
  • 网络Sound Art;Sonic Art
  1. 针对声音艺术的材料对其做以系统的分类阐释。

    The sound art materials to do with classification explanation system .

  2. 本文的研究对象是声音艺术作品。

    This thesis is a research on sound art .

  3. 作品包括摄影、录像及声音艺术。

    Her works include photography , video and acoustic arts .

  4. 电影后期声音艺术创作&声音元素的选择与组合初探

    Artistic Creation of Film Post-production Sound : Selection and Combination of Sound Elements

  5. 论武侠电影的声音艺术创作

    The Artistic Creation of Sounds for Martial-arts Movies

  6. 在本篇论文中,对声音艺术的产生和发展做以讨论阐释。

    In this paper , the generation and development of sound art to discuss interpretation .

  7. 浅谈教师的声音艺术

    On Teacher 's voice Art

  8. 由于声音艺术是一门较新的艺术类型,较少有相关的文献资料,但在实际应用层面已有不少的案例。

    Due to the fact that sound art is rather new in art category with rare related study material and resources .

  9. 展览作品包括装置、雕塑、影像、行为、摄影、绘画、声音艺术等多种媒介方式与类型。

    The works on show cover installations , sculptures , videos , performance art , photos , paintings and sound art .

  10. 声音艺术内心形象的相似性&朗诵中内部心理状态训练的处理技巧在歌唱中的迁移浅谈民歌演员的音乐修养与技术训练

    The Similarities between Vocal Art and Innermost Image ; A Simple Talk on the Music Cultivation and Technical Training of the Folk Song Singer

  11. 20世纪以来,声音艺术渐渐打破视觉艺术一统天下的局面,在现当代艺术中成为先锋形式。

    Since20th century , sound art breaks the situation which vision art takes up the whole world of art , it becomes a vanguard form now .

  12. 通过绘画、摄影、影像视频和声音艺术等多重媒介,旨在拓宽视野,展现生活并工作在中国的不同艺术家们丰富且多变的艺术视角。

    Featuring a range of media including painting , photography , video , and sound art , Expanding Horizons represents the varied and rich visions of diverse artists , living and working in China .

  13. 声乐艺术是声乐表演者的声音艺术,是声乐表演者以喉咙为乐器,发出具有艺术美的声音,给人以精神享受。

    Music and art are the voices of Vocal Performance Art . Vocal performers " throat " as a musical instrument with the voice of artistic beauty , the spirit of people to enjoy .

  14. 第四届北京设计周从9月26日至10月3日举办,它将和北京这座城市一样宏大而多样化。设计周包括几百场活动,从中华世纪坛严谨的行业论坛到城市巴士上的实验声音艺术。

    Running from Sept. 26 - Oct. 3 , the fourth edition of BJDW will be as massive and diverse as Beijing itself , featuring hundreds of events ranging from straight-laced industry forums at China Millennium Monument to experimental sound art on city buses .

  15. 歌唱不仅是声音艺术,也是情感艺术。一个健康动听的声音来自于科学的呼吸,机音管道的建立,声音触点精巧的碰撞和歌唱心理的稳定。

    Singing is not only a voice art , but an emotion art , It can espress the emotion , whereas a healthy pleasant sound is on the basis of scientific breath , the establish of vocal passageway , the skillful collide of vocal cords and psychological stablization .

  16. 音乐是声音的艺术,钢琴也是声音的艺术。

    Music represents the arts of the sound , so does piano .

  17. 音乐,我们可以说,是一种组织声音的艺术。

    Music , we may say , is the art of organizing sounds .

  18. 音乐是声音的艺术。

    " Music is the art of sound " .

  19. 音乐是声音的艺术,音乐欣赏是一种细腻的审美评价。

    The music is the sound , music appreciation is a kind of fine and smoot aesthetic appraisal .

  20. 声乐是一种声音的艺术,它拥有着无穷的魅力和不尽的神秘色彩。

    Music is a voice of the art it has a lot of charm and not a mystery !

  21. 音乐作为声音的艺术,在教化人民、移风易俗、陶冶情操等方面发挥着不可替代的重要作用。

    Music is the art of sound , it plays a great part of educating people , changing customs and nurturing sentiment .

  22. 音乐是声音的艺术,它与声音科学的关系最为密切。

    Music is closely related to science : while the former is an art of sound , it has an affinity with the science of sound .

  23. 音乐是声音的艺术,“听”也是教学的基本特点,要唱准唱好,就必须多听。

    Music is the art of voice ," listen to " be also the basic characteristics of teaching , sing quasi-sing good , have to much listen to .

  24. 浅述声音疗法的艺术魅力

    Charms of the artistic musical therapy

  25. 从听者和制作者角度讨论声音以及声音艺术对人类所带来的影响。

    Discuss the effects of sound and sound art brought to mankind from the " listener " and " producers " perspective .

  26. 通过对具体影片的转场、节奏、声音及蒙太奇艺术的表现来进行分析与研究,总结出不同类型的动画电影在剪辑上的运用及艺术特点。

    By analyzing the video transitions , rhythm , sound and montage art performance of the analysis and research , summed up the different types of animation film in the clip on the application and characteristics of art .

  27. 声音元素在影视艺术中得到运用已有七十余年的历史,电视的发明和电视节目的传播为声像结合的视听媒介开辟了更为广阔的天地。

    Sound element has been used in movie and TV art for more than seventy years .

  28. 他每个作品使用的技巧与物料皆不同,有以机械与电子模拟水、光、火及声音的「流动艺术」;

    Technique and materials in his work vary : from mechanical or electronic " mobile art " for water , light , fire sound , to " stable art " made of ceramic , wood , concrete metal .

  29. 本文通过对创作歌曲《贵妃醉酒》表演风格、演唱技巧的分析研究,深刻感受到,二度创作是声乐表演艺术真实性和创造性的协调统一,是声音技巧和表演艺术的高度融合。

    By analyzing the performing style and singing skills of the creative vocal The Drunken Beauty , the author deeply understands that the second creation is coordination of authenticity and creation of vocal performance arts and a well combination of voice skills and performance .

  30. 我们这里所谓的电视广告,是以电视作为广告媒介,以观众为对象,综合运用文字、图像、色彩、声音和活动等艺术表现手法,通过电视台播送的、兼有视、听觉的现代化广告。

    The said TV advertising here mean modern video and audio advertisements broadcast by TV stations by comprehensively applying such artistic expression methods as character , image , color , sound and activity with TV sets as the advertising media and audience as object .