
  • 网络health data
  1. 如果用户选择上传健康数据到iCloud,那么这些数据也会被加密。

    If users choose to back up health data to iCloud , that is encrypted as well .

  2. 根据存储数据的不同特点,服务器端采用了SqlServer数据库来存储系统的基本数据和各个客户端的汇总健康数据,客户端采用了XML文件对服务对象的健康数据进行存储。

    According to the differences of storage data , server adopts SQL Server to store the basic data of the system and total health data of each client , the client adopts XML files to store customers ' health data .

  3. 健康数据咨询公司InfoClin的医生兼CEO科夏瓦杰花了很多时间,希望数以万计的电子医疗病历中筛选有用的数据,以提高对病人的诊疗水平。

    Keshavjee , the doctor and CEO of InfoClin , a health data consulting firm , spends his days trying to tease out ways to improve patient treatment by sifting through tens of thousands of electronic medical records .

  4. 由于体域网收集和传送的健康数据是敏感和隐私信息,只允许授权的实体访问,因此,在BAN研究和发展中,保证BAN的安全性是应该优先考虑的问题。

    As Body Area Network collects and transmits health data which is sensitive and private information , allowing only authorized entities to access . Therefore , with research and development of BAN , the security of BAN should be priority .

  5. 最近,美国CVSCaremark(CVS)公司登上了报纸头条,原因是该公司规定,那些在年度体检中未向公司汇报体重、体脂、血糖和胆固醇等健康数据的员工将被罚款600美元。

    CVS Caremark ( CVS ) recently made headlines for rolling out a $ 600 penalty on workers who fail to report biometric data such as weight , body fat , blood sugar , and cholesterol in an annual screening .

  6. 软件方面,手表将利用苹果在六月推出的HealthKit,一套用于存储健康数据的工具。

    For software , the watch will take advantage of HealthKit , a set of tools for storing health data that Apple introduced in June .

  7. 其次就是系统中健康数据的采集。

    The second part is the collection of health data in system .

  8. 老年健康数据质量评估问题探讨

    A Discussion about Assessment of the Quality of Elder 's Health Data

  9. 任何异常的用户健康数据都会触发卫生保健服务商的警报。

    Any anomalies in the users'health data trigger alerts to the healthcare service provider .

  10. 您可以使用这些系统健康数据视图来诊断和修复性能问题。

    You can use these system health data views to diagnose and tune performance problems .

  11. 想象一下这样的世界,我可以把我的健康数据租用给制药公司。

    Imagine a world where I can rent out my healthcare data to a pharmaceutical company .

  12. 而且(阿联酋的)儿童健康数据包含了所有的外籍劳工。

    And that includes all the children of the foreign workers who are in the country .

  13. 《全球青年死亡形态:人口健康数据系统分析》。

    Global patterns of mortality in young people : a systematic analysis of population health data .

  14. 同时研究者也搜集了每个孩子的心理健康数据。

    The researchers also gathered data on each individual 's mental health as a young adult .

  15. 由专业女性研究人员在预先测试过的研究表格上记录人口和健康数据。

    Demographic and health data were also collected on pretested study forms by trained female research staff .

  16. 调查形式有面对面采访和调查问卷,并且还对健康数据进行了分析。

    The study involved face-to-face interviews and questionnaires , as well as an analysis of health data .

  17. 正如我告诉你的,我们出于经济研究目的收集了很多的医疗健康数据。

    Yes , because I just told you , we actually collect a lot of health data as economists .

  18. 此次研究的调查对象来自白厅二级定群研究,共5132人。研究人员对他们长达16年的健康数据进行了跟踪。

    Researchers tracked 16 years ' worth of health data from 5132 people in the Whitehall II study cohort .

  19. 这类设备的数量在不断增长,在家庭中将这些设备与远程健康数据收集结合起来也变得越来越可行。

    The number of these types of devices continues to grow , as does the applicability for home use with remote health data collection .

  20. 尤认为,在哪些健康数据可以转移到海外(中国和其他国家)方面,可能需要加强控制。

    Mr You suggests stricter controls might be needed on what sort of health data can be transferred overseas - to China and elsewhere .

  21. 如何治愈所有疾病?如何要求志愿者共享他们的健康数据、跟踪他们的健康数据、分享他们的基因组?

    How about curing all diseases and getting people involved by asking volunteers to share their health data , track their health data and share their genomes ?

  22. 从医疗机构内异构系统间的信息交互,到区域间的健康数据共享,临床数据交换在医疗服务过程中起到越来越重要的作用。

    Health information exchange ( HIE ) becomes more and more important in medical services within the exchange of information among heterogeneous systems in medical institutions and regions .

  23. 可穿戴技术能进一步收集健康数据,并开始渗透到医学领域:为用户进行健康诊断,甚至可提供小病小痛的治疗方案。

    Wearable technology probed deeper to get more data about health , while making inroads into the medical field : diagnosing conditions and even offering treatment for pain and other ailments .

  24. 她还透露,这款智能马桶最多能储存5个人的健康数据,在日本的售价为35万日元至50万日元(约合4100美元至5850美元)。

    The " Intelligence Toilet " is capable of storing the data of up to five different people and retails at 350,000 to 500,000 yen ( about $ 4,100 to $ 5,850 ) in Japan , she said .

  25. 使用1981年至2000年的污染数据和1991年至2000年的健康数据,这项研究发现,每立方米空气所含的总颗粒物(空气污染的一种衡量标准)增加100微克,就对应于平均预期寿命减少3年。

    Using pollution data from 1981-2000 and health data from 1991-2000 , the study found that an increase of 100 micrograms of total particulate matter per cubic metre ( a measure of air pollution ) , corresponded to a three-year reduction in average life expectancy .

  26. 数据采集代理分布在各个医院,负责从医疗信息系统中采集数据;数据加载中心服务器则负责统一管理各地的数据采集代理,并将数据采集代理收集到的数据加载到电子健康数据仓库中。

    Data collection agents are distributed in hospitals and responsible for collecting data from medical information system . Data loading central server is responsible for managing data collection agents , and uploading the data which is collected by data collection agents to the digital health data warehouse .

  27. 随着INTERNET的发展,网络应用日益普及,网络中不健康的数据越来越多,如何解决网络的安全问题就显得尤为重要。

    With the development of the INTERNET , Network application is popularized day by day , but unhealthy information is more and more in the Internet .

  28. 学生体质健康测试数据的Excel统计处理研究

    Research on the Statistics of Tested Datas of the National Student ′ s Physical Fitness and Health Standards with Excel

  29. 通过比较几种网络上的传输协议,确定了SOAP为代理网站和Web服务的通信协议,并且根据健康信息数据的特点设计了SOAP体的数据结构。

    Compared several kinds of network transfer protocols , this paper adopts SOAP to be its proxy website and web services transfer protocol , and also designs the structure of SOAP by characteristic of health information data .

  30. 将这些数据与USAID(美国国际开发署)在非洲发展中国家的人口健康统计数据结合

    Combine that with a Demographic and Health Survey collected by USAID in developing countries in Africa , for example ,