
  1. 该方法尽可能降低了对块中系数的修改幅度,保证了视频质量,同时降低了视频码率的增加量。

    The method minimizes the modified magnitude of the coefficients in the block that ensures the quality of the video , and reduces the increasing amount of video bitrate .

  2. 基于自适应变论域模糊理论的CBR视频码率控制策略

    Rate Control Strategy for CBR Video Coding Based on Adaptive Variable Universe Fuzzy Theory

  3. 一种获得均匀图像质量的视频码率控制方法

    One rate control method of video for consistent picture quality

  4. 帧存储器容量受限条件下编码视频码率变换的研究

    Investigation into memory constrained rate scaling of coded digital video

  5. 低码率应用中的一种视频码率控制方法

    One rate control method for low rate video applications

  6. 丢包网络中鲁棒的视频码率控制算法

    Robust Video Rate Control Algorithm over Packet Loss Network

  7. 提出了一种帧存储器容量受限条件下编码视频码率变换结构。

    A memory scalable architecture for rate scaling of coded digital video is proposed .

  8. 基于质量一致性优化的视频码率控制

    Rate control based on optimization for consistent quality

  9. 该文根据线性模型提出信源内容复杂度的一种度量方式,并以此进行帧级比特分配和宏块级的视频码率控制。

    A new video rate control scheme which uses linear source model as content complexity measure of video frames is proposed in this paper to implement bit allocation between frames and rate control over Micro Btocte ( MB ) level in one frame .

  10. 面向应用层QoS的实时视频优化码率控制

    The Optimized Rate Control Strategy Based on Application QoS for Real-Time Video

  11. 基于DCT系数分布特性的视频编码码率控制策略

    Rate Control Strategy Based on the Distributed Character of DCT Coefficients

  12. 因特网环境下MPEG-4视频自适应码率控制方案

    An Adaptive Bit Rate Control Scheme for MPEG-4 Video over Internet

  13. 基于PSTN传输信道的视频编码器码率控制

    Rate Control Scheme of the Video Encoder on the PSTN Channel

  14. 提出了一种充分利用人类视觉系统特性的MPEG视频码流码率转换方法。

    In this paper , we propose a new bit-rate transcoding method for MPEG video streams , which can utilize human visual system characteristics adequately .

  15. 在MPEG-2编解码器上的实验结果表明,该算法在保持视频平均码率和客观质量几乎不变的情况下可以有效地消除环效应,提高视频主观质量。

    The experimental results on an MPEG-2 codec show that the algorithm efficiently reduces the ringing effect and improves video subjective quality while keeping the video average bitrate and video objective quality almost unchanged .

  16. 但是MPEG-2的视频数据码率比较高,并不适合无线网络下的应用。

    Now , it is widely used in our daily life and various industries , so most of the video data is compressed and kept in MPEG-2 format . But the video data bitrate in MPEG-2 is a little high and it is not suitable for wireless lan application .

  17. 码率转换一般是降低视频的码率,提高不同网络的兼容性;

    Code rate transformation commonly is reducing video 's code rate .

  18. 基于率失真理论的视频编码码率控制

    Rate Control Strategy Based on the Rate Distortion Theory for Video Coder

  19. 视频编码码率控制算法研究

    Study of Rate Control Algorithm for Video Coding

  20. 并通过仿真实验验证了该系统在提高图像质量和降低视频流码率上的较好作用。

    Results of simulation experiment prove its better performance in improving picture quality and reducing video stream bitrate .

  21. 由于经济、技术原因,使得视频传输码率受到了网络带宽的限制。

    Due to the economical and technological constraints , the performance of video transmission is limited by the network bandwidth .

  22. IP可视电话的视频编码及码率控制的研究

    The Research of IP Video Phone 's Video Encoder and Rate Control

  23. ATM网中可变比特率小波视频编码和码率控制

    VBR wavelet video coding and rate control in ATM Networks

  24. ATM计算机网络中变比特率码流视频数据通信码率控制算法研究

    The Research of Variable Bits Rate Code Flows Control Algorithm of Video Data Communication in ATM Computer Network

  25. HDTV视频解码器中码率缓冲的实现方法

    Implementation of bit - rate buffering in HDTV video decoder

  26. H.263视频编码的码率控制算法及硬件实现

    Hardware Implementation of Rate Control Method for Video Compression Encoding in H.263

  27. FGS视频流的码率分配算法研究

    Rate Allocation for MPEG-4 FGS Video Streaming

  28. 基于H.261的远程视频监控变码率技术的实现

    Realization of variable coding rate technique for distant video monitoring based on H.261

  29. 变换域Wyner-Ziv视频编码的码率控制

    Rate Control for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding

  30. 可伸缩性视频编码的码率分配算法

    A Rate Allocation Scheme for Progressive Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding