
  • 网络A Detective Story;Detectives' Chase
  1. 那部剧没成功,但现在Fox又试着推出了一部根据瑞典系列小说改编的自毁侦探的故事,由《办公室》(TheOffice)男星雷恩·威尔森(RainnWilson)主演。

    That didn 't work , but now the network is trying a show about a self-destructive detective ( played by Rainn Wilson of " The Office " ) that 's based on a series of Swedish novels .

  2. 这为许多人敞开了大门,他们可以继续撰写关于这位世界最著名的侦探的故事。

    That has opened the door for many people to continue writing stories about the world 's most famous detective .

  3. 传奇影业与Pokemon公司20日宣布将联合推出Pokemon系列真人电影,影片将讲述Pokemon系列新角色侦探皮卡丘的故事。

    Legendary and The Pokemon Co. on Wednesday announced that they will launch the first Pokemon live-action film franchise2 based on Detective Pikachu , a new character in the Pokemon universe .

  4. 他写的有关侦探福尔摩斯的故事最为著名,被认为是侦探小说领域中的创新之作。

    He is most famously known for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes , which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction .

  5. 侦探柯南由青山刚昌创作,讲述了17岁的侦探工藤新一的历险故事,他在调查一宗非法交易时被变成了一个小孩子。

    Detective Conan , written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama , follows the adventures of Kudo Shinichi , a17-year-old detective who is transformed into a child while investigating an illegal trade .

  6. 来自爱丁堡的著名侦探小说家伊恩兰金,猜测罗琳的新书可能是犯罪小说。他的JohnRebus侦探系列小说的故事设定也在爱丁堡。

    Ian Rankin , the Edinburgh-based author whose highly-successful Rebus detective novels are also set in the city , suggested Rowling 's book will be a crime novel .