
  • alternative;either-or;A Binary Choice
  1. 他父亲要她在留在高中念书或去工作其中二选一。

    Typical Use : Her father gave her the alternative of staying in high school or going to work .

  2. 为了行之有效,这种二选一的选择将依靠消息更加灵通、拥有更多选择的消费者。

    To be effective , such a binary choice would require much better-informed consumers with more options .

  3. 设计的电荷泵电路包括振荡器,带隙基准源,电阻反馈网络,比较器,二选一数据选择器、时钟提升电路、soft-start电路等时序控制电路以及四个功率MOS开关。

    This charge pump includes oscillator , bandgap reference , resistance-feedback network , comparator , data selector , level-shifter , soft-start as well as four power MOS switches .

  4. 今年8月,学生处主任黛博拉·德梅斯(DebraDeMeis)告诉我说,校方仍旧没能想清楚,在性别已非二选一的当今社会,一家女子学院将如何存在。

    In August , Debra DeMeis , the dean of students , told me the administration had not yet worked out how to be a women 's college at a time when gender is no longer considered binary .

  5. 二选一的允许或必须对两个或更多的事物作选择的。

    Allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things .

  6. 我还没有考虑,他们将会二选一。

    I don 't think so , they will alternate .

  7. 我把它压缩到二选一了,准备好了没?

    I 've narrowed it down to two . ready ?

  8. 韩国并不是非要二选一不可。

    Korea doesn 't have to choose [ between ] either one .

  9. 好,这是很直接的二选一,对吗?

    Okay that 's a straightforward either or . Isn 't it ?

  10. 不过,经济和政治并非二选一的选项。

    However , economic progress and political development are not mutually exclusive .

  11. 感谢我们还是打我们一顿二选一吗

    Thank us or kick our ass , huh ?

  12. 我的意思是总要二选一吗?

    I-I mean , aren 't there always alternatives ?

  13. 另一边是环境保护,可再生资源,以及生活质量中二选一的谬误。

    and environmental protection , renewables , quality of life , on the other .

  14. 美国男性现在面对一个二选一的患上前列腺癌的可能性。

    American men now face a one-in-two chance of contracting prostate cancer in their lies .

  15. 在现实里我们只能二选一,但在这就不用了。

    In the real world , we 'd have to choose , but not here .

  16. 但是演绎是一个二选一的东西,归纳是一种程度。

    So whereas deduction is an either or thing and induction is a matter of degree .

  17. CM303双二选一模拟开关电路

    A Dual 2-Channel Analog Switch Circuit

  18. 你们的期末试卷上有两个问题,你要二选一。

    You have two questions on your final and you get to choose Option A and Option B.

  19. 让他们在胡萝卜和“麦当劳胡萝卜”当中二选一,小家伙们会饿疯了一样选择后者。

    Given a choice between carrots and " McDonald 's carrots ", children hungrily choose the latter .

  20. 其主要症状为:内心分裂、二选一的心态及情绪波动。

    The main symptoms of depression are inner division , either / or mindset and mood swings .

  21. 许多环保主义者对这种批评不以为意,声称在核能和化石燃料之间二选一是错误的。

    Many greens dismiss this criticism by claiming that the choice between nuclear and fossil fuels is false .

  22. 如今很多员工觉得,自己必须得在事业和家庭中二选一,而有这种想法的并不限于蓝领或白领。

    Many workers today - blue-collar and white-collar alike - believe they must choose between career and family .

  23. 这种非此即彼的认识,其实是对唐人说法所作的窄化即二选一的处理。

    This either-or understanding , in fact , is a Chinese saying that the second election by a narrow processing .

  24. 实际上,当人们被卷入罪恶之中时,很少是二选一的结果;

    In reality , when people get sucked into evil , it rarely occurs as a result of a binary choice ;

  25. 首先将测试图像与可见光图库和红外图库分别进行识别,然后在两个识别结果中二选一作为决策融合结果。

    A prior knowledge about the performance of individual visual light and infrared face recognition is used in the decision fusion process .

  26. 因此,我总会给她两种选择,比如,我会拿出两套衣服或两双鞋来让她二选一,吃饭时也会这样。

    So start laying out two outfits and letting her choose one , give her two choices for breakfast , lunch , shoes , etc.

  27. 或许你会面临着有点进退两难的处境:你的金钱和你的愿望有点不太默契。所以,只有二选一。

    You might face an unexpected dilemma in which your money and your wishes don 't agree , and you might have to choose one .

  28. 不过,在上赛季,内马尔发现自己深陷于“俱乐部与国家队”二选一的矛盾之中,他是否会进入巴西队大名单在那时尚不明确。

    Yet last season it was unclear if Neymar would be included in the Brazilian squad as he found himself at the centre of a club-versus-country controversy .

  29. 休斯顿写道,对企业的研究表明,在一半情况下,基于二选一的简单决策更成问题。

    Studies of companies show , Ms Huston writes , that decisions based on a simple two-way choice turned out to be more problematic half of the time .

  30. 当前真正反对英国退出欧盟的理由仅仅是,它提出了在欧洲和世界其他地区之间二选一的错误选择。

    The real objection to the current case for Britain quitting the EU is simply that it poses a false choice between Europe and the rest of world .