
  1. 公司很快发现员工可以在家工作,通过网络提交任务,这样全新的远程办公族就出现了,他们不剃胡子、穿着睡衣在家办公。

    Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online , so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas .

  2. 午餐休息时,苹果店门外有两道蛋黄印,一张告示上写着该店暂不出售iPhone,附近的办公族纷纷前来拍照。

    Office workers spent their lunch break taking pictures of the shop front adorned with two traces of egg yolk and a sign saying : No iPhones will be sold at this store for the time being .

  3. 对办公族来说,每天都要面对的电脑是重要的电波辐射源。

    Family run for office , face the computer every day is important to radio sources .