
wǎng diàn
  • Shop;online store;online shop;Web Store;eshop;e-store
  1. 半小时的拍摄一结束,坎农就在Instagram上发布了几张普林斯顿穿那套衣服的照片,并加上了提供这套服装的加拿大网店MiniLife以及服装品牌的标签。

    Once the half-hour shoot was over , Ms. Cannon posted multiple photos of Princeton in the outfit on the Instagram feed , tagging the Canadian online shop , the Mini Life , that had provided it , and the brands included .

  2. 本研究采用Santos(2003)的网店服务质量维度的构想,将网店服务质量划分为潜在服务质量和外显服务质量两类。

    In this study , the service quality of online shop was divided into two categories of incubative service quality and active service quality ( Santos , 2003 ) .

  3. 在线零售商跟随潮流也给他们的网店引进了适应平板电脑用户要求的版本。

    Online retailers to people who use tablet devices .

  4. “线上线下相结合”指的是将网店和实体零售店相结合的一种经营模式。

    Clicks-and-mortar describes a business model that combines online e-commerce with physical retail1 outlets2 .

  5. 研究显示,“银发上网族”会花费大量的时间使用搜索引擎和逛网店。

    Research shows that the silver surfers are spending a majority of their time using search engines and online shopping sites .

  6. 进口商HopLeaf和Americraft都开设了大量网店,可送货到家。

    Importers Hop Leaf and Americraft both maintain extensive online shops , with home delivery .

  7. 基于第三方C2C平台的个人网店竞争力因素研究

    Study on the Competence Factors of Personal Network Store Based on Third-party C2C Platform

  8. 用户可以使用这款浏览器在OviStore网店上购物,还可以编制和读取日历,联系人列表和电子邮件。

    Users could shop some of the Ovi Store and check their calendars , contacts and e-mail .

  9. 网趣ASP网店系统,免费开源,修改方便,涵盖了网店系统的所有功能。

    Net interest ASP online store system , free and open source , easy to modify , covering all the features of online store system .

  10. 另外,如何扩大自己的OviStore网店的影响力也是诺基亚急需解决的问题。相比苹果的AppStore和谷歌的AndroidMarket而言,OviStore目前为止并没有吸引到足够多开发者的注意。

    Nokia also needs to bolster its Ovi Store which does not get the attention developers give the Apple App Store or Google Android Market .

  11. 通过对小型网店的功能分析,该文采用JSP技术设计开发了一个小型的网店系统。

    Based on the function analysis of small-scale web store , this paper adopts JSP technology to design and develop a small-scale web store .

  12. 百思买网店的一位雇员透露,微软最近向百思买雇员发放了一份所谓的培训材料,这份材料中对Linux操作系统进行了大肆攻击和歪曲。

    Microsoft has been sending Best Buy retail staff " training " material that deliberately attacks and in some cases distorts Linux , according to a leak from an anonymous Best Buy employee .

  13. TheRow是Matchesfashion.com网店上的销量第一的品牌,罗奇售价980美元的厚毛衣(fishermansweater)更是在巴尼斯百货店(Barneys)被抢一空。

    The Row is a bestseller on , and Roche 's $ 980 fisherman sweater sold out at Barneys this season .

  14. 个人电脑厂商将向实体店和网店供应大量预装Windows7的新电脑,并向希望升级系统的Vista用户发售软件。

    PC makers will rush to flood physical and online stores with new computers pre-loaded with Windows 7 , and to offer the software to Vista owners who wish to upgrade .

  15. 最后本文根据所得结果对销售不同类型商品的C2C电子商务网店主提出了一些改进建议。

    According to these analyses results , this paper puts forward some improvement suggestions to C2C e-commerce stores which sell different types of commodities .

  16. 柏柯尔品牌产品在诺德斯特罗姆百货公司(Nordstrom)、Shopbop品牌网店和Botkier.com有售

    Botkier is available at Nordstrom , Shopbop and

  17. 但是,自从东风村村民开起了卖DIY家具的网店后,该村的社会结构就发生了彻底改变。

    However , since the creation of stores in Dongfeng selling Do-It-Yourself furniture online , the village 's social structure has been transformed .

