
jiàn shēn wǔ
  • aerobic dancing
  1. 她还学习了歌剧演唱、接受了保镖训练、乘坐了挎斗摩托车、学习了尊巴健身舞,在加利福尼亚还爬了座山这些都是和她Facebook上的好友一起完成的。

    She also learned opera singing , trained to be a bodyguard , rode in a motorcycle sidecar , took Zumba lessons and climbed a mountain in California all with her Facebook friends .

  2. 我需要为健身舞课特别准备些什么吗?

    Is there anything special I should prepare for the class ?

  3. 健身舞对中老年人身体生理机能影响的调查

    The effect of dancing on physiological function of middle-aged and old people

  4. 球类、健身舞、民族传统体育是他们常选的项目;

    Ball games , gymnastics and traditional physical programmers are rather favorable .

  5. 蒙古族安代健身舞体育文化现象研究

    The Research into the Physical Culture of Mongolian Andai Dance

  6. 民间健身舞引入高校体育课堂的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study of Folk Dance Import into the Sports Classroom in University

  7. 哦,与其说霹雳舞是一种现代舞,还不如说它是一种健身舞。

    Well , break dancing is more a physical exercise than a dance .

  8. 民族健身舞教学的关键

    On Keys of Minority Nationality Calisthenics-Dance Teaching

  9. 研究了民族健身舞教学的关键&讲解、示范的有机结合和运用激情法教学,阐明它们对教学具有良好的促进作用。

    The keys of minority nationality calisthenics-dance teaching-explaining , demonstrating , applying have been studied and expound that they have good facilitation to teaching .

  10. 因而,要求不高的民间健身舞,由于其更适合大众化要求,在民间广泛流传,深得群众的喜好,从而为终身体育锻炼奠定基础。

    Thus , " the request is not high " folk healthy body dance , because it suits the popular request , widely spreads in the folk , is deep populace 's liking , thus lays the foundation for the lifelong physical culture exercise .

  11. 有关部门还计划成立一个户外广场健身操舞行业协会,并将“引导基层群众加强自我管理,促进广场健身操舞健康有序发展”。

    The authorities will also establish an outdoor dancing association , and they will " guide the public in strengthening self-management and promote the orderly development of outdoor exercise dancing . "

  12. 为了达到这个目的,一个专家小组开发了12套标准的广场健身操舞,将由经过官方培训的领操员在全国范围内进行指导推广。在公共场所跳舞的现象在中国遍地开花。

    To that end , an expert panel has developed 12 model routines that will be taught nationwide by instructors who have received official training . The phenomenon of public dancing can be found across China .

  13. 《中国文化报》的网站称,官员表示,文化部和体育总局将于近期联合出台引导、扶持和规范广场健身操舞活动的政策性文件。

    According to officials , the Ministry of Culture and the General Administration of Sport will soon jointly issue a policy document to guide , support and regulate outdoor exercise-dancing activities , China Culture Daily said .

  14. 《中国文化报》的网站称,官员表示,文化部和体育总局“将于近期联合出台引导、扶持和规范广场健身操舞活动的政策性文件”。

    According to officials , the Ministry of Culture and the General Administration of Sport " will soon jointly issue a policy document to guide , support and regulate outdoor exercise-dancing activities , " China Culture Daily said .

  15. 据官方媒体报道,国家体育总局和文化部周一宣布,通过联合调研发现,中国公众希望广场健身操舞能够具备健身性、观赏性、科学性、广泛性的特点。

    The General Administration of Sport of China and the Ministry of Culture announced on Monday that a joint study had concluded that the Chinese public wants healthy , watchable , scientific and wide-ranging dancing , state news media reported .

  16. 文化部的官方出版物《中国文化报》的网站报道,全国性广场健身操舞行业协会的建立正在筹划中,以加强自我管理,促进广场健身操舞健康有序发展。

    Preparations are underway for a national outdoor dancing association to strengthen management and promote healthy development of the activity , according to a report on the website of China Culture Daily , the official newspaper of the Ministry of Culture .

  17. 据官方媒体报道,国家体育总局和文化部周一宣布,通过联合调研发现,中国公众希望广场健身操舞能够具备“健身性、观赏性、科学性、广泛性”的特点。

    The General Administration of Sport of China and the Ministry of Culture announced on Monday that a joint study had concluded that the Chinese public wants " healthy , watchable , scientific and wide-ranging " dancing , state news media reported .

  18. 文化部的官方出版物《中国文化报》的网站报道,全国性广场健身操舞行业协会的建立正在筹划中,以“加强自我管理,促进广场健身操舞健康有序发展”。

    Preparations are underway for a national outdoor dancing association to " strengthen management and promote healthy development " of the activity , according to a report on the website of China Culture Daily , the official newspaper of the Ministry of Culture .

  19. 目前对肚皮舞的研究大多都停留在动作讲解的层面,对于健身俱乐部肚皮舞开设现状的调查却是寥寥可数。

    At present the studies of belly dance mostly stay in the action of the interpretation of the level , for the fitness club belly dance open investigation of the present situation of is very few .

  20. 结论:①太极拳(剑)、健身操、交际舞运动对中老年人骨代谢过程影响不显著,对骨代谢过程亦无损伤作用。

    Conclusion : ① Taijiquan 、 body building exercise and social dance have not obvious effects on middle and elder people ′ s bone metabolism biochemical markers .

  21. 伴随该项目参与人口的增多,健身俱乐部对肚皮舞开课数量和种类也随之增加,但问题也随之而来。

    With the project involved in the increase of population , fitness club to belly dance class number and type also will increase , but also pose problems .

  22. 从西宁市居民参加全民健身来看,锅庄舞是各民族普遍喜欢的大众健身娱乐活动,锅庄舞的效果十分显著独特。

    From the fact that the many residents in Xining city take part in bodybuilding activities , we can see that " folk dance " is popular among all nationalities , and its unique effects are notable .

  23. 随着大多数的健身房都在办各种各样不胜枚举的健身课程,从有氧运动到健身舞,因此很容易找到你感兴趣的东西。

    With an explosion in the number and types of fitness classes at most gyms , it has become easier to find something to appeal to you , from aerobics to Zumba .