
  1. 为客户提供一流的健康管理服务。

    Provide top-class health management services to the customers .

  2. 健康管理服务的顾客感知价值与顾客购买意愿关系研究

    The Study on Relationship between Customer Perceived Value and Customer Purchase Intention in Health Management Services

  3. 结果居民对合同式健康管理服务需求最大的是基本医疗服务,其次是预防保健服务。

    Results The most demand is the primary care , and the second one is the preventive care .

  4. 曹总裁强调09年美兆要更落实健康管理服务,让会员健康质量再提升。

    Chairman Tsao expected that MJ will make more efforts for the Health Management to upgrade the health quality of members in2009 .

  5. 而医院要把健康管理服务落到实处,就必须在严、新、全、准、实五字上下功夫。

    To actualize health management service , a hospital has to carry out the management in five aspects of " strict , new , prompt , accurate and practical " .

  6. 顾客的感知价值越高,顾客则会对健康管理服务表现出更正面的态度,增加对健康管理服务的好感,顾客尝试购买的可能性更大,即顾客的购买意愿就越强烈。

    The higher the customer perceived value , customer will show more positive attitude to health management services , and increase the goodwill , customers are more likely attempt to buy , that they have strong purchase intention .

  7. 结论不同人群对合同式健康管理服务有不同层次的需求,社区卫生服务机构应结合市场需求调查相关影响因素,加强对合同式健康管理的宣传,制定合理的服务合同内容,并逐步规范管理。

    Conclusion The demand for health management of contract are different in different populations , community health service organizations should propagandize the contract-based health management , establish the reasonable service contract contents , and gradually standardize the management .

  8. 北京市健康管理相关服务机构现状调查

    The Current Status of Health Management Related Services in the City of Beijing , China

  9. 该规范就城乡居民健康档案管理服务、健康教育服务规范等内容进行了阐述。农村居民健康档案逐渐成为档案部门的工作重点和档案学界的研究热点。

    It states urban and rural resident health archives management service , health education service specification , etc. Rural resident health archives has gradually become the focus of archives and archives academic research hot spot .

  10. 慢性前列腺炎健康管理后续干预服务效果分析

    Analysis on the Prognosis Effect after Health Management Intervention of Chronic Prostatitis

  11. 此外资金也用于普及卫生健康教育和改进管理服务。

    Funds also aid the expansion of supporting sanitation , health education , and operational management services .

  12. 健康管理作为新的卫生服务理念,对于农村社区卫生服务有着重要意义,健康管理与社区卫生服务具有互相促进、互相补充的关系。

    As a new concept of health services , Health Management is significant for health services for rural communities .

  13. 当前女性流动人口研究主要侧重于生殖健康和计划生育与生殖健康管理服务两个方面,甚少从她们的计划生育与生殖健康权益保障角度进行研究。

    At present most studies on female floating population focus on the reproduction health , or the administration and service of family planning and reproduction health , few studies view from the perspective of the protection of their rights and intrests of their family planning and reproduction health .

  14. 公共健康专业人员是专门从事公共健康管理、服务和研究的工作人员。

    They are professionals who are engaged in management , service and research of public health .

  15. 社区居民对健康信息的需求,是建立社区健康信息管理与服务系统的动力源泉。

    Community residents ' demand for health information is an impetus source of establishing community health information management and service system .

  16. 健康评估系统目的在于管理、分类评估数据和以友好方式向服务对象提供个人健康管理处方,为服务对象提供健康管理服务。

    The purpose of health assessment system is to manage , classify assessment data , offer information and health management service to members in a friendly way .

  17. 为保证健康管理差异化发展策略的实施,建议建立高效完善的管理机制;强化管理,确保健康管理服务质量;优化流程,不断提高健康管理服务水平、构建积极向上的医院文化。

    To ensure the implementation of the strategies , recommend the establishment of a sound and efficient management mechanism ; strengthen the management to ensure the health management services quality ; optimize flow , and continuously improve the level of health management services , build a positive hospital culture .

  18. 合同式健康管理需求受年龄、对家庭医生认知情况、职业、收入水平及是否患慢性病等多种因素影响,其中年龄、对家庭医生认知情况是影响合同式健康管理服务的主要因素。

    The demand in health management of contract were influenced by many factors , including age , recognition of family doctor , occupation , income and chronic disease , and the age and recognition of family doctor were the important factors .