
cí dài
  • tape;storage tape;magnetic band;magnetic belt;(magnetic) tape
磁带 [cí dài]
  • [(magnetic) tape] 一种磁录声用的薄纸带或薄塑料带,上面涂了混有粘合剂的铁氧化物磁粉

磁带[cí dài]
  1. 答案可以写下来或口述录在磁带上。

    Answers can be written or presented orally on tape .

  2. 现场工作多半为进行磁带录音。

    Most of the fieldwork consisted of making tape recordings .

  3. 我刚买了塔伦蒂诺最新影片的音乐磁带。

    I 've just bought the soundtrack of the latest Tarantino movie .

  4. 他的歌曲专辑有磁带和光盘出售。

    His albums are available on tape and CD .

  5. 磁带的音响效果极佳。

    The sound quality of the tapes was excellent .

  6. 我拿我的激光唱片换了他的盒式磁带。

    I swapped him my CD for his cassette .

  7. 这录音有激光唱片和盒式磁带两种。

    This recording is available on disc or cassette .

  8. 磁带开始录时告诉我一声。

    Tell me when the tape starts recording .

  9. 这盘磁带将在30秒后自毁。

    This tape will self-destruct in 30 seconds .

  10. 我停了磁带,按下倒回键。

    I stopped the tape and pressed rewind .

  11. 有人把所有磁带上录制的内容都抹掉了。

    Somebody had wiped all the tapes .

  12. 警方扣留了各种图书和磁带。

    Police seized various books and tapes .

  13. 按暂停键停下磁带。

    Press pause to stop the tape .

  14. 这部电影已制成循环音像磁带。

    The film is on a loop .

  15. 磁带已经转到头了,但是什么也没录上。

    The tape had run to the end but recorded nothing .

  16. 寄一盘新磁带过去不合算。

    It would be uneconomical to send a brand new tape

  17. 我发现一盘被弄坏的盒式磁带丢在废纸篓里。

    I discovered a mutilated cassette stuffed in a wastebasket .

  18. 磁带成本高,而且每录制一次音质就会变差一些。

    Tape is expensive and loses sound quality every time it is copied

  19. 我搜集了满屋子的文件和磁带录音。

    I accumulated a roomful of documents and tape recordings .

  20. 他又按下了播放键播放磁带。

    He pushed the play button again and ran the tape

  21. 她塞给我十几盒磁带。

    She loaded me down with around a dozen cassettes

  22. 有人发现磁带不见了。

    It was discovered that the tapes were missing .

  23. 克里斯喜欢音乐,收集了大量的唱片和磁带。

    Chris likes music and has a large collection of albums and cassettes .

  24. 他的两张专辑的磁带销量突破了1,000万。

    His two albums released on cassette have sold more than 10 million copies .

  25. 每盘磁带的撰稿人都是其研究领域的专家。

    Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field .

  26. 他把磁带从头到尾放了一遍,然后一动不动地静坐了几分钟。

    He played the tape through once , then sat very still for several minutes

  27. 他在录音棚里流着眼泪抹掉他辛苦录制的所有磁带。

    He was in the studio tearfully erasing all the tapes he 'd slaved over

  28. 我把一盘磁带放进带仓里。

    I stuck a tape in the deck .

  29. 我认为你并没想过要把磁带换一面,是吗?

    I don 't suppose you thought to turn over the tape , did you ?

  30. 她利用接受的声乐训练给盲人录制磁带图书。

    She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people .