  18. 美容产品连锁店丝芙兰(Sephora)的网店上可供选择的家用美容设备超过15款,从售价500美元的Silk’nSensEpil可携式激光脱毛器到售价119美元的ClarisonicMia皮肤清洁器(SkinCleansingSystem),应有尽有;

    Beauty store Sephora offers more than 15 devices on its website , ranging from the $ 500 portable laser hair removal system by Silk'n SensEpil to a Clarisonic Mia Skin Cleansing System for $ 119 .

  19. 马斯内(NatalieMassenet),这位Net-a-Porter网店创始人兼英国时装协会主席身穿马克?雅可布(MarcJacobs)豹纹衬衣,手拎华伦天奴(Valentino)Rockstud豹纹手提包现身纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek);

    The Net-a-Porter founder and British Fashion Council chairman was spotted pairing a leopard print Marc Jacobs skirt with a leopard print Valentino Rockstud clutch at New York Fashion Week ;

  20. “诺基亚需要动员大量第三方开发人员为自己的网店出力”,而他们的Qt跨平台开放架构则将是用以进行这项任务的主要工具。

    " The company needs to mobilize a large contingent of third party developers ," said Menon , noting Nokia 's Qt cross-platform development framework will be a key tool for that job .

  21. Net-a-Porter网店上架的1000件此类古驰T恤在短短10周内就售罄(面向全球客户)。

    Net-a-Porter ordered 1000 T-shirts and it sold out globally in just 10 weeks .

  22. 在过去18个月内,大张旗鼓的媒体广告,以及网上app店的成功,尤其是苹果(Apple)可提供10万多种免费或廉价app的网店,推动美国智能手机的销量大幅增长。

    Heavy media advertising , coupled with the success of online app stores , especially Apple 's which now offers over 100,000 free and low-cost apps , has helped fuel the surge in US smartphone sales over the past 18 months .

  23. 但目前最流行的豹纹装差点与Net-a-Porter网店失之交臂。

    But at Net-a-Porter , the current popularity of the print was almost a missed opportunity .

  24. 盖蒂的产品“在网店尤其畅销”,莱莫斯说,这个时装季,盖蒂将进场塞尔福里奇百货(Selfridges)销售。

    Getty " does incredibly well online , " says Lemos , and this season will be available at Selfridges .

  25. 虽然苹果以iPad的电子书功能作为推广卖点,但它也可以用来玩游戏、上网以及运行苹果网店的应用程序(其中包括一款金读应用程序)。

    While Apple has promoted the iPad 's e-reader capability , it can also be used to play games , surf the Web and run apps from the Apple store ( including a Kindle app ) .

  26. 与此同时,MatchesFashion.com将推出与设计师约瑟夫•奥图扎拉(JosephAl¬tu¬zarra)合推的衬衣:这个限量版五件套系列的横空出世,源于后者设计的礼服衬衣在MatchesFashion.com网店总是供不应求。

    This month meanwhile sees the launch of MatchesFashion . com 's shirting collaboration with Joseph Altuzarra : an exclusive five-piece collection born out of the fact that the designer 's shirt-dresses were forever selling out on the site .

  27. 丽奇本人很喜欢逛ASOS网店(译者注:英国著名网上时装与化妆品店)。梦游时,光动动手指,就买下了许多东西。

    Admittedly a big ASOS fan , Rikki said her fingers do all the talking when it comes to her sleep shopping stints .

  28. 在中国最大的电子商务网站淘宝网(Taobao)上搜索情侣装,可以从诸多网店中得到超过300万个结果。这些网店都在努力满足这个需求。

    A search for matching couple clothing-known as qing l ü zhuang-on China 's biggest e-commerce site Taobao , offers more than three million results from online stores that have launched to meet the high demand .

  29. 婚礼网店“我的婚礼风格”的共同所有人考特尼·盖格勒曾是个婚礼DJ。他说,之前跟他合作过的新娘大多数不喜欢砸蛋糕环节。

    Courtney Geigle , co-owner of the online wedding marketplace My Wed Style , and former wedding DJ , says most of the brides he 's worked with don 't like the cake smash .

  30. 桃子与百合网店的另一位创始人艾莉西娅·尹(AliciaYoon)说,该网店的大部分顾客不是亚洲人,而且销量几乎在逐月翻倍。

    Alicia Yoon , the other founder of Peach and Lily , reported that most of its customers are non-Asian and that , month to month , its sales nearly double .