
  • 网络Health Science;Health;School of Health Sciences
  1. EPA和国立环境健康科学研究所为空气污染影响研究提供资助。

    The EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provided funding for the study of the effects of air pollution .

  2. 哈佛-麻省理工学院健康科学技术专业的毕业生PengYu是这篇文章的第一作者。

    Peng Yu , a graduate student in the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology ( HST ), is first author on the paper .

  3. 国际心脏病学会议于2010年1月7日在孟买MahatamaGandhiMission健康科学院举办。

    An International Conference on Cardiology was held at the Mahatama Gandhi Mission Institute of Health Sciences in Mumbai on7th Jan2010 .

  4. 高校记分卡上的第一名是麻省医药与健康科学学院(MassachusettsCollegeofPharmacyandHealthSciences,《美国新闻》甚至没有收录这所大学),该校毕业生的年平均收入是11.64万美元。

    The No. 1 school on Scorecard is MCPHS University , whose graduates earn , on average , $ 116400 . ( MCPHS stands for Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences , which is not even ranked by U.S. News . )

  5. 而这两种品质也使得我在全国高考中脱颖而出,进入了XXX大学健康科学中心学习药理科学的学习。

    The quality of these two makes me stand out in the national college entrance examination into the XXX University Health Sciences Center to study the pharmacological sciences .

  6. 纽约阿尔巴尼大学环境健康科学教授DavidCarpenter认为,高压电线导致发生儿童期白血病的几率超过95%。

    Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties . David Carpenter , a professor of environmental health sciences at the University at Albany , in New York , thinks there ` s a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia .

  7. 加拿大麦克马斯特大学的战略管理学教授克里斯巴特和在亚利桑那州的A.T.斯蒂尔健康科学大学的格雷戈里麦奎因开展了这项研究。

    The study was conducted by strategic management professor Chris Bart of Canada 's McMaster University and Gregory McQueen of A.T.Still University in Arizona .

  8. 这种情感联系促使马里兰州贝塞斯达健康科学统一服务大学(UniformedServicesUniversityofHealthSciences)等机构的一群科学家、兽医和医生们开始考虑人们是否愿意采取针对小狗的健康健身生活方式——尽管他们对针对自己的这种项目没什么兴趣。

    That bond prompted a group of scientists , veterinarians and physicians at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences , in Bethesda , Md. , and other institutions to consider whether people might be willing to undertake ahealth-and-fitness regimen targeted at their dog , even if they had little enthusiasm for such a program for themselves .

  9. 他是一名Schulich医学及牙科学校医疗系助理教授,在伦敦健康科学中心心内科执业。

    He is an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and practices within the Division of Cardiology at the London Health Sciences Centre .

  10. 戈克费尔德博士是新泽西州罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)环境和职业健康科学研究所的客座临床教授。他表示大多数人鱼肉摄入量太少。鱼类是理想的蛋白质和omega-3脂肪酸的来源。一些研究表明,这种脂肪酸能够预防心脏病和癌症。

    Dr Gochfeld , an adjunct clinical professor in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at New Jersey 's Rutgers University , said most people do eat too little fish , an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids , which have been shown in some studies to be protective against heart disease and cancer .

  11. 皇家墨尔本理工学院生物医学和健康科学大楼

    Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Biomedical and Health Science Facility

  12. 是全球最大的环保健康科学类产品制造商之一。

    Is the world 's largest health science and environmental protection products manufacturers .

  13. 运动医学及健康科学理学硕士。

    MSc in sports medicine and health science .

  14. 瑜伽是一门非常独特的健康科学。

    Yoga is a very unique health science .

  15. 周二的时候,我们与辐射健康科学方面的专家乔纳森林克斯进行了谈话。

    We spoke Tuesday with Jonathan Links , an expert in radiation health sciences .

  16. 机械工程与健康科学的关系

    The interplay of mechanical engineering and Health Science

  17. 而另一方面,健康科学类研究生入学人数出现大幅增长。

    Health sciences , on the other hand , experienced a big increase in enrollment .

  18. 国立环境健康科学研究所

    National Institute for Environmental Health Science

  19. 管理部门也有必要营造良好的市场环境,促进银行业的健康科学发展。

    Supervision authorities must foster a good market environment and promote sound development of banking industry .

  20. 这些小组的研究兴趣集中于妇女健康科学领域的关键问题。

    The research interests of those groups are focused on key issues in Women 's Health .

  21. 培训包括商务管理,健康科学,健康法律,和相关的一些课程。

    Training will include courses in business administration , health sciences , health law , and related subjects .

  22. 太平洋大学健康科学研究中心

    Health Sciences Learning Center

  23. 美国大众营养健康科学中心威胁说如果双方意见不能达成一致的话他们将采取法律行动。

    The center for Science in the public interest had threatened legal action if no agreement was reached .

  24. 今年6月,美国匹兹堡大学健康科学图书馆的期刊架开始腾空。

    In June the journal shelves at the Health Sciences Library of the University of Pittsburgh began showing holes .

  25. 希望中国的保险业能够更加健康科学地发展,早日与国际接轨。

    I am sure that Chinese insurance industry will develop more healthy and scientifically to gear with the international standards .

  26. 医学和生物医学科学部就是贝里斯大学的五所健康科学学院之一。

    The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is one of the five schools in UB 's Health Sciences Complex .

  27. 对于流行现象我们应当批判的接受并树立健康科学的消费观。

    We should be critical for the popular acceptance of the phenomenon and establish salutary and scientific concept of consumption .

  28. 大众营养健康科学中心的调查发现加工食品中的盐含量很少有变化。

    Surveys by the Center for Science in the Public Interest have found little change in salt levels in processed foods .

  29. 世界最大的健康科学图书馆,是国家医学图书馆的一个分部。

    NCBI is a division of the National Library of Medicine , the world 's largest library of the health sciences .

  30. 因此,在运动中还要注意运动量的控制,健康科学的运动。

    Therefore , also must pay attention to the physiological load of exercise in the movement the control , healthy science movement .