
xī yǐn
  • attract;draw;appeal to;magnetize;fascinate;pull;charm;arrest;beckon;mesmerize;beguile
吸引 [xī yǐn]
  • [attract] 引导别的物体、力量等到自己方面来。也指引起别人的注意

  • 精彩的球赛吸引住了观众

吸引[xī yǐn]
  1. 我们只好重新开始努力吸引年轻队员。

    We have to renew our efforts to attract young players .

  2. 我们如何才能吸引更多人访问我们的网站呢?

    How can we attract more visitors to our website ?

  3. 这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的500多名参赛者。

    The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries .

  4. 这个政党尽力吸引社会各阶层人士。

    The party tries to appeal to all classes of society .

  5. 今晚比赛吸引的观众人数创本赛季之最。

    Tonight 's game has attracted the largest gate of the season .

  6. 他正设法使他的计划显得吸引人。

    He was trying to make it look like an attractive proposition .

  7. 她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。

    What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour .

  8. 最近巡回演出时,他们吸引了大批观众。

    They pulled in huge crowds on their latest tour .

  9. 这本书开始时情节展开得很慢,但渐渐地就把你给完全吸引住了。

    The book starts slowly , but it gradually draws you in .

  10. 这个行业正在设法使自身形象更加吸引人。

    The profession is trying to sex up its image .

  11. 他的发言强调了吸引工业到城镇的重要性。

    His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town .

  12. 这个主题乐园每年吸引250万游客。

    The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  13. 许多年轻人被吸引到城里找工作。

    Many young people gravitate to the cities in search of work .

  14. 难得有一场辩论吸引这么多的媒体关注。

    Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention .

  15. 我们需要吸引更广泛的客户。

    We need to appeal to a wider customer base .

  16. 该党需要进一步吸引选民。

    The party needs to broaden its appeal to voters .

  17. 低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。

    The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores .

  18. 今年的节日吸引的参加者之多创了纪录。

    This year 's festival attracted a record turnout .

  19. 地方俱乐部正在尽一切努力来吸引更多的年轻人。

    The local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people .

  20. 比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助者。

    The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors .

  21. 他咂嘴发出啧啧声以吸引他们的注意。

    He clicked his tongue to attract their attention .

  22. 我们怎么才能吸引年轻人学习工程学呢?

    How can we tempt young people into engineering ?

  23. 这些岛屿中就数泽西岛最能吸引游客。

    Jersey is the most touristy of the islands .

  24. 雄鸟鸣唱以吸引雌鸟。

    A male bird sings to attract a mate .

  25. 这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。

    The festival attracts people from a wide area .

  26. 演出仍然吸引着大批观众。

    The show is still packing them in .

  27. 我完全被这故事吸引住了。

    I was totally gripped by the story .

  28. 她的音乐吸引了大批的听众。

    Her music appeals to a wide audience .

  29. 要吸引大客户,我们就得拿出更好的创意。

    We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients .

  30. 展览吸引了成千上万的参观者。

    The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors .