
xī yǐn qū
  • attraction area
  1. 最后通过对天线跟踪系统模型的算例分析,从名义系统稳定性,参数对吸引区的影响和鲁棒稳定性等方面进行仿真分析,取得了良好的实验仿真效果。

    Finally , a great number of simulations are performed based on the antenna track system model such as nominal system stability , parameter to the influence of attraction area , robustness stability and so on . The experiment simulation result commendably achieve by the analysis of algorithm example .

  2. 同时指出,考虑到算法吸引区的存在,这并不降低应用该物理模型求解SAT问题的良好的现实效果。

    This counterexample does not damage the good practical effect by applying this physical model to solve SAT problem when the existence of algorithmic absorption region .

  3. 系统实现了货运收入统计分析、货运吸引区电子地图、基于货运计划、货票和重点货主的营销分析等功能,并结合客户关系管理(CRM)理念,着重体现了对重点货主的营销分析。

    The function of the System included analysis and statistics of freight income , digital map of freight domain and marketing analysis based on freight plan and freight tickets . Combined with the idea of CRM-Customer Relationship Management , the System was emphasized on the marketing analysis of consignors .

  4. 对城市吸引区范围界定的理论分析

    A Theoretic Analysis of Ascertaining the Cities ' Gravitation-Regions

  5. 城市规模、空间距离与城市经济吸引区&一个简单的经济地理模型

    City Size , Spatial Distance , and City ′ s Economic Gravitation Region : A Simple Economic Geographical Model

  6. 对其解的特性、可行解空间的划分及吸引区特性进行了研究。

    The properties of the solutions and the region of attraction , the division of the feasible solution space are investigated .

  7. 同时给出了系统吸引区内的一个正不变子集,并证明了系统状态能够在有限时间内进入该子集,最终实现渐近稳定。

    Moreover , from our proof , the state trajectory enters the positively invariant subset of the region of attraction in finite time and achieves asymptotical stabilization ultimately .

  8. 因此,通过建立良好的差异性的制度环境吸引区外的经济资源,将成为各地方政府实施差异化竞争方式的最终选择。

    So the effort to setup a nice and different institutional environment for attracting the resources outside their region would sure comes to be the final selection by local governments .

  9. 为此我们主要研究了一维相互作用两分量任意极化费米气体在强吸引区的性质,用数值方法讨论了该系统的基态能量。

    We investigate the 1D interacting two-component Fermi gas with arbitrary polarization in strongly attractive regime . By means of a numerical method , we discuss its ground state energy .

  10. 二是对于两个相邻但规模不相等的城市,则小城市的经济吸引区可能处于大城市吸引区的包围(或部分包围)之中。

    But if they have different sizes , the small city ′ s economic gravitation region may be wholly or partially surrounded by the big city ′ s economic gravitation region .

  11. 本文利用李亚普诺夫方法研究非线性控制系统的全局稳定性、大范围稳定和其吸引区的寻求以及一个品质问题。

    The problems of stability in the whole , stability in the large with its attracting region , and the quality problem of nonlinear control systems are studied by the Lyapunov 's method .

  12. 起讫点停车场需求预测主要是基于土地利用规划建立需求预测模型,换乘停车场根据不同换乘站合理吸引区内换乘量建立需求预测模型。

    Origin and destination parking demand forecasting is mainly based on New Town land use planning to establish model , while transfer parking relies on different transfer stations reasonably attracting long-distance bicycle traffic and transfer traffic within the region to build model .

  13. 随着我国加入WTO,我区广阔的勘察设计市场将会吸引大量区外勘察设计单位的进入,这无疑给我区勘察设计行业的发展带来很大的市场机遇与挑战。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the broad survey and design market in Guangxi will attract a lot of relevant institutes from other provinces , which will undoubtedly bring great opportunities and challenges to the development of local industry .

  14. 同时,一个区域的综合竞争力也是反映其承接产业转移能力、吸引转出区投资的重要测度指标之一。

    Meanwhile , overall competitiveness is also an important index measuring industrial relocation or out-area investment .

  15. 其中合作建议包括:改善投资环境、增强综合区位优势,以吸引更多区外直接投资;寻找互补领域、完善投资细则、多层次全方位促进中国和东盟国家互相直接投资。

    They are improving investment environment and comprehensive geographical advantage , searching complementary fields , perfecting the regulation of investment and comprehensively improve the mutual direct investment of China and ASEAN .

  16. 招商引资是指政府利用可支配的资源进行政策引导、舆论宣传,开展基础设施建设,创造一流投资环境,吸引投资者到本地区进行生产经营活动。

    International investment promotion is the use of available resources to policy guiding , public propaganda , then to carry out the infrastructure construction , create superior investment environment to attract investors to producing and operating .

  17. 在分析城市吸引范围特点的基础上,指出了忽视实体属性的普通Voronoi图不能有效地表达城市吸引区空间网络。

    Based on analyzing the characteristic of city 's attracting scope , the article points out that the ordinary Voronoi diagram neglecting object attribute cannot express effectively city 's spatial attracting network .