
  • 网络office;agency;Booz&Co Greater China
  1. 他们关闭了宣传部,精简了党的办事机构。

    They closed down the propaganda ministry and combed out party offices .

  2. 这家公司在几个城市里都有办事机构。

    The corporation has branch offices in several cities .

  3. ISO的最高权力机构是每年一次的“全体大会”,其日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士的日内瓦。

    ISO supreme authority is the annual " General Assembly ", the daily office is the Central Secretariat , based in Geneva Switzerland .

  4. 在伦敦和香港都有办事机构、管理资产13亿美元的投资公司cubecapital,最近投资了缅甸的两笔房地产生意,价值逾2000万美元。

    Cube capital , an investment company with offices in London and Hong Kong and $ 1.3 billion under management , recently invested in two Myanmar property deals worth more than $ 20 million .

  5. 当地部落长者SaeedAden补充说,居民被激怒还有另外一个原因,他们确信,海盗造成的威胁阻碍了西方救助机构对该地区的帮助,妨碍他们在这里设立办事机构。

    Local clan elder Saeed Aden adds that residents are also angry because they believe the threat of kidnappings posed by pirates is what is preventing western aid agencies from visiting the area and setting up offices .

  6. 在布什总统发表讲话同时,美军部队突袭伊朗驻伊拉克埃尔比勒(arbil)地区的办事机构并逮捕了五个人。

    At about the same time as Mr Bush 's speech , American forces raided an Iranian office in Arbil , in Iraq , and arrested five men .

  7. 强化老龄委、老龄办事机构职能;

    Strengthening functions of the aging committee and aging administrative bodies ;

  8. 在泰国曼谷、伊朗德黑兰等地设有办事机构;

    We have established representative offices in Bangkok , Tehran .

  9. 境外分别在澳大利亚、南非、英国、加拿大、俄罗斯及中国香港等地设有分公司或办事机构。

    , Canada , Russia and Hongkong SAR of China .

  10. 欢迎随时到我办事机构参观选样。

    Welcome to our office for visiting and choosing samples at any moment .

  11. 香港特别行政区可在北京设立办事机构。

    The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may establish an office in Beijing .

  12. 劳动争议仲裁委员会下设办事机构,负责办理劳动争议仲裁委员会的日常工作。

    Labor-dispute arbitration commissions shall set up offices for handling their day-to-day work .

  13. 中国教育国际交流协会的日常办事机构为秘书处。

    The executive body of CEAIE is the Secretariat that undertakes its day-to-day operations .

  14. 与此相关的是要加强检察委员会办事机构建设。

    Related to this is to strengthen the construction of the procuratorial committee offices .

  15. 我部还在巴基斯坦、摩洛哥设立了办事机构。

    Our department in Pakistan , Morocco has also set up the administrative body .

  16. 这个公司的办事机构庞大。

    The company is an unwieldy organization .

  17. (二)招标投标办事机构提出招标申请书。

    Submission of a bidding application to the institution in charge of bidding and tendering .

  18. 选举委员会设立办事机构,办理选举的具体事务。

    An election committee establishes an office to handle specific matters related to the election .

  19. 这两个部门在华盛顿和其他地方的办事机构均有数十名工作人员。

    Each has dozens of staff operating in Washington and in offices outside the capital .

  20. 国际跨国集团在华投资企业相关负责人和办事机构代表。

    Related principals of China branches of transnational corporations and the epresentatives of their offices .

  21. 大多数具有竞争力的跨国公司也都在中国建立了工厂或者办事机构。

    Most of multinational companies with competition have established plants or administrative office in China .

  22. 美国国际艺术学院在美洲、欧洲、以及东南亚等地区设有多个办事机构。

    UIIA has a number of offices in the Americas , Europe and Southeast Asia .

  23. 外商投资企业设立的办事机构不得直接从事经营活动。

    The office established by a foreign merchant investment-invested enterprise cannot directly engage in business operations .

  24. 公司的住所是公司主要办事机构所在地。

    A company 's domicile is the place where the company 's administrative body is located .

  25. 公司以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。就是圣母院所在地。

    The domicile of a company is the place where its principal place of Business is located .

  26. 我公司为常驻福州或临近省市的企业、办事机构提供各类用车,可长期包租。

    Our company provides long-term car rental services for enterprises and agencies resident in or around Fuzhou .

  27. 公司注册于宁波保税区,杭、甬两地均设有办事机构。

    Our company registered in Ningbo bonded area , and offices are set both in Hangzhou and Ningbo .

  28. 公司在深圳、厦门、上海、加拿大、比利时、马来西亚设立办事机构及直属分公司。

    Corporate directories are present in Shenzhen , Xiamen and Shanghai and in Germany , Canada and Malaysia .

  29. 国外设计单位必须具有同类项目经验,并要求在中华人民共和国境内具有独立的办事机构;

    The foreign design unit shall have experience in similar projects , and have independent working body in PRC ;

  30. 法人或其他组织以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。

    14.The domicile of a legal person or other organization is at the place of its principal business establishment .