
liú dònɡ hónɡ qí
  • passed-around red flag awarded for superior achievers
  1. 实施护理质量流动红旗竞赛的做法与效果

    The practice and effectiveness of performing mobile red banner contest of nursing quality

  2. 我还记得我从你手上接到了文明活动的流动红旗。

    I even remember the time I accept the flow red flag from you .

  3. 结论实施护理质量流动红旗竞赛,能全面提高全院护理质量。

    Conclusion Performing mobile red banner contest of nursing quality could improve the quality of nursing in the hospital overall .

  4. 方法根据护理全面质量管理标准,确定考核内容和制定量化标准,每月进行1次全面考核,对全院护理单元排名,取平均分最高的前2名为本月流动红旗获得者。

    Methods According to the criteria of wholly nursing quality management , we determined the contents and quantitative criteria , and wholly examined the quality of nursing once a month , then ranked the scores , and awarded the mobile red banner to the first two units .