
  • 网络stream file
  1. 将IFS流文件对象集添加到集合中。

    Add IFS stream file object set into the collection .

  2. 注意:这里假定有一个spool文件和一个IFS流文件匹配搜索关键字。

    Note : This assumes that one spool file and one IFS stream file match the search keywords .

  3. 或者,假设您想搜索包含PDF数据的IFS流文件。

    Or suppose you want to search IFS stream files that contain PDF data .

  4. 添加一个或多个spool文件对象集或IFS流文件对象集

    Add one or more object sets of spool files or stream files in IFS

  5. 结果集中可以同时包含spool文件位置信息行和流文件位置信息行。

    The result set can contain rows with location values for both spool files and stream files .

  6. 参数化建模:利用ANSYS程序中的参数化语言(APDL)编写命令流文件,实现结构建模以及分析过程的自动化;

    Modeling with parameters : Compile analysis files with parameterized languages ( APDL ) of ANSYS program to implement automatic modeling and analysis ;

  7. 一个collection中可以同时拥有spool文件对象集和IFS流文件对象集。

    It is not a problem to have both spool file object sets , and IFS stream file object sets in the same collection .

  8. 本文主要关注搜索spool文件和IFS流文件的新增强功能。

    This article focuses its attention on the new enhancements for searching spool files and stream files in IFS .

  9. ISE可对工程进行仿真、综合,最后完成算法的硬件化,也可由systemgenerator直接生成比特流文件,并下载到FPGA。

    In ISE the designer can simulate , synthesis , and complete the hardware-oriented of an algorithm at the last . System Generator can also generate the bit-stream directly , and download to the FPGA .

  10. 该解码系统可以从PC机下载、存储MP3数据流文件,由OMAP1510完成解码工作后通过CODEC播放。

    The decoder system can download data from PC , store the MP3 data in the flash memory and output the music from the CODEC .

  11. FPGA功能模型能够读取位流文件完成功能配置并进行仿真,在仿真过程中可以观察该模型内部任意节点的信号变化情况,从而得以对位流文件的正确性进行验证。

    Functional model of FPGA configs its function according to the bit-stream file . Signal situation of any node inside the model can be observed during the process so the bit-stream file can be verified .

  12. 我们的新程序和文档通常同时使用术语“IFS”和“流文件”来避免混淆。

    Our new procedures and documentation often use both the terms " IFS " and " Stream file " together to avoid confusion .

  13. 在软件开发完成后,将配置生成的比特流文件通过JTAG电缆下载到FPGA开发板上,实现FPGA开发板与PC机之间的通信。

    After software design , we get the function of communication between FPGA board and PC computer by downloading bitstream files created after Configuration into the FPGA broad through JTAG cable .

  14. 利用APDL参数化语言,编制ANSYS命令流文件,实现ANSYS软件的参数的自动读入,从而实现软基重力坝参数化实体模型的自动建立。

    Using computer language of APDL , write the documents ANSYS to achieve the parameters of ANSYS software automatically read in order to achieve soft gravity-based parametric solid model is automatically created .

  15. 大部分时候使用这个称谓时,其真正含义通常是指使用IFS来访问的流文件。

    Most of the time when the expression is used , what is really meant is a stream file which is being accessed using IFS .

  16. 介绍了应用在SOCKET下定义静态变量实现接受文件的方法,把指定远程计算机的发送的流文件接收到主机上,还原文件以实现FTP协议。

    The article recommends a method to receive file with static variables in Internet SOCKET class . The FTP is realized through sending a stream file to another remote computer and recovering it .

  17. 通过以标准例库作为测试实例,该工具能够成功的得到二进制位流文件。实验证明本文所设计的汇编工具可以与FPGA支持软件系统的其它模块很好的结合在一起,完成FPGA的自动化设计。

    Using the standard case library as test samples , this program can successfully achieve binary bit-stream files , which proves the fine combinability of the assembling program with other modules of FPGA supporting software system and the ability of completing the auto-design of FPGA .

  18. 在NT平台上利用视频点播服务器软件,将视频节目源转换成基于广域网传输的流文件格式,客户端利用专门的播放器,可以实现视频节目的实时点播。

    Client can realize VoD of video program with Windows media player by using Netshow server software on Windows NT platform . Video program can be transformed into Active Stream Format ( ASF ) based on the WAN transmission standard .

  19. 本例中,我们想要索引IFS目录/home/ntl中的所有流文件和输出队列NTL/MYOUTQ中的所有spool文件。

    For this example , we want to have all stream files in the IFS directory / home / ntl , and all spool files in the output queue NTL / MYOUTQ included the index .

  20. 一种利用集群技术解决流文件瓶颈的方案

    The Method of Using Cluster to Solve Flow-data Bottle Neck

  21. 包含纯文本或富文本的流文件是可以被索引和搜索的。

    Steam files that contain plain text or rich text can be indexed and searched .

  22. 在此安全结构上,进一步对包含多个配置数据流文件的动态重构系统的安全进行研究。

    Based on this security structure , the dynamic reconfiguration system with multi-configuration-bitstreams was further investigated .

  23. 此外,流文件提供先进的文件,例如分页和列的功能。

    In addition , flow documents offer advanced document features , such as pagination and columns .

  24. 相应的软件已成功地应用于薄膜磁头的数据流文件的优化。

    A software using this method has been successfully applied to the optimization of data stream files for thin-film magnetic head masks .

  25. 这意味着可以将已编译的消息流文件与某些节点和配置节点的消息流参数分离。

    This means that the compiled message flow file can be separated from some of the node and message flow parameters that configure it .

  26. 视频信息存储任务的到达是一泊松过程,任务粒度为视频流文件;

    The arrivals of video infor - mation storage tasks can be regarded as a Poisson process , and the storage task granularity is of video stream file ;

  27. 因为日志前滚只能发生在循环日志记录功能被关闭时,因此,只有当循环日志记录功能被关闭时,事务日志中的流文件数据才是有用的。

    Because log roll forward can only occur when circular logging is turned off , the streaming file data is only useful in the transaction logs when circular logging is turned off .

  28. 通过命令流文件和产品设计属性文件将二者结合在一起,设计并开发了基于自动化设计网格的产品定制系统。

    By integrating two of them through a command-flow file and attribute file of product design task , a Product Customization System ( PCS ) based on automated design grid was designed and developed .

  29. 同时,文中还分析了句柄文件和流文件的区别,给出了以共享形式打开文件、加锁、解锁的函数,实现了在网络环境下C++对数据库的共享。

    Opening files with sharing method , lock and unlock are put forward after die analysis of the difference between the handle and stream files , thus the database sharing is implemented by using C + + under network environment .

  30. 即,课件网页编程技术、构建气象数据库、试题库技术、网络课件动画流文件技术、以及现代天气分析预报网络课件的基本内容,结构和特征。

    It introduces the methods of web-page design , meteorological database , and building a test database , and the technique of animated streaming . The paper also introduces the content of modern weather analysis and prediction learning system and its frame , structure and characteristics .