
  • 网络inspiration;inspiratory phase;Inspiratory period
  1. 同体呼气相和吸气相肺部高分辨率CT体积图像的配准

    Intra-subject Image Registration between Expiration and Inspiration Lung Volumes of High Resolution CT

  2. 目的通过对小气道疾病患者进行呼气相CT扫描,结合吸气相CT扫描,评价呼气相CT在诊断小气道疾病方面的应用价值。

    Objective To determine the relative utility of expiratory CT scans for small airway diseases .

  3. 结论肺吸气相呼气相HRCT的正常表现不同。

    Conclusion The HRCT findings of the lung are different on inspiratory and expiratory scans .

  4. 结论呼气相HRCT能够反映肺气肿患者的肺功能状况,作为吸气相HRCT的辅助手段。

    Conclusion Expiratory HRCT scan can be an adjunct method to inspiratory HRCT in assessing pulmonary function of the patient with emphysema .

  5. 大气中MTBE的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定法气相色谱法测定工作场所空气中氯萘

    Gas Chromatography Determination for MTBE in Air Desorbed by Solvent GC determination for chloronaphthalene desorbed by solvent in workplace air

  6. 结果40例患者呼气相HRCT上出现空气潴留征,超出了吸气相异常征象的范围;

    Results Air-trapping presented on expiratory HRCT in 40 patients which was out of the extent of the abnormal findings on inspiratory HRCT .

  7. D波血流速度及VTI在吸气相低于呼气相;

    The blood flow velocity and VTI of D wave were lower during inspiration than those during expiration ;

  8. 结论呼气相HRCT的空气潴留征可以辅助吸气相HRCT评价阻塞性肺疾患,初步判断患者的肺功能状况。

    Conclusion Air trapping on expiratory scan is an supplement sign to inspiratory HRCT in assessing obstructive lung disease , pulmonary function can be preliminarily evaluated with it .

  9. 目的:通过分析不同年龄组无症状非吸烟者吸气相、呼气相HRCT肺密度定量指标,探讨(1)健康成人随年龄的变化,呼吸气相HRCT定量指标的变化及其与肺功能的相关性;

    Objective : To study ( 1 ) the changes with aging of inspiratory and expiratory HRCT lung density parameters in asymptomatic nonsmokers , and the correlation with PFT ( pulmonary function test ) results ;

  10. 结果UIP多见于50岁以上的男性,临床主要表现为活动后气促、咳嗽咳痰、双下肺闻及吸气相爆裂音;

    Results UIP occurred more often in males over 50 years of age . Clinical findings included progressive shortness of breath , cough , sputum and crackles over both lung fields .

  11. 方法采用活性炭管采样,溶剂解吸气相色谱法,GDX-103玻璃短柱快速测定空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯浓度。

    [ Methods ] Solvent desorption gas chromatography and GDX-103 glass column were applied to determine benzene , toluene and xylene in the air of decorated rooms .

  12. 低温吸附、热解吸气相色谱法测定痕量气体硫化氢

    Determination of Trace Hydrogen Sulfide by Cryogenic Adsorption-Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography

  13. 室内空气中苯的热解吸气相色谱测定法

    Thermal Desorption Gas Chromatography in Determining Benzene in the Indoor Air

  14. 空气中环氧丙烷的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定法

    Determination of Propylene Oxide in Air by Solvent Desorption Gas Phase Chromatography

  15. 工作场所空气中异亚丙基丙酮的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法

    A gas chromatography method to determine mesityl oxide in the air of workplace

  16. 急性呼吸窘迫综合征犬呼气相和吸气相的压力-容积曲线

    Inflation and deflation limbs of pressure-volume curves in acute respiratory distress syndrome dogs

  17. 车间空气中环己酮的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定方法。

    Workplace air - Determination of cyclohexanone - Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method .

  18. 低温捕集/热解吸气相色谱法分析废气中挥发性硫化物

    Analysis of Volatile Sulfide in Waste Gases by Cryogenic Trap Adsorption - Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography

  19. 活性炭吸附-二硫化碳解吸气相色谱法测定气态苯系物的实验室间比对分析研究

    Interlaboratory measurement comparisons on gaseous benzenes with activated carbon adsorption / carbon disulfide desorption gas chromatography

  20. 目的:探讨吸气相动态及静态压力容积(P-V)线曲折点的相关性和应用价值。

    To find the judging method and correlation of point-inflection on static and dynamic pressure-volume ( P-V ) curve .

  21. 高原地区慢性肺心病患者吸气相腹壁内向移动的临床研究

    Mechanism and prognosis of abdominal wall introversive motion in inspiratory phase in patients with chronic cor pulmonale at high altitude

  22. 溶剂解吸气相色谱同时测定工作场所中甲基丙烯酸甲酯和丙烯酸正丁酯的方法研究

    Study on Method for Simultaneous Determination of Methyl Methacrylate and Butyl Acrylate in Air of Workplace by Gas Chromatography with Dissolvent Desorption

  23. 探讨了固体吸附剂吸附-溶剂解吸气相色谱法对优先监控气体成分的检测分析。

    The method solid adsorbent - solvent desorption and analysis by GC ( FID ) was used to determine the preferential surveillant gas .

  24. 热解气相色谱(法)工作场所空气中丙酮、乙酸乙酯、苯、甲苯、二甲苯的溶剂解吸气相色谱同时测定

    Simultaneous determination of acetone , ethyl acetate , benzene , toluene , and xylene in air of workplace by gas chromatography with dissolvent desorption

  25. 结果吸气相时气管为圆形或椭圆形,呼气相时气管大多数(63%)为马蹄形;

    Results The shape of normal trachea was round or elliptical on inspiration and mostly ( 63 % ) horseshoe-shaped at the end of a full expiration .

  26. 钩突被去除后,该区域的气流速度增加,且呼气相的速度明显比吸气相大;

    In the model with the uncinate process removed , the air flow velocity of the district around uncinate process was faster , the air flow velocity in expiratory phase was quicker .

  27. 吸气相时间和呼气相时间延长,呼吸幅度增加,呼吸频率减慢,但差异均无显著性;

    The inspiratory and expiratory time , the amplitude and frequency of respiration in model group were increased , but the differences were not significant compared with the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  28. 测量膈神经放电持续时间、间期、放电幅度,测量吸气相时间、呼气相时间、呼吸频率和幅度。

    The continual time and pausal time , the area and amplitude of discharges of the phrenic nerve were measured . The inspiratory and expiratory time , the amplitude and frequency of respiration were also measured .

  29. 肺HRCT的吸气相和呼气相的定量研究及其与肺功能关系的初步研究

    Inspiratory and Expiratory HRCT of the Lung : Quantitative Study and Correlation with PFT Results

  30. 目的分析慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者吸气相和呼气相高分辨率CT(HRCT)表现,对呼气相HRCT上的空气潴留征进行定量分析。

    Objective To assess the findings on inspiratory and expiratory lung HRCT in COPD and to quantify the extension of air trapping on expiratory HRCT .