
  • 网络Magnetic system
  1. 提出一种HB型共永磁体的新结构二自由度平面直线电机方案,可用一台电机通过合理的磁系统设计实现二自由度平面直线驱动。

    The paper puts forward a kind of HB type common permanent magnet new two freedom plane liner motor . It can realize two freedom plane liner driving through rational designing a motor 's magnetic system .

  2. 直动式极化磁系统及其分析与计算

    The Straight Type Polarized Magnetic System and Its Analysis and Calculation

  3. 应用Monte-Carlo方法模拟出铁磁系统平方和立方点阵的Ising模型的相图,根据有限尺寸的标度理论得到相变温度。

    It uses Monte-Carlo method on PC-386 computer to simulate the phase graph of Ising model on planer squre and cubic lattice . The temperature T_c of megnetic phase transi - tion is obtained by using scale theory .

  4. 四次幂交换作用的稀疏伊辛铁磁系统

    Effects of biquadratic exchange on Curie temperature of a diluted Ising ferromagnet

  5. 具有磁电效应的A类反铁磁系统的自旋波理论

    The spin wave in the A - type antiferromagnet with magnetoelectric effect

  6. 小浪底水电厂发电机灭磁系统设备选型

    Equipment type selection of generator 's de-excitation system for Xiaolangdi Hydropower Plant

  7. 可视化技术在交流磁系统静、动特性有限元分析前后处理中的应用

    Application of Visualization Technique in the Finite Element Analysis of AC Magnetic System

  8. 极化磁系统吸合力矩特性分析软件的开发与应用

    Exploitation and Application of Analytical Software of Pick-up Torque of Polarized Magnetic System

  9. 格林函数在反铁磁系统中的应用

    The application of Green 's function for antiferromagnet system

  10. 基于正交试验设计的极化磁系统参数优化设计方法的研究

    Research on the parameters optimum design of polarized magnetic system based on orthogonal design

  11. 磁盘机用磁性流体密封磁系统的综合设计计算方法

    A synthetic design method of magneic system of the ferrofluid seal for disk drive

  12. 储能式印字机构的磁系统与动态特性

    Magnetic system and dynamics of storage & energy type print mechanism for the wire dot printers

  13. 网络图论法分析储能式印字机构的磁系统

    An analysis of the magnetic system of a storage-energy type printing mechanism by the network graph theory method

  14. 极化磁系统极面面积对力矩特性影响的分析与研究

    Research and Analysis on the Influence of the Polar Area on the Torque Characteristic of the Polarized Magnetic System

  15. 条形永久磁铁广泛应用于极化继电器中,是构成极化磁系统的主要组成部分。

    Bar permanent magnet as the main part of the polarized magnetic system is widely used in polarized relay .

  16. 将挠率场应用于非共线系统得到了适用于非共线磁系统的挠率-自旋-密度泛函理论(TSDFT)。

    The torsion and spin-density-functional theory ( SDFT ) was given by adding torsion fields to the non-collinear magnetic system .

  17. 阐述双断口磁场断路器配高能氧化锌非线性电阻灭磁系统的工作原理、成功灭磁所必须具备的条件;

    This article describes the working principle of the dual-pole field breaker with high energy nonlinear ZnO resistor and the essential conditions for successful deexcitation .

  18. 极化磁系统永磁回复线的起始点是用各种方法对其进行计算的前提和基础。

    The starting point of the recoil line of permanent magnet is the base and the premise for the various calculations of the polarized magnetic system .

  19. 以葛洲坝6号机组灭磁系统为例,分析该灭磁系统存在的问题,并就此提出一些改进建议。

    Taking the No.6 generating unit of Gezhouba Hydropower Station as example , this article analyzes the existing perplexities of the de-excitation system , and presents some improving proposals .

  20. 在不同结构序参量比的条件下,热容量曲线呈现双峰结构,显示有机亚铁磁系统在铁磁和反铁磁作用相互竞争下的复杂热力学行为;

    The curves of the specific heat show double-peak structure with different parameter ratios , indicating the complex thermodynamic behavior due to the competition of the ferromagnetic interactions and antiferromagnetic interactions .

  21. 具体要解决非线性磁场计算与设计的难题,发展微波管磁系统设计软件,并为回旋管的永磁包装设计一套可行的方案。

    The author intend to find a solution for the computation of non-linear magnetic fields , improve our CAD software , and in addition design a magnet system for a gyrotron .

  22. 混合式步进电动机内部是径向和轴向混合的磁系统,气隙或齿层的磁场沿电机轴向非均匀分布,将问题简化为二维磁场后要得到精确结果有一定的困难。

    There are mixed magnetic field system of axial and radial in hybrid stepping motors , and the magnetic field in the gap ( or teeth layer ) is distributed uneven along the axial direction .

  23. 其次,根据设计的参数对部分填充磁系统进行了数值计算,并对其主要参量对磁场分布的影响进行了讨论,研究了场分布的微调方法。

    Secondly , the author computes by the design parameter with FEMM program , and studies primary parameter to influence on magnetic field distributing , researches the method of minute adjust on magnetic field distributing .

  24. 通过对发电机灭磁系统的分析以及各种灭磁方式的讨论,新型的双断口磁场断路器&氧化锌电阻的灭磁方式是至今为止较理想的一种灭磁方式。

    Analysis de-excitation Systran for the synchronous generator set and discuss several kinds of de-excitation system , then come to the conclusion that at present couple cut-off field breaker-nonlinear resistance de-excitation mode is a ideal mode .

  25. 分析了混合式步进电动机的磁系统,提出可用两组磁极支路的磁化特性曲线簇来表述一相绕组磁路的特性。

    Based on the analyzing of the hybrid stepping motor 's magnetic system , it is pointed out that the phase magnetic path characteristics can be described with two group of magnetic branch 's magnetic characteristic curves .

  26. 本文注意到该机构磁系统具有永久磁铁的特点,提出一种较简易的方法,解决其磁路计算问题,并阐述击打件动态特性的分析。

    This paper pays atten - tion to the distinguishing characterise that this mechanism has a permanent ring magnet , presents simpler method of calculation for the magnetic circuit , and then makes a dynamic analysis of the impact print element .

  27. 本文介绍了在环形激光测磁系统中使用共同的光电检测器和预放器检测磁场信号和激光频率漂移的方法,详细介绍了系统中所用的无静差数字式稳频器。

    A method was developed to detect the magnetic field signal and the laser frequency drift with the same photodetectors and preamplifiers in a ring laser system for magnetic field measurement . A digital steady-state error-free frequency stabilizer used in the system is described in detail .

  28. 最后,以DSP硬件控制为基础,运用汇编语言编写了单自由度磁轴承系统的控制软件,对控制器的实现进行了评估。

    Finally , the control software of one freedom MB system is compiled using the DSP assembly language , and feasibility of the controller realization is appraised ;

  29. 证明采用DSP控制的双凸极永磁电机系统具有结构简单和控制灵活等优点。

    It is shown that through designing in detail the DSP digital controller , the DSPM adjustable speed system has the advantages of simple structure and control flexibility .

  30. 基于MPPT算法的风力永磁发电系统的仿真研究

    Simulating Study of Wind Power System Using the PMSG Based on the MPPT Method