
zhēn chá quán
  • Investigative power;power of investigation;right of investigation
  1. 职务犯罪侦查权之重构

    Restructure of Power of Investigation on Official Crimes

  2. 试论侦查权及其适用

    On Power of Investigation and Its Apply

  3. 第二,加强对侦查权的合理控制。

    Second , strengthen the reasonable control of the investigation right .

  4. 我国侦查权多重制约体系的重构

    Reconstruct of the System of Multi-Restraint of Investigative Power in China

  5. 侦查权司法控制的理论基础

    The theoretical basis of the judicial control upon the scouting right

  6. 五是要扩大检察机关的机动侦查权。

    Fifth it should enlarge the power of active investigation of prosecution .

  7. 侦查权控制的宏观语境

    A Macroscopic View on the Control of the Power of Criminal Investigation

  8. 侦查权性质研究

    A Study of the Character of the Right of Investigation

  9. 检察机关侦查权的自我约束与外部制约

    Self & Restriction and Exterior Supervision of Procuratorates Investigation Power

  10. 其次,需要将侦查权和羁押权分离。

    Second , you need to separate investigative powers and custody rights .

  11. 论侦查权配置的内在原理

    The Cardinal Principle of the Configuration of Criminal Investigation Power

  12. 论侦查权的性质及其控制

    Discuss on the Nature of Investigating Power and Its Controlling

  13. 侦查权的本性及其演化趋向

    Nature of criminal investigation power and its tendency of evolution

  14. 侦查权与沉默权的对立统一关系

    On the Relation of Investigation Right and Silence Right

  15. 遏制侦查权滥用的途径构想

    Approach Conformation on How to Check Investigation Power Abuse

  16. 侦查权与检察权、审判权关系解析

    Analysis About Relationship Among Right Of Investigation , Prosecutorial Power And Adjudicative Power

  17. 三是检察侦查权的发展是曲折的。

    Thirdly the way of the procuratorial investigation power development is not straight .

  18. 职务犯罪侦查权的配置有多种模式。

    Configuration of investigatory power of the duty crime may take various models .

  19. 侦查权的发展最终形成其稳定的内部结构和外部结构。

    Investigation power will develop and form stable content structure and external structure .

  20. 职务犯罪侦查权配置研究

    A Study on the Investigation Right of Crimes by Taking Advantage of Duty

  21. 关于赋予检察机关特别侦查权的思考

    Thinking About Empowering Procuratorial Organs Special Power To Investigate

  22. 论程序法治语境下的侦查权控制

    On Control of Power of Investigation on the Ground of Procedural Rule of Law

  23. 法治视野下的侦查权重构

    Reconstruct Investigation Right Under the Rule by Law

  24. 检察机关侦查权的配置比其他机关享有更多的范围。

    Power in the prosecution investigation have more than the range of other organs .

  25. 侦查权的法理分析

    A Jurisprudential Analysis on the Power of Investigation

  26. 律师在场权是对侦查权的一种制衡,许多国家及相关国际文件都确认了律师在场权。

    Most states and relevant international documents affirm the right of lawyer 's presence .

  27. 侦查权的性质辨析

    Analysis of the Nature of Detention Power

  28. 侦查权若干问题研究

    Study on Several Problems of Investigative Powers

  29. 侦查权性质之定性探讨

    The study about nature of investigation right

  30. 论我国侦查权控制的基本理念

    On the Basic Concepts over the Control of Power of Criminal Investigation in Our Country