- 网络Standard Characters;normal character

So this Chinese Linux system can recognize and convert GB 18030 standard characters , input and display GB 18030 standard characters no matter under character interface or graphics interface .
XML provides a way to use any standard character set within a message , so you can write a message in English just as easily as you can write it in German or Japanese .
Yes , even IDL has to have a standard character set that it will be built on .
Standard characters , such as a space character
A method is proposed to build standard character models and a model base .
Standard characters in quotes such as ''or "" to specify a space character .
A Kanji Input System with Nonstandard Character Processing
The computer name contains nonstandard characters .
However , as a whole , the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms .
Any character in a character set , excluding non-alphabetic characters ( such as the copyright symbol , or a block graphics symbol , for example ) .
Orthogonal wavelet transform is carried out on the standard character images and the segmented character images to get the low and the high frequency coefficients respectively .
A code extension character , used to terminate a sequence that has been introduced by the shift-out character , that makes effective the graphic characters of the standard character set .
Then individual characters are segmented form the characters series for further recognition . During the research , we fully utilize knowledgeable information implied in the drawings , and focus on using the technique of fuzzy reasoning .
All these signals are standardized by CCIR-D. The module can generate a set of symbols and graphics including dot , cycle , arc , vector , standard character set , special characters and Chinese characters . It can provide the operation of rotation and zoom .
Unicode transformation format ( UTF ) is a standard character set that many applications are using to support multiple languages .
See the summary page of the datetimeformatinfo class for a list of the standard format characters and their associated patterns .
Important standards include character set , keyboard layout and input / output method specifications .
To solve this problem , a new method of direct gray-scale feature extraction based on the circular projection algorithm and the vector sum for testing the quality of the pressed character is presented .
Under the circumstances of being no training sets , we use the theory of rough sets to construct grey-level matching templates based on the standard characters in vehicle license plate and effectively resolve some defects of bi-level matching templates .
In response to the DoSometing.org petition , an Apple spokesperson last month told MTV that " we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the standard . There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set . "
An Extraction Method for the First Letter of Phonetic Symbol Based on Standard Chinese Character
Discussing the principle of design for coding character volume of several types of international standard bar code based on composed piece , this method is proved to be correct .
Compared with other search engines , paper evaluated the new algorithm with other two algorithms by three important indicators in the light of the State Information Processing Standards GB / T18031-2000 .
As such , computers used an English character representation from standard ASCII with no problem .
In a GNU / Linux and UNIX context , it 's implied that a Unicode editor can load and visualize any character that has been encoded using the Unicode standard .
Hexadecimal values can be used to display non-standard letters and characters in browsers and plug-ins .