
  • 网络a tape recorder;video tape recorder;video cassette recorder;vtr;VTRs;vcr
  1. 传统的电视节目播控技术,以磁带录像机为核心,因此又被称为磁带播出方式。

    Traditional technology on playing out TV programs focuses on VTR , therefore , it is called tape-based TV broadcasting mode .

  2. 磁带录像机记录格式与技术性能的变革与发展

    Reformation and development of VTR format and technical characteristics

  3. 盒式磁带录像机自二十世纪七十年代引进,但随即被DVD技术取代。

    VCRs were introduced in the 1970s but were superseded by DVD technology .

  4. 应用Bessel函数分析磁带录像机走带误差调制源

    Applying Bessel Function to Analyze Error Source of Tape Transmission System of VTR

  5. 十二年前,英国高街零售商迪克森由于DVD播放机的流行而决定逐步停止销售盒式磁带录像机。

    It was 12 years ago that UK High Street retailer Dixons decided to phase out the sale of VCRs due to the popularity of DVD players .

  6. 据日经新闻报道,本月月底,日本将制造最后一台盒式磁带录像机(VCR)。

    The last videocassette recorder ( VCR ) in Japan will be produced by the end of the month , according to the Nikkei newspaper .

  7. 然而,IHS科技公司的分析员塔尼亚·莱夫勒认为盒式磁带录像机不会迎来同样的怀旧风潮。

    However , Tania Loeffler , an analyst at IHS Technology , does not think the same nostalgia will ever be felt for VCR-playable formats .

  8. 随着日本经济飞速发展,该国的电子业巨头也开始统治内存芯片、彩色电视和盒式磁带录像机市场,它们的研发实验室开发出了一批定义了一个时代的产品,例如随身听、CD和DVD播放机。

    As the Japanese economy surged , its electronics conglomerates ruled the market for memory chips , color televisions , and videocassette recorders , while their research labs gave birth to gadgets that would define an era : the Walkman , CD and DVD players .

  9. 提出了一种分析磁带录像机(VTR)螺旋扫描走带系统设计参数、坐标计算及描述误差传递的数学方法。

    This paper provides a mathematical method used to analyse designedparameters , transfer coordinates , and describes how errors be transmited is VHS VTR ( video tape recorder ) helical scanning tape transmit system .

  10. 数字磁带录像机录像格式分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of the Recording Formats of Digital Video Tape Recorder

  11. GB/T15524-1995非广播磁带录像机可靠性要求和试验方法

    Reliability requirements and testing methods for non-broadcast video tape recorders

  12. GB/T17277-1998广播磁带录像机测量方法第1部分:机械测量

    Broadcast video tape recorders methods of measurement Part 1 : Mechanical measurements

  13. 盒式磁带录像机需要录像带才能播放或录像。

    VCRs were required to play or record such tapes .

  14. GB/T7397-1995非广播磁带录像机测量方法

    Measuring methods for non-broadcast video tape recorder

  15. 非分段式螺旋扫描磁带录像机

    Non-segmented helical-scan video tape recorder

  16. 船井电机株式会社已经制造家用录像系统盒式磁带录像机三十三年。最近在中国为三洋制造录像机。

    Funai Electric has been producing VHS-playing VCRs for 33 years , most recently in China for Sanyo .

  17. 盒式磁带录像机用来录制和放送盒式录像带上的图像和声音的一种电子仪器盒式磁带放音机和其他磁性放音设备

    An electronic device for recording and playing back video images and sound on a videocassette . cassette type player and other magnetic sound-reproducing apparatus

  18. 吴江电视台原有的磁带录像机播控系统随着播出时间和频道数量的增加已不能满足需要,因此对播控系统进行改造已迫在眉睫,先进成熟的硬盘播出系统正好提供一个最佳选择。

    With the increase in broadcast time and channel , the old video cassette recorder play system is unfit to broadcast in Wujiang TV station .

  19. 但是她补充道,在盒式磁带录像机退出市场后,也许人们出于档案整理等原因依然会想播放盒式磁带的内容,从而形成盒式磁带录像机的小众市场,这或许将成为缅怀盒式磁带录像机的一种方式。

    However , she added that a niche market for accessing VHS content , perhaps for archival purposes , would probably mourn the loss of VCRs if they became unavailable .

  20. 但是去年,盒式磁带录像机只卖出了七十五万台,远不及曾经一年销售一千五百万台的佳绩,而且现在机器的主要配件也很难寻到。

    But last year it sold just 750000 units , down from a peak of 15 million a year , and has been finding it difficult to source the necessary parts .

  21. 这时电话铃响了,佩妮姨妈跑去接电话。哈利和弗农姨父看着达力拆包,一辆赛车、一台摄像机、一架遥控飞机、十六盘新出的电脑游戏光盘和一台磁带录像机。

    At that moment the telephone rang and Aunt Petunia went to answer it while Harry and Uncle Vernon watched Dudley unwrap the racing bike , a video camera , a remote control airplane , sixteen new computer games , and a VCR .

  22. 数字图像的实时存储是视频判读的基础,经常使用模拟录像机把视频信息记录在磁带上,由于磁带录像机的分辨率不高,影响判读的精度。

    The realtime storage for digital image is the base of video interpretation .