
  • 网络mark symbol;Markers;Marker Symbols;notation;Tag
  1. 标记符号也可以增进分类体系的助记程度。

    Notation may also increase the memory value of a classification scheme .

  2. 国际贸易标准分类/布鲁塞尔税则名目(号例)标记符号也可以增进分类体系的助记程度。

    SITC / BTN ( code ) Notation may also increase the memory value of a classification scheme .

  3. DNA的图形编码是在几何意义下,在不同位置,用不同的标记符号及不同的方向线段,对DNA的序列进行编码。

    The graphic coding of DNA sequence is the geometric representation of DNA sequences by means of different notes and line segments in different positions .

  4. 我们把这些砖块当作分子瓦片,瓦片四条边对应着DX的四条臂给定标记符号的序列,所以DNA分了可以构成任意选定的瓦片。

    We put these " bricks " as molecular tiles , the four sides of it correspond to the four-arm which given marker symbol sequence of DX . DNA molecules can form arbitrarily selected tiles .

  5. 它多变,而且还会充满标记符号。

    It 's fickle and full of angle brackets .

  6. 在“插入”菜单上,使用“符号”命令来插入复选标记符号。

    Insert the check mark symbol by using the symbols command on the insert menu .

  7. 给牲畜打烙印是指在牲畜身体上标记符号,用于区分归谁所有。

    Livestock branding is any technique for marking livestock so as to identify the owner .

  8. 通过单击智能标记符号,可以始终显示智能标记菜单。

    You can always display the smart tag menu by clicking the smart tag symbol .

  9. 本文还探讨了对外汉语教学课本编写中变调标记符号的具体处理原则与方法。

    This paper also discusses in detail the principles and methods used in dealing with the mark signs of modified tones in writing Chinese textbooks for foreigners .

  10. 给出了扩展标记符号模型计算可靠性验证的原理、结构及工作流程,并利用现有验证工具实现了该模型的计算可靠性验证。

    Present the principle , architecture and work flow for verifying the computational soundness of the extended label-based symbolic model , and realize it by existing tools .

  11. 本文探讨了《中图法》中标记符号的顺序的问题。就标记符号的排列顺序与使用顺序提出不同的看法。

    This paper explores the order problem of mark symbols in Classification for Chinese Libraries , and offers different opinions of the permutation order and using order of mark symbols .

  12. 为了勾勒点云的骨架或在点云上标记符号,提出一种基于手绘的点云表面曲线构造方法。

    To outline the silhouette of point cloud or mark some special signs on it , a novel approach for creating curves on point cloud with free-hand sketch is presented .

  13. 为使扩展标记符号模型便于机器分析与处理,给出了扩展标记符号模型的随机变换,并证明了随机变换的正确性。

    In order to make the extended label-based symbolic model easy to be analyzed by the machine , present the random transform of the extended label-based symbolic model , and prove the correctness of random transform . 4 .

  14. 文中对光电信息的获得与处理,按宽度调制的断续调节系统,硅片高反差标记符号等方面进行了理论分析,指出了解决问题的途径。

    Theoretical analyses of the acquisition and processing of opto-electric information , the continuous regulating system on width modulation and the design of the high-contrast labels on silicon chip are made , and the ways of solving problems pointed out .

  15. 关于标记和符号功能的哲学理论。

    A philosophical theory of the functions of signs and symbols .

  16. 指示有所指的事物,如标记或符号。

    Something , such as a sign or symbol , that denotes .

  17. 品牌既是一种用于区分的标记或符号,更是消费者与产品之间建立的一种关系。

    Brand is a mark or symbol of distinction , and also a relationship between consumers and the product .

  18. 文化遗产地品牌是指其名称、标记、符号或者是它们的组合。

    Cultural heritage place trademark point to the cultural heritage place 's name , symbol , sign or combination of them .

  19. 相反,如果显示错误,则很可能是出现语法错误,您需要小心检查文档,看看是不是丢失标记和标点符号或输入错误。

    If instead errors are displayed , you likely have a syntax error and need to review your document carefully for typos or missing tags and punctuation .

  20. 符号比标记更难理解和解释,因为与信号和标记不同,符号是与个人对世界的不断感知交织在一起的。

    Symbols are more difficult than signs to understand and to define because , unlike sings and signals , they are intricately woven into an individual 's ongoing perceptions of the world .