓄计划,敦促它赶快采用,如果它不愿意,你可以自行执行该计划。

    If your employer hasn 't adopted the Save More Tomorrow program , urge it to do so ; and if it won 't , then follow the program on your own .

  7. 加拿大注册教育储蓄计划(RESP)简介&大学教育的资金准备

    Canada RESP Briefing & Fund Preparation for College Education

  8. NSF不能够阻止雇员对福利的贡献?因此,减免所得税的储蓄计划在NSF工作期间不能继续。

    NSF cannot withhold the employee 's contributions to benefits , therefore , tax-sheltered savings plans cannot continue while at NSF .

  9. bhatia是一位典型的印度新生中产阶级,寻求专业人士的帮助,以筛选近年来涌现的大量共同基金、保险计划、抵押贷款、信用卡、储蓄计划和银行贷款等信息。

    In seeking help to sift through the vast number of mutual funds , insurance plans , mortgages , credit cards , savings schemes and bank loans that have emerged in recent years , Mr Bhatia is typical of the burgeoning Indian middle class .

  10. 多数雇员选择参加储蓄计划。

    Most employees chose to contract in to the savings scheme .

  11. 他决定参加公司的储蓄计划。

    He opted in to the company 's savings plan .

  12. 能帮助你降低收入对抗通货膨胀风险的储蓄计划。

    A savings plan that can help buffer your earnings against inflation .

  13. 那个储蓄计划听起来有可能成功。

    That savings plan sounds like a good bet .

  14. 他们的储蓄计划也将下降,以适应新的较低的收入水平。

    Their savings plans scaled down to the new lower level of income .

  15. 善待你的资金:重新权衡一下你的储蓄计划。

    Befriend your finances : Re-prioritize your savings goals .

  16. 在许多国家,雇主可能会提供一些退休储蓄计划。

    In many countries , employers may offer some kind of retirement savings plan .

  17. 填妥的营业员储蓄计划与表格。

    Completed agent savings scheme enrolment form .

  18. 按我们的储蓄计划把钱存起来,你就不会蒙受什么损失。

    Put your money into our savings plan , and you can 't lose by it .

  19. 股票和债券是最常见的投资方式,对于任何储蓄计划来说都很重要。

    Stocks and bonds are the best known investments and are important to any savings plan .

  20. 另外,请记住,这篇文章要说明的道理之一是,制定退休储蓄计划不是一劳永逸的事。

    And remember , one thing this paper shows is that this is not a one-and-done experience .

  21. 而个人储蓄计划一般来说缺乏详细的财务规划,难以作为可靠的养老收人来源。

    Personal savings plans generally lack detailed financial planning to be as reliable sources of retirement income .

  22. 请注意:此自愿性供款并不属于美国万通营业员储蓄计划。

    Please note that this voluntary contribution is not related to MassMutual asia 's agent saving scheme .

  23. 个人退休金储蓄计划

    Individual retirement savings program

  24. 为了确保你不乱花预算以外的钱,把它存入储蓄计划。

    To ensure that you don 't spend un-budgeted money , put it away in a savings plan .

  25. 这必须找出一家银行的储蓄计划与其它银行的不同之处。

    This entails finding a difference in one bank 's savings scheme from every other bank 's saving scheme .

  26. 那些在业绩方面落后的养老储蓄计划,将日益发现难以证明其全部收费的合理性。

    Those schemes that lag in respect of performance will increasingly find it difficult to justify the total fees .

  27. 散户只能通过投资顾问机构或某些退休金计划、529大学储蓄计划来投资,费率各有差别。

    It is available to individuals only through their financial advisers or certain retirement and 529 plans , and fees vary .

  28. 一定要关注好这两件事:你的储蓄计划和居住的地方。

    And you take care of those two things , your know your savings plan and your place to live and ...

  29. 注册处方储蓄计划:几乎所有的商店那里现在提供了一些处方程序排序。

    Sign Up for Prescription Savings Programs : Just about every store out there right now offers some sort of prescription program .

  30. 我想我不妨把我和尼尔6年来的生活看作是一种复杂的储蓄计划。

    I suppose one way that I could look upon my six years with Neil was as a kind of complicated saving scheme .