
  • 网络IT Accessibility;information accessibility;barrier-free
  1. 信息无障碍技术的发展可以帮助盲人通过Internet来访问电子文献和网上信息。

    The development of information accessibility technology assists the blind in accessing the electronic literature and online information through the Internet .

  2. 弱势读者群信息无障碍服务探究

    An Exploration into Information Accessibility Service for the Vulnerable Reader Groups

  3. 论基于信息无障碍图书馆核心竞争力的培育

    On the Culture of Library Core Competitiveness based on Barrier-free Information

  4. 近几年来,信息无障碍研究引起了越来越大的关注。

    In recent years , information accessibility research has attracted increasing attention .

  5. 信息无障碍理念的提出正是对这一亟需解决问题的正面回应。

    The concept of Information Accessibility is a positive response to this issue .

  6. 从网络信息无障碍的角度探讨缩小数字鸿沟

    Discussion on the Reduction of Digital Divide from the Perspectives of Web Accessibility

  7. 国内信息无障碍的现状及展望

    Status and Prospects of Information Accessibility in China

  8. 构建信息无障碍的图书馆服务理念和体系

    On the Design and Development of Barrier - free Library Service Ideology and System

  9. 信息无障碍焦点问题及解决方案

    Focus Problems and Solutions for Information Accessibility

  10. 构建信息无障碍体系是提升图书馆核心竞争力的有效途径

    The Construction of Information Barrier-Free System : an Effective Approach to Advance the Core Competence of Library

  11. 信息无障碍建设中的政府角色研究&从法律法规建设视角

    Research on the Rights and Obligations of Government in the relevant Laws Concerning the Construction of Accessible Information

  12. 研究特殊人群的信息无障碍交互正在成为信息领域的研究热点之一。

    Accessibility of information on special populations interactions are becoming one of the hot research field of information .

  13. 信息无障碍是指任何人在任何情况下都能平等地、方便地、无障碍地获取信息、利用信息。

    Information accessibility refers to anyone can be equal , easy , accessible way to obtain and use information under any circumstances .

  14. 因此,对网站无障碍设计和实现技术进行研究、对网站技术人员进行网络信息无障碍方面的教育和培训就显得非常之必要。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to research the design and implementation of web accessibility technology , and train the technical staff on information accessible .

  15. 积极推进信息无障碍建设人人共享公共文化服务&中国盲人数字图书馆网站介绍

    Actively Promoting the Construction of the Information Barrier-Free to Make Everyone Share Public Culture Services & Introduction of the Website of China Digital Library for Visual Impairment

  16. 文章叙述了美国图书馆界为残疾人服务的国家政策、美国国家图书馆残疾人服务网络以及新技术条件下为实现残疾人信息无障碍所做出的努力。

    This paper introduces American national policies for Library Services to the disabled 、 American national library service web for the disabled and establishment the library service system without information obstruct for disabled in the digital age .

  17. 第三章首先对全球网络无障碍发展状况进行分析,接着对国内外现有网络课程和信息无障碍评价指标等参考信息源进行阐释。

    In the third chapter , the author first analyses the domestic and foreign present situation of Information Accessibility , and then elaborates some evaluation-criteria systems of web course and information accessibility , which is the source material of the paper .

  18. 首先,结合已有对网站无障碍建设的研究,从不同类型网站(教育网站、电子商务网站、农业网站、政府网站等)的无障碍建设现状分析网站技术人员信息无障碍素养的现状。

    First of all , combined with existing research on web accessible , The information accessibility literacy of web technical staff are analyzed from the current situation of accessibility on different types of sites ( educational websites , e-commerce sites , agricultural sites , government sites , etc ) .

  19. 分析了图书馆的残疾读者群体,指出信息无障碍是世界图书馆服务的宗旨,研究了当代图书馆信息无障碍服务的四大特征,提出了当代图书馆信息无障碍的网络服务特征。

    This paper gives an analysis on the disabled user group which needs barrier-free library services and emphasizes on the significance of barrier-free services as the library service ideology . It also discusses the four major features of current barrier-free library service , especially the features of network-based service models .

  20. 该系统通过GPRS网络实现采集信息的无障碍交互,现场监测和远程遥测可以及时获取烟花爆竹集装箱运输的动态数据,能及时掌握运输船舶各项监测数据变化。

    The system can be achieved through the GPRS network collected information accessible interactive , on-site monitoring and remote telemetry can timely obtain the fireworks container transport firsthand data , this system is able to grasp the transport ship of the monitoring data changes .

  21. 其目标是实现医疗影像信息的无障碍交流和共享,实现各种成像设备和医疗信息系统之间的互联互通互操作。

    It aims at the targets of implementing communication and share of medical imaging without obstacles between different systems , and of realizing interconnection and interoperability among varied medical modalities and medical information management systems .

  22. 运用异构数据库、跨库检索技术与Z39.50协议结合检索各种数据库的技术,从而实现信息检索的无障碍操作。

    The paper introduces the application of cross searching technique for heterogeneous databases and Z39.50 Protocol in higher vocational & technical colleges library .

  23. 信息社会中图书馆对残疾人的信息无障碍服务与信息素养教育

    On information no-obstacle service and information accomplishment education for the disabled in information society

  24. 数学信息盲人可访问性方法是信息无障碍研究的重要组成部分。

    The method of accessing mathematics information is a significant part of the information accessibility research .

  25. 感官代偿的本质是信息的交互问题,感官代偿产品设计的直接目的是实现信息的无障碍化,其设计的关键是人机交互。

    The sense organ commutation essence is the information interactive question , the direct goal of sense organ commutation product design is to realizes the information non-barrier , the key of design is man-machine interaction .

  26. 一些信息产业的领导者,例如IBM也开始在其产品和服务中制定并贯彻信息无障碍的理念和标准。

    Some of the information industry leader such as IBM have also take steps in heir products and services to develop and implement the concept of information accessibility .