
  • 网络Case handlers;personnel handling a case
  1. 办案人员根据自由情报法(FOIA)要求追回这些电子邮件时发现他们已经被删除。

    Civil servants were then unable to find these emails when asked to retrieve them under the Freedom of Information Act ( FOIA ) .

  2. 刘律师一直在政法部门工作,具有办案人员的优秀传统。

    Lawyer Liu has been working for judicial authority with inheritedexcellent tradition of law practitioners .

  3. 此外,社会公众也应该给予办案人员更多的宽容和关怀而不是盲目的指责。

    Otherwise , citizens should give more tolerance and care rather than criticism to investigators .

  4. 劳娜的父母大卫•库希拉和玛丽,在这些办案人员之后不久就到了。

    Laura 's parents , Mary and David Kucera , arrived soon after the investigators .

  5. 案件管理中主要由办案人员对案件进行新增、删除操作,另外可以查看案件。

    The investigators can add , delete and view the cases in the case management module .

  6. 提供方法使办案人员能对人脸做出必要的修补有效的提高了识别的准确性。

    The recognition accuracy is effectively improved by providing methods for officers to carry out necessary repairs .

  7. 提高办案人员素质,正确评估捕后案件风险。

    Improve the quality of the investigators , to correctly assess the risk of cases caught after .

  8. 首先,它可以帮助办案人员争取更多的时间查清犯罪事实。

    First , it helps to investigators strive for more time to ascertain facts of a crime .

  9. 警方办案人员介绍,经调查,发现赌博电玩后隐藏着一个来自湖南的团伙。

    Police investigators described , the survey found that gambling video game hidden after a gang from Hunan .

  10. 方法采用邮寄调查问卷、电话问讯办案人员的方式对90例无刑事责任能力案例进行调查,并统计分析有关资料。

    Methods : Data about 90 cases with irresponsibility was collected by mail or telephone questionnaire , and statistically analyzed .

  11. 办案人员问其是否后悔杀死母亲时,他随口答道:不后悔。

    Being asked by the investigators whether he regretted killing his mother , he casually replied : I do not regret it .

  12. 本系统规范了检察院办案人员的工作方法和工作时效,通过本系统的基础数据对检察人员从工作量、工作质量、工作效率等多方面进行考核。

    Through basic data , procurator ate personnel can be evaluated from the workload , work quality , working efficiency and various way .

  13. 波顿表示,随着电话加密和卫星电话技术的发展,办案人员越来越难以通过电话监督和电话记录来办案了。

    As phone-encryption and satellite-telephone technology develops , says Burton , investigators are finding it tougher to make cases using phone surveillance and phone records .

  14. 口供固然有有利于办案人员迅速查明案情,但对于某些复杂案件来说,己面临越来越大的挑战。

    The statement is certainly conducive to the investigators the facts of the case quickly , but for some complex cases , has been facing increasing challenges .

  15. 口供作为刑事证据之一,在案件侦查和审理中所发挥的作用,历来为广大办案人员所重视。

    The role that verbal confession , as part of criminal evidence , plays in the process of case investigation and trial , has constantly been valued .

  16. 他要求国防部员工协助办案人员,将此一机密情报泄露给报社的员工给揪出来移送法办。

    He had required defense ministry officials to help investigators to find out and bring to justice the one who leaked the classified intelligence to the newspaper .

  17. 司法实践中,损伤程度的鉴定与伤残等级的评定在部分办案人员之中往往存在著含糊认识。

    In judicial practice , some people only have a vague idea about the differences between the identification of body injury degree and evaluation of body impairment class .

  18. 发挥个案的辐射作用,可以有效提高办案人员的执法能力,总结办案中存在的问题,提高执法水平。

    Play the case of the radiation effect , can effectively improve the ability of law enforcement personnel , summarizes the problems , raise the level of law enforcement .

  19. 随着我国刑事案件数量的不断攀升,检察机关办案人员不足与刑事案件数量日益增多的矛盾突显。

    With the rising number of criminal cases , an increasing number of contradictions highlighted between prosecutors handling the case of lack of staff and the number of criminal cases .

  20. 他没有告诉警方作案的动机,但表示这是一个愚人节玩笑&令办案人员很难采信。

    He did not tell the police the reasons for his action , but suggested it was an April Fool 's Day joke - something that has been discounted by the investigators .

  21. 他们称赞办案人员工作认真,行动果敢、办案速度之快在世界上是少有的。

    They praised the personnel handling the cases as " conscientious in work and resolute in action ," " Such speed in handling a case is seldom encountered anywhere in the world ," etc.

  22. 通过建立必要性证明制度,促进办案人员对自己的决定作进一步的理性思考和细致审查,从而保证了做出逮捕决定的准确性。

    Certification system through the establishment of the need to promote the investigators decided to further his own rational thinking and careful review to ensure the accuracy of the decision to make the arrest .

  23. 对此,办案人员在司法实践中须把握以下三点:定案证据的适格性、法律推理的合逻辑性、证据认定必须遵循经验法则。

    So the justice should grasp the following three points : the proper of the evidence , the reasonable logic of the legal inference , the conforming of the evidence fact to experience principle .

  24. 为防止这一情况的再次发生,有必要加强公众法律知识的普及,加强法院办案人员的法律理论及职业道德教育。

    In order to avoid such things happen , it is necessary to intensify the law knowledge in the public and reinforce the education of law theory and occupation moral among the personnel who handle the cases .

  25. 办案人员问其是否后悔杀死母亲时,他随口答道:“不后悔。我可以不用学习了,不用压力那么大了。”

    Being asked by the investigators whether he regretted killing his mother , he casually replied : " I do not regret it . Through doing so I longer need to learn under so much pressure . "

  26. 罪名管理中主要可以对罪名信息进行添加、修改、删除、查看。办案人员进行基本案情填写完成后确定量刑起点,确定基准刑。

    The charge management achieves the functions such as adding , modifying , deleting and viewing the information of charges . Investigators determine the starting point of a crime after completing filling in the basic facts of the crime .

  27. 笔者认为,流动人口的流动性极强、流动范围极广,其所具有的社会特征难以符合取保候审的要求,办案人员也不愿意对他们进行取保。

    The author believes that a highly mobile population mobility , flow a very wide range of social characteristics with their difficulties in meeting the requirements of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty , investigators are reluctant to bail them .

  28. 案件查看中能够查看已办案件、查看在办案件、查看案件详细信息;院长和庭长能够查看全部办案人员登记案件。

    The people can view the already done cases , doing cases , and the detail information of cases in the viewing case management ; President of the court and chief judge can view all registered cases which registered by the investigators .

  29. 因此如何提高查办大案要案的质量和效率以取得政治、经济及社会的综合效益,是纪检监察机关及其办案人员最为关心的问题。

    Therefore , how to improve the quality and the efficiency of outsize cases and important cases so that to achieve compositive benefits of politics , economy and society is the crucial problem concerned by Ministry of Discipline Supervision and its case-handling personnel .

  30. 逮捕必要性证明不能发挥应有作用的主要原因:一是仍有很多公检法办案人员及社会公众对逮捕的功能存在错误认识。

    Proving the existence of necessity of arrest can not play its due role , for which there are several main reasons as follows : Firstly , there are still a lot of public security investigators and the public having mistaken cognition on the function of arrest .