
  • 网络Flowing;Acoustic Duet;Billy Two Hats;Stroszek
  1. 本周末,音乐剧“三毛流浪记”将在保利剧院上演。

    This Saturday , these four great queens of pop will give a concert at the Workers'Stadium in Beijing .

  2. 这张摄于一九九八年康乃狄克州哈特福,是马克‧吐温的故居。其两部小说《汤姆历险记》与《顽童流浪记》皆在该故居完成。

    The Mark Twain House , where the writer wrote the novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , is pictured in Hartford , Connecticut in1998 .

  3. 达奇自告奋勇开车送女朋友的儿子从佐治亚的寄宿学校回到芝加哥的家里过感恩节,丝毫没料到会变成一出流浪汉冒险记。

    Volunteering to drive his girl friend 's son home for Thanksgiving to Chicago from his boarding school in Georgia , little does Dutch expect the picaresque adventures in store for him .