
  1. eBay作为全球最大的网络交易平台之一,为个人用户和企业用户提供国际化的网络交易平台,取得了巨大成功。

    As one of the biggest network transaction platforms all over the world , eBay has achieved great success for providing an e-commerce platform for thousands of individuals and enterprises .

  2. 在详细分析了网络交易平台业务流程的基础上,建立了相关E-R图,并对该平台的各个模块进行了详细的数据库及流程设计,实现该交易平台的购买、支付、派送管理等基本功能。

    Based on the analysis of Online Shopping Mall in detail , we establish related E-R diagram , and design the database and process for each module of the platform . Finally we implement functions of purchase , payment , delivery management for our agricultural Internet trading platform .

  3. 网络交易平台提供商的侵权责任研究

    The Research on Tort Responsibility of Internet Transaction Play Provider

  4. 三是大力发展功能完善的第三方网络交易平台;

    Third , it must vigorously develop the third-party functionary network transaction platform ;

  5. 我国学者普遍认为,网络交易平台提供商不负有审查义务。

    The scholars generally believe that online trading platform providers have no review of obligations .

  6. 网络交易平台提供商是否为其用户的侵权行为承担侵权责任成为争议焦点。

    Whether the online trading platform provider assumes infringement liability becomes the focus of controversy .

  7. 第二部分为网络交易平台提供商侵权责任研究。

    The second part is the research on tort liability of Internet trading platform service provider .

  8. 网络交易平台提供商的法律地位日益成为网络交易中的焦点问题,如果这一问题得不到解决,网络交易平台的交易活动就不能顺利展开。

    The legal position of Internet Presence Provider is becoming the focus problem of Internet transaction .

  9. 网络交易平台提供商是专门提供网络服务以方便交流的双方进行联系的机构。

    The ITPP is an organization which specially provides Internet service for both sides to contact .

  10. 第一部分为网络交易平台概述及其性质的认定。

    The first part is the overview of network transaction platform and the cognizance of the nature .

  11. 学界却缺乏对于特殊网络交易平台提供商的间接侵权责任的体系化研究。

    However , the systematic study of the second liability of the special IPP was very limited .

  12. 互联网的日益成熟,为消费者搭建了一个便利、快捷的网络交易平台。

    With the maturity of the Internet , a convenient and clipping web-transaction platform has been set up .

  13. 该部分对网络交易平台提供商的审查义务和注意义务进行了探析。

    This part the author analyzes review of obligations and duty of care of the online trading platform provider .

  14. 本文研究设计的网络交易平台主要针对新疆地区的农产品销售。

    The design of Internet trading platform in our project is aiming at agricultural product sales of Xinjiang region .

  15. 在民事责任中,网络交易平台提供商最多涉及侵权责任。

    In civil liability , the online trading platform provider may relate to tort liability and breach of contract .

  16. 于是,1999年,致力于连接商家之间的网络交易平台“阿里巴巴”公司在他的公寓中诞生。。

    So in 1999 , Alibaba , which is dedicated to promoting online businesses , was born in his apartment .

  17. 该机制能够防止会员通过变换身份进行欺诈;降低网络交易平台仲裁的工作量。

    Meanwhile , it can prevent members from changing identity to cheat and reduce the workload of business platform arbitration .

  18. 明确的法律地位是确定网络交易平台提供商义务及责任的前提。

    A clear legal status is a prerequisite to determine the obligations and liabilities of the online trading platform provider .

  19. 第三方提供网络交易平台的模式引发的纠纷也层出不穷,问题的焦点集中在平台提供商的民事法律责任需要明确。

    However , the model of the third-party-provider that is the third party who provides online transactions gives rise to problems .

  20. 该部分先介绍了网络交易平台提供者的运营模式,然后对网络交易平台提供者的主体地位进行了论述。

    The section describes operation mode of Internet Computer Service Provider , and then elaborates the subject status of Internet Computer Service Provider .

  21. 保险业的营销方式也开始逐渐向互联网靠拢,各大保险公司业已推出自己的网络交易平台。

    Insurance marketing way also beginning gradually moving to the Internet , each big insurance company has to launch their own network transaction platform .

  22. 伴着网络交易平台的出现,我国也开始了对网络交易平台有关法律体系的研究。

    With the emergence of Internet Computer Service Provider , our country has began to study the law system of Internet Computer Service Provider .

  23. 网络交易平台是网络交易中最重要的桥梁,平台提供商在其中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Internet trading platform is one of the most important in the network trade bridge , platform providers will play a key role in it .

  24. 就民事义务来源的概述,来讨论网络交易平台提供商的义务来源:获益和合同。

    By the summary of the origin of the civil , we discussed the origin of duty of the IPP , that is , benefit and contract .

  25. 因此,绘画作品网络交易平台的设计必须根据上述特殊需求在交易模式、技术方案与管理手段上进行有针对性地研究。

    Therefore , the design of the paintings network trading platform must be studied pertinently in accordance with the above special demand in trade pattern , technical scheme and management measures .

  26. 由于互联网的发展已经无所不包,这使得网络交易平台提供商可能承担的法律责任的范围相当广泛,从民事责任、行政责任到刑事责任都有可能涉及。

    Since the development of internet is all-embracing , it may make the ITPP take on more extensive range of legal liability , involving the civil , administrative , and criminal liability .

  27. 近几年来,我国法院接到一系列以网络交易平台提供商和其用户为被告共同侵犯他人知识产权的新型案件。

    In recent years , our courts receive a series of new cases that the network trading platform providers and users are accused of infringing jointly the intellectual property rights of others .

  28. 主要讨论了我国网络交易平台提供商民事法律责任制度的现状、需要解决的主要问题,以及建立和完善我国网络交易平台提供商民事法律责任制度的建议。

    It mainly discusses the present situation and the main problems of Online Transaction Platform Providers ' civil legal liability system in China , and the suggestions about establishment and improvement of Online Transaction Platform Providers ' civil liability system .

  29. 其次在这个前提下,以传统的侵权责任构成要件理论分析了网络交易平台提供商侵权责任的一般构成要件,其中重点分析了对网络交易平台提供商侵权责任过错的认定。

    Secondly , in this premise , the traditional tort liability theory to analyze the network transaction platform provider the general tort liability constitute elements , which focuses on the analysis of Internet trading platform service provider liability fault identification .

  30. 对此,应广泛借鉴国外先进的立法和管理经验,建立和完善相关法律制度,尽快明确网络交易平台提供商的义务及责任承担的范围和尺度。

    To solve these problems , we should learn foreign advanced legislative and management experience to establish and improve the relevant legal system , and define the obligations and the scope and scale of the responsibilities of internet trading platform provider .