
  • 网络Standard Characters;normal character
  1. 使得Linux系统能够正确识别和转换GB18030编码标准字符集中的字符,同时不管在字符界面还是图形界面下,都能够正确输入和显示GB18030编码标准字符。

    So this Chinese Linux system can recognize and convert GB 18030 standard characters , input and display GB 18030 standard characters no matter under character interface or graphics interface .

  2. XML提供了在消息中使用任何标准字符集的方法,因此可以像用英语编写消息一样,很容易地用德语或日语编写消息。

    XML provides a way to use any standard character set within a message , so you can write a message in English just as easily as you can write it in German or Japanese .

  3. 是的,连IDL都必须有一个标准字符集,它将构建在这个字符集上。

    Yes , even IDL has to have a standard character set that it will be built on .

  4. 标准字符,例如空格字符

    Standard characters , such as a space character

  5. 给出了生成标准字符模板和模板库的方法;

    A method is proposed to build standard character models and a model base .

  6. 使用诸如''或“”等引号括起的标准字符来指定空格字符。

    Standard characters in quotes such as ''or "" to specify a space character .

  7. 具有处理非标准字符能力的汉字输入系统

    A Kanji Input System with Nonstandard Character Processing

  8. 计算机名包含非标准字符。

    The computer name contains nonstandard characters .

  9. 但是,总体而言,中文字是从图形演变成标准字符的。

    However , as a whole , the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms .

  10. 标准字符:字符集中的任意字符,除去非字母字符(如版权标识或者块标志)。

    Any character in a character set , excluding non-alphabetic characters ( such as the copyright symbol , or a block graphics symbol , for example ) .

  11. 对标准字符和分割好的车牌字符进行正交小波变换获取低频系数和高频系数,构造低频系数矢量和高频系数矢量,定义隶属函数,设定阈值,并定义加权矩阵。

    Orthogonal wavelet transform is carried out on the standard character images and the segmented character images to get the low and the high frequency coefficients respectively .

  12. 一种代码扩充字符,用于结束由移出字符引进的一串字符,从而使标准字符集的图形字符有效。

    A code extension character , used to terminate a sequence that has been introduced by the shift-out character , that makes effective the graphic characters of the standard character set .

  13. 在研究中,充分利用图纸中所蕴含的知识型信息,注重整体识别、模糊推理技术的运用,将图纸标准字符的理解和尺寸对图形的制约作用统一考虑。

    Then individual characters are segmented form the characters series for further recognition . During the research , we fully utilize knowledgeable information implied in the drawings , and focus on using the technique of fuzzy reasoning .

  14. 它能够产生包括点、圆、弧、矢量、标准字符、专用符号及汉字在内的图形及符号,还可进行图象的旋转、缩放。

    All these signals are standardized by CCIR-D. The module can generate a set of symbols and graphics including dot , cycle , arc , vector , standard character set , special characters and Chinese characters . It can provide the operation of rotation and zoom .

  15. Unicode转换格式(UTF)是一种标准的字符集,许多应用程序都使用它来支持多种语言。

    Unicode transformation format ( UTF ) is a standard character set that many applications are using to support multiple languages .

  16. 有关标准格式字符及其关联模式的列表,请参见datetimeformatinfo类的摘要页。

    See the summary page of the datetimeformatinfo class for a list of the standard format characters and their associated patterns .

  17. 重要的标准包括字符集,键盘布局和输入/出方法标准。

    Important standards include character set , keyboard layout and input / output method specifications .

  18. 提出了利用圆周投影和矢量和直接获取灰度压印字符的质量判别特征值,以标准压印字符为模板进行快速的标牌压印字符在线检测。

    To solve this problem , a new method of direct gray-scale feature extraction based on the circular projection algorithm and the vector sum for testing the quality of the pressed character is presented .

  19. 在无样本训练样本集合的情况下,基于标准车牌字符,利用粗糙集理论生成灰度匹配模板,有效地解决了二值模板在匹配上的一些缺陷。

    Under the circumstances of being no training sets , we use the theory of rough sets to construct grey-level matching templates based on the standard characters in vehicle license plate and effectively resolve some defects of bi-level matching templates .

  20. 上个月针对“有所作为网”上的请愿书,苹果公司的一名发言人在接受MTV音乐电视网采访时表示:“我们正在与统一码联盟进行紧密合作,努力更新已有标准。表情字符集确实需要多样化。”

    In response to the DoSometing.org petition , an Apple spokesperson last month told MTV that " we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the standard . There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set . "

  21. 标准汉字库字符的拼音首字母自动提取

    An Extraction Method for the First Letter of Phonetic Symbol Based on Standard Chinese Character

  22. 基于对模块数的选择,对几种模块组配型国际标准条码编码字符集的设计准则进行了讨论,验证了计算方法的正确性。

    Discussing the principle of design for coding character volume of several types of international standard bar code based on composed piece , this method is proved to be correct .

  23. 为与其它搜索算法相比较,论文最后遵照国家文字信息处理标准GB/T18031-2000中字符信息输入标准,对三个重要指标进行算法质量综合评测。

    Compared with other search engines , paper evaluated the new algorithm with other two algorithms by three important indicators in the light of the State Information Processing Standards GB / T18031-2000 .

  24. 因此,如果计算机使用来自标准ASCII的英语字符表示,肯定没有问题!

    As such , computers used an English character representation from standard ASCII with no problem .

  25. 在GNU/Linux和UNIX上下文中,这意味着Unicode编辑器可以加载和可视化任何已经用Unicode标准进行编码的字符。

    In a GNU / Linux and UNIX context , it 's implied that a Unicode editor can load and visualize any character that has been encoded using the Unicode standard .

  26. 16进制数值可以被用来显示一些在浏览器和插件中非标准的字母和字符。

    Hexadecimal values can be used to display non-standard letters and characters in browsers and plug-ins .