
  • 网络Tape Music
  1. 旧金山&如果你符合以下条件的话,就标志着你已经是老古董啦:还继续用VCR看电影,还继续用磁带听音乐,还继续用胶卷来照相。

    SAN FRANCISCO & Signs you 're an old fogey : You still watch movies on a VCR , listen to vinyl records and shoot photos on film .

  2. 可以把宏录制看做是简单地“记忆”您在环境中执行的操作,其方法与在盒式磁带上录制音乐类似。

    You can think of macro recording as simply " remembering " actions you performed in the environment , similar to how music is recorded on a cassette tape .

  3. 伯格唱片公司是一个独立唱片制作团体,位于洛杉矶郊区奥兰治县。它的联合创始人,32岁的李·里卡德说:“磁带播放的音乐听起来有不同的感觉,有时候甚至可以还原音乐的韵味。”

    Lee Rickard , 32 , co-founder of independent record label Burger Records , which is based in Orange County , a suburb of Los Angeles , explained the appeal , saying : ' Music just sounds different on tape , sometimes as it was originally intended to sound .

  4. 当然CD出现之前你车里可都是磁带播放出的音乐。

    And of course cassettes were how you played music in your car before CDs .