
  • 【计】video graphic array
  1. 视频图形阵列(VGA)作为一种标准的显示接口已得到广泛应用。

    As a standard display interface , VGA has been widely used .

  2. 在安检设备对行李物件的检查过程中,VGA(视频图形阵列)显示系统需要达到图像实时移动的效果。

    During the inspecting process by the security inspection equipment , the VGA display system needs to ensure real time image moving .

  3. 但是寻常电视机上往往没有视频图形阵列显示器端口,所以这个方法只能用在高清晰度电视机上。

    You usually won 't find a VGA port on regular TV 's though , so this option is if you have an HDTV .

  4. 介绍视频显示-计算机接口标准,并介绍从视频-图形-阵列到数字视频接口(DVI)的发展历程及DVI技术和DVI连接系统。

    The course of develop from Video_graphics_array ( VGA ) interface to Digital video Interface ( DVI ), and The DVI Technology , DVI Connection System is described .