
  • 网络The Informational City;The Information City
  1. 本文试图探索信息化城市的内部空间结构演变规律,形成信息化城市研究的基本框架。

    We try to grope for the rule of evolvement of the interior spatial structure of informational city , and to shape a basic frame of informational city .

  2. 信息化城市的空间问题作为传统实体空间的延伸和异化,是当今城市规划与建筑学学科的不可回避的研究对象。

    As the extension and dissimilation of traditional entity space , the issue of informational city space is unavailable research object in the subject of architecture and urban design .

  3. 本文首先揭示了建设信息化城市的原因所在;

    This paper posts the reasons for constructing infor - mational city first .

  4. 信息化城市管理和谐模式评价体系

    The Evaluation System of Informatization City Management Harmonious Model

  5. 信息化城市的特征&关于信息化条件下我国城市规划的思考

    The Characters of Informational Cities-Recommendation on urban planning in informational society of China

  6. 信息过剩带给受众的负面影响探析信息化城市的负面效应探析

    Analysis on Negative Impact of Information Cities

  7. 信息化城市:信息技术与城市关系初探

    INFORMATION CITY : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ; Information Management and External Relations Branch

  8. 北京市信息化城市管理系统建设

    Informationization City Management System in Beijing

  9. 因为它的基于邻域的空间关系在描述信息化城市模型时有不方便的地方。

    The space relationships based on adjacent domain make it inconvenient to depict information city model .

  10. 信息化城市空间范围不断扩大,由传统的物质空间扩展到物质空间与虚拟空间并存。

    The limit of urban space extending ceaseless , substantial space and virtual space had already coexisted in the information city .

  11. 就信息化城市管理模型中的关键组成部分&评价体系,进行建模。

    This article build the model of the key component of the " the information-based city management model " & the evaluation system .

  12. 以信息技术为主导的高科技产业园区作为城市的新发展极核进一步形成了信息化城市社会空间的分异。

    High-tech industrial park directed by information technology shaped the differentiation of social space in informational city as the new pole of city development .

  13. 通过对北京市信息化城市管理系统的剖析,着重描述了信息化城市管理系统的主要建设目标和功能,并对其应用和推广前景进行了展望。

    This paper also analyzed the application of the GBCP model in the Informationization City Management System in Beijing , the goal and the function of the system .

  14. 元数据是数字地球建设的关键技术之一,是建设信息化城市和实施空间信息网格基础设施的重要内容。

    Metadata is one of the key technologies of Digital Earth , which is also an important part in building the Information City and implementing the SIG infrastructure .

  15. 信息化城市景观构成要素的多元化,反映工业时代和工业化景观的符号正在被一种电子化的反映信息时代的图解表达所取代。

    The landscape symbols in the industry age have been replaced by the electronic image of the information age , at the time of the inscapes of informational city landscape become diversified .

  16. 随着北京数字奥运的宣传,一个数字化、信息化城市建设广泛开展,信息亭&这个新生事物在城市中站了起来。

    With the promotion of " Digital Olympics " in Beijing , a digital , informational urban construction is expanded extensively . Information kiosks & this new thing arises in the city .

  17. 在信息化城市空间形态发展方面,出现了信息技术支撑下的全球城市、网络式布局的城市群与大都市带、边缘城市与城市中心的复兴等全新的城市空间现象;

    There appear global cities , city group of network position , metropolis group , herm city and renewal of urban center which are supported by information technology in the aspect of informational city space form .

  18. 2010世博会将为上海会展业的快速成长提供空间和催化剂,为城市公共生活的升级提供载体,使上海成为数字化、信息化城市的专业中心。

    The Shanghai 2010 World Expo will provide space and a catalyst for the fast development of the exposition industry in Shanghai and a carrier for upgrade of urban pub - lic life , making Shanghai a digitalized and informationalized professional urban center .

  19. 论文借鉴哲学、美学、信息技术科学、社会学、文化学、地理学与建筑学等等多领域多学科的思想观点,力图建立信息化城市的空间观念、预测信息时代城市空间的发展趋势。

    The paper try hard to set up the space conception of informational city and forecast the development trend of urban space in information age , through studying the points of view in the fields of philosophy , aesthetics , sociology , culture , geography , architecture and information technology .

  20. 信息化时代城市空间组织结构研究

    Research on Urban Spatial Organization Framework in Information Era

  21. 面向信息化的城市可持续发展规划探讨

    Sustainable development strategy for urban planning toward informational city

  22. 信息化、城市化、经济全球化已成为21世纪三大趋势。

    Informationalization , urbanization and economic globalization have become three main trends in the 21st Century .

  23. 信息化是城市规划管理的现代化延伸,是现代城市规划管理技术支撑体系的一部分。

    Information technology provides an important technical support and tool for modern city planning and administration .

  24. 实际上,数字城市指的是信息化的城市,是现实城市的虚拟对照体。

    Actually , cyber city is the counterpart of real city in virtuality , an informationized city .

  25. 城市信息化与城市功能空间的相关分析

    An analysis on the impact of the application of information technology on the urban functions in the space

  26. 我国房地产业正处在国际化、工业化、市场化、信息化、城市化的宏观背景下。

    At present , the real estate industry is in the macro-background of international , industrial , marketization , information and urbanization .

  27. 数字城市就是信息化的城市,是从工业化时代向信息化时代转换的基本标志之一。

    The digital city is an information city . It is one of the signs of shifting from industrial period to information period .

  28. 全球化、信息化、城市化程度不断加剧,国家、地区甚至是城市之间都面临巨大的竞争压力。

    Globalization , information , urbanization are deepening increasingly , and countries , regions or even between cities are facing tremendous pressure of competition .

  29. 特别是市场经济带来的冲击,使朝鲜族传统的教育体制模式与信息化、城市化、市场化的现代化教育发展方向出现了矛盾和分歧。

    Especially the market economy impact , the Korean traditional education system mode and informatization , city is changed , commercialize and modern education development direction emerged contradictions and differences .

  30. 尤其是2001年,武汉被国家信息产业部定为国家信息化试点城市之一,为今后的信息化发展开辟了广阔的发展空间。

    In 2001 , Wuhan has been located as one of cities of promoting information technology by Information Industry Ministry , which will open a broad development space for Wuhan .