
  • 网络vocal performance
  1. 声乐表演的二度创造&谈歌曲演唱的创作方法

    About the Second Creation Vocal Performance & Creative Ways of Singing

  2. 声乐表演与声乐创作是密切相关而又互有不同的艺术表现形式。

    Vocal performance and vocal creation is closely related but each has a different form of artistic expression .

  3. 谈声乐表演和器乐表演中的呼吸美

    Aesthetics of breath - control in vocal and instrumental music performance

  4. 声乐表演中内心情景的作用分析

    Analysis of " Inner Scene " Effects in Vocal Music Performance

  5. 五年专高等幼教声乐表演教学初探

    On the Teaching of College Vocal Music Performance for Preschool Education

  6. 声乐表演艺术中的想象力及其培养

    Imagination and its Cultivation in the art of Vocal Music Performance

  7. 视唱练耳能力在声乐表演艺术中的重要作用

    The Function of Audition in the Performing Art of Singing

  8. 浅析声乐表演中的观众群体

    An Analysis of the Audience Group of Vocal Music Performances

  9. 声乐表演内心情感发展的三次级进

    Three Up-grades of Emotional Development in Vocal Music Performance

  10. :集体的合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。

    collective Chorus is a collective vocality performing art .

  11. 声乐表演控制呼吸方式,呼吸方式则控制心跳。

    Vocal performances impose set breathing patterns , which regulate and synchronize heartbeats .

  12. 声乐表演创作的情感特征

    Emotional Features of Creation of Vocal Music Performance

  13. 当代影像声乐表演文化探微

    On Contemporary Photo-taking and Vocal Music Performance Culture

  14. 谈谈声乐表演专业学生的嗓音保护

    On Voice Protection of Students Majoring in Performance

  15. 歌唱情感在声乐表演中的价值及其训练研究

    On the Value of the Singing Emotion in Vocal Music Performance and Its Training

  16. 声乐表演艺术的审美体现

    Make Aesthetic Embodiment of Vocality Performance Art

  17. 文章第二部分主要论述声乐表演艺术审美的体现在实际演唱中的应用。

    The practice of the singing performance is elaborated in the second art of the thesis .

  18. 在表演艺术的大家族中,声乐表演艺术是最古老、也是人们最喜闻乐见的艺术形式之一。

    Among the performing arts , the vocal is one of the oldest and most popular one .

  19. 因此,每一位声乐表演艺术者都必须经历歌唱技巧的训练来提高技巧以达到更加艺术歌唱的目的。

    So every actor who wants to sing more skillfully must go through the training of singing skills .

  20. 2008年我又考上研究生进行民族声乐表演和教学研究方向的学习和研究。

    In 2008 the author was admitted to the National Vocal Performance graduate research and teaching learning and research .

  21. 同时,作为一名声乐表演与教学方向的学生,这些理论的研究和探讨对自身的实践也是很有帮助的。

    As a student of vocal performance and vocal teaching , I think these theories is helpful to my practice .

  22. 声乐表演作为一种转瞬即逝的时间艺术,作为演唱者并不能照本宣科地演唱。其灵魂在于对词曲文本的二度创作。

    Vocal music performance as a fleeting time art passes , the soul lies in the two creation of poetry text .

  23. 并将其与声乐表演互相结合与促进,以便更好地用演唱的形式来表达歌曲的情感。

    In order to express the emotion of the song in the singing form , incorporating in vocal performance and promoting .

  24. 声乐表演不仅是一种展示表演者才华和技艺的学问和平台,更是一门充满着想象的艺术。

    Vocal music performance is both a learning to show the performer 's talent and a kind of art full of imagination .

  25. 声乐表演艺术家,教育家张权是中国近现代声乐艺术史上的重要人物,她在声乐表演艺术和声乐教学领域上都有卓越的成就。

    Zhang Quan , a famous educator and artist of vocal music performance , is an important figure in the contemporary history of Chinese vocal music .

  26. 其后随着元代燕南芝庵《唱论》的出现,歌唱理论有了较大的发展,而有关声乐表演的论述也就愈加详细而系统化了。

    It was the Theory of Singing by Yan Nanzhi ' an in Yuan Dynasty that represented the development of singing and systemization of relating vocal music performance .

  27. 声乐表演,是由声乐作品的创作主体提供的声乐作品,由声乐演员主体与接受客体(观众)一起,在特定空间场合、时间段落,共同组成的一种综合艺术形式。

    Vocal performance is a comprehensive art , which is made up by vocal work provided by creator , singing actor and audience at particular place and occasion .

  28. 声乐表演与影像的结合是声乐发展史上的一件大事,它既是历史的必然,又是文化发展的必要。

    The combination of vocal music performance and photo taking , a necessity of historical and cultural development , isa great event in the history of vocal music development .

  29. 歌唱能力是歌唱者的重要素质,也是声乐表演想要获得成功的前提和保障。

    Competence of singing is the basic and important quality to a singer , and it is also the premise and guarantee that make sure vocality performance be successful .

  30. 重唱是歌剧艺术中重要的表现形式,是多声部和声共同体现多层次、多音响美的织体,更是声乐表演中不可缺少的艺术教学手段。

    It is the opera art in the important forms , is more voice to reflect harmonic levels and sound beautiful knitting body , it is indispensable to the vocal performance art teaching means .