
  • 网络standard resolution
  1. 比如,屏幕显示的分辨率需要72dpi(或96dpi)以便和多数监视器的标准分辨率匹配。

    For example , the on-screen resolution needs to be72dpi ( or96dpi ) to match the standard resolution of most monitors .

  2. 虹膜识别中标准化区域分辨率的研究

    Research on Iris Normalization Region Resolution in Iris Recognition

  3. 通过实验对各运动估计算法进行了验证并对实验结果进行了分析。(3)在标准的POCS超分辨率重建算法中,存在边缘振荡和噪声放大的现象。

    And then the experiments on various motion estimation algorithms have been done and the experimental results have been analyzed . ( 3 ) In the standard POCS super-resolution reconstruction algorithm , there is the edge of oscillation and noise amplification phenomenon .

  4. 但国际标准的数码相机分辨率检测如果不加改进,很难直接应用于数码望远镜的分辨率检测中。

    However , there are many problems if the international standard of resolution measurement for digital cameras is directly used on digital binoculars .

  5. 该标准装置采用高分辨率全数字移相技术和反馈控制技术,有效地提高了装置输出精度。

    The high spatial resolution digital phase-shifting technology and feedback control technology were utilized in design of the device to improve its precision .

  6. 参考的硬件标准将包括屏幕分辨率信息,用户可以设定更大的分辨率而不像现在的上网本那样。

    Also , the reference hardware will include information about the screen resolution , probably specifying larger resolutions than are currently used in netbooks .

  7. 空间分辨率是衡量图像质量的一个重要标准,图像的分辨率越高就越能提供更多原始场景的细节。

    Spatial resolution is typically an important measure for image quality , the higher the resolution is , the more details of the original scene the image can provide .

  8. 视频转码通过改变视频的编码标准、码率和分辨率等格式,使经过处理后的视频流满足传输信道和解码器的特殊要求。

    Video transcoding is this kind of technique to change fhe format of video among different video coding standard , bit rate or resolution , so as to meet the special requirement of the transmission channel and decoder .

  9. 新的反演计算模型,对单径标准粒子检测的分辨率提高到97%以上,为激光尘埃粒子计数器粒径谱理论模型的实用化奠定了基础。

    The distinguish ability of the new inversion model can be raised above 97 % for the measurement of standard single radius particle , and the base of utility of the theoretic particle radius model of laser airborne particle counter has been established .