
bàn gōng shì zhǔ rèn
  • Director;office chief;office manager;Chief of Staff
  1. 假如办公室主任A今天出差,办公室成员B临时行使A的权限。

    For example , today officer director A goes on errands , and officer member B exerts temporarily the privilege of A.

  2. 但是护照办公室主任马克·汤姆森(MarkThomson)发声为这一设计辩护。

    But Mark Thomson , director general of the Passport Office , defended the design .

  3. 三个月后,办公室主任的位置仍然空着。

    The office manager 's job is still open after three months .

  4. 该校国际办公室主任彼得雷诺兹(peterreynolds)表示:“建立海外声誉有助于我们招生工作的进行。”

    Peter Reynolds , director of the international office , says : " building a reputation overseas helps with our recruitment . "

  5. 哈斯商学院招生办公室主任彼得·约翰逊(PeterJohnson)表示,学校招聘播客受关注度之高令他惊讶不已。

    Peter Johnson , Haas ' director of admissions , says he was surprised at the amount of attention the school 's recruitment podcasts attracted .

  6. 他说,这是一种有意思的见解,但我们现在需要将其转化为临床试验。哈恰图良曾担任美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)阿尔茨海默氏症研究办公室主任。

    This offers interesting insight but we need to turn it now into clinical trials , ' says the former director of the Office of Alzheimer 's Disease Research at the National Institutes of Health .

  7. 新的UNEP地区战略为亚洲国家环保工作带来益处&UNEP驻亚太地区办公室主任SuvitYodmani博士访谈录

    New UNEP Regional Strategy Benefits the Environmental Efforts of Asian Countries

  8. Jones此前担任美国国家科学基金会的国际科学和工程办公室主任,在那里她支持了与发展中国家的项目。

    Jones previously served as director of the National Science Foundation 's Office of International Science and Engineering where she supported programmes with developing countries .

  9. 埃克塞特大学(UniversityofExeter)国际发展与招生办公室主任肖恩·柯蒂斯博士(ShaunCurtis)对此表示赞同。

    Dr. Shaun Curtis , director of the international development and recruitment office at the University of Exeter , agreed .

  10. 雅各布·卢将取代白宫管理和预算办公室主任彼特·奥萨格(PeterOrszag)。奥萨格将于本月辞职。

    Lew would replace Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag , who is this month .

  11. PatriciaDavies是设在华盛顿特区的世界银行国际货币基金组织大型会议办公室主任。

    Patricia Davies is head of the World Bank-Fund Conferences Office , based in Washington DC .

  12. 国际服务办公室主任TonyTambascia表示,U.S.C.非常积极地吸收国际学生。

    Tony Tambascia , director of the office of international services , says U.S.C. actively seeks international students .

  13. 白宫管理和预算办公室主任彼得奥扎格(peterorszag)表示,目前“没有”要求更多资金的计划。

    Peter Orszag , the White House budget director , said there were " no plans " to ask for more funds .

  14. 我是ACS(美国化学学会)公共事务办公室主任,很高兴就你的要求作出回复。

    I am the Director of the Office of Public Affairs for the American Chemical Society , and I am pleased to respond to your information request .

  15. Orszag目前职位为国会预算办公室主任。

    Orszag is currently the director of the congressional budget office .

  16. 巴拉克。奥巴马(BarackObama)昨天引介了他的未来白宫预算办公室主任皮特·奥斯扎格(PeterOrszag)、并宣称逐项核实联邦国库。

    Barack Obama yesterday introduced his new White House budget director , Peter Orszag , vowing to conduct a " line by line " review of the federal fisc .

  17. “该批准是FDA在法律许可范围内,尽快增加安全有效的仿制药替代品使用的另一个例子,”FDA的仿制药办公室主任GaryJ。

    " This approval is another example of our agency 's efforts to increase access to safe and effective generic alternatives as soon as the law permits ," said Gary J.

  18. 曾俊华(JohnTsang)此前为行政长官办公室主任,在香港特首直接领导的三大政府高官中是唯一的新面孔。

    John Tsang was previously director of the chief executive 's office and is the only new face to join the triumvirate of senior officials who work directly under Hong Kong 's leader .

  19. 但美国教育委员会(americancounciloneducation)高等教育女性办公室主任唐娜菲利普斯(donnaphillips)称,在常青藤联盟院校中有4位女校长具有“惊人的象征意义”。

    But according to Donna Phillips , head of the office of women in higher education at the American Council on Education ( ACE ) , having four female presidents in the Ivy League is " incredibly symbolic " .

  20. “这一贡献是对支持这个专利池的承认,”NIH技术转移办公室主任MarkRohrbaugh说。

    " This contribution is an acknowledgment of support for the patent pool ," said Mark Rohrbaugh , head of the NIH Office of Technology Transfer .

  21. Sherrod以前是美国农业部驻佐治亚州农村发展办公室主任,直到后来YouTube上的一段关于她讲话的视频剪辑曝光,她被迫辞职。

    Sherrod used to be the USDA Rural Development Director for Georgia until a YouTube clip of her went .

  22. 白宫管理及预算办公室主任的人选是PeterOrszag,他目前是国会预算办公室的主任。

    The nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget in the White House is Peter Orszag , until now the director of the Congressional Budget Office .

  23. 参与救援行动的非政府组织根与芽(RootsandShoots)的成都办公室主任罗丹表示:志愿者来自全国各地,询问我们他们可以在地震灾区做些什么。

    Volunteers have come from all over China , asking us what they can do in the earthquake areas , said Luo Dan , who manages the Chengdu office of Roots and Shoots , an NGO participating in the relief effort .

  24. 国会预算办公室主任彼得奥扎格(peterorszag)表示:“预算办公室认为房利美和房地美应直接纳入联邦预算。”

    Peter Orszag , CBO director , said : " it is the CBO view that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be directly incorporated into the federal budget . "

  25. 来自巴黎的消息说,Muhongo可能退出竞选,从而换取UNESCO助理总干事或者UNESCO内罗毕区域办公室主任的职位。

    Sources in Paris said Muhongo might withdraw in exchange for the post of UNESCO assistant director-general for science or head of UNESCO 's Nairobi regional office .

  26. 在大约十点半时,她们来到了麦克·哥提亚(MikeGauthier)的家。哥提亚是优胜美地的办公室主任,负责公园管理当局和攀岩者之间的沟通。

    At about 10:30 , they showed up at the door of Mike Gauthier , Yosemite 's chief of staff , a conduit between park bureaucracy and the climbing community .

  27. 3月10日,灾难发生的前一天,Maher被免除日本事务办公室主任一职。

    Maher had been ousted from his post as Director of the Office of Japan Affairs of March 10 , the day before the disaster struck .

  28. 上周,美国白宫预算办公室主任彼得奥扎格(PeterOrszag)宣布了自己的退出战略。他表示他将辞职;他的同僚们表示(尽管他否认这点),白宫在中期财政控制上的犹豫不决让他失望。

    Last week its budget director , Peter Orszag , disclosed his own . He said he was quitting ; colleagues said ( though he denied ) that he was frustrated by White House indecision over medium-term fiscal control .

  29. YvonneFangmeyer是威斯康星大学学生组织办公室主任,在二月组织了一次学生参加校园组织的调查。

    Yvonne Fangmeyer , director of the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin , conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations .

  30. “临终前他做的一件事是,星期五晚上,跑出去为工作到很晚的两名工作人员买来中国快餐,”李博士办公室主任BillKean博士说。

    " One of the last things he did was , on Friday night , to rush out and buy a take-away Chinese meal for two staff who were working late ," said Dr Bill Kean , the head of Dr Lee 's office .