
  • 网络inspection bureau
  1. 虽然我对你们检查局很敬重,但是必须承认这些商品现在已经没有用了。

    One has to admit that the goods are quite useless now .

  2. 他是否为检查局工作?

    Does he work for the prosecutor 's office ?

  3. 预防性拘留检查局;

    Bureau de controle de la detention preventive ;

  4. 国家出口商品质量检查局

    State quality inspection of export goods

  5. 可发生于不同类型的甲亢病人,病理检查呈局灶性徽小癌6例占54.5%,多数病例要靠术后病理诊断。

    Thyroid carcinoma may be found in patients with different types of hyperthyroidosis . Pathological findings revealed focal microcarcinoma in 6 of the cases ( 54.5 % ) . In most of the cases , the diagnosis was made by pathological examination after operation .

  6. 前言:目的:探讨菲立磁增强MRI检查在肝脏局灶性病变诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the applicable value of Feridex-enhanced MRI in the diagnosis of focal hepatic lesions .

  7. 小儿胃镜检查前使用局麻药效果的比较

    Effect comparison of applying local anesthesia before child gastroscopy

  8. 目的评价MRT2WI和增强检查对胸膜局灶性病变的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of MR T_2WI and contrast-enhanced scan in diagnosis of local focus in pleura .

  9. 他们最近的一篇论文检查了环境保护局(EPA)限制纸浆厂和造纸厂污染排放量的一项规章。

    In a recent paper they examine an Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) rule that limits pollution emissions from pulp and paper plants .

  10. 年轻的工作表,健康检查,当地劳动局登记。

    Young works list , health check , local labor bureau registration .

  11. 尽管这是一次短时试飞,但热气球上的六位乘客却是心花怒放————甚至两位实地检查指导的民航局官员也是如此,他们实际上对热气球一无所知。

    It was a short , experimental flight , but the six passengers are exhilarated - even the two civil aviation officials " inspecting " a means of transport they know absolutely nothing about .

  12. 价格监督检查及反垄断局局长徐坤林表示,根据反垄断法,这几家公司提供了重要证据,积极配合了调查并进行了自我改正,所以可以被免除处罚。

    Xu Kunlin , Head of Price Supervision & Anti-Monopoly Bureau , NDRC , said , " In accordance with the anti-monopoly law , these companies have provided important evidence , actively cooperated in the investigation and carried out active self-rectification , then can be exempted from punishment . "