
  • 网络LMFA;acoustic lab;nal;Univ. of Washington
  1. 本文介绍作者在美国休斯顿大学地震声学实验室工作期间,利用该实验室的设备,设计制作的一个主要供试验DMO(倾角时差校正)和PSI(叠前成像)方法用的二维反向断层模型。

    A 2D antithetic fault physical model for DMO and PSI tests is pre - sented , which was made by the authors while they worked in Seismic Acoustic Laboratory of the University of Houston , USA.

  2. 在一个声学实验室内,对经过多种试验性改进的隔声机组上,进行了系统噪声试验和冷却空气吸入和排出系统等的试验,从此机组测得了70dB(A)的噪声值。

    Systematic noise testing of an enclosed plant with various modifications based on in-situ experimental work , and tests on cooling air intake and exhaust systems , etc , in an acoustic laboratory , a noise level of 70 dB ( A ) was obtained for the plant .

  3. 近代声学国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics

  4. 混响室是声学专业的实验室用房,它在测量声波无规入射时材料的吸声系数和测量噪声源的声功率级中得到了广泛应用。

    In the measurement of sound absorption coefficient in random incidence and determination of sound power levels of noise sources , the reverberation room is used very extensively .

  5. 本装置的完成为海洋声学国家级重点实验室构建了一个海洋环境模拟平台。

    This device can work as a platform of ocean environment simulator in the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Acoustics .

  6. 海洋声学国家级重点实验室为了研制开发高新技术水声产品,需要对水声传感器的动态数据进行测试。

    For the development of new-technic underwater acoustic detection equipment , the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Acoustics needs to test the dynamic data of the underwater acoustic sensor .

  7. 中国科学院声学研究所、中国艺术研究院音乐研究所声学实验室、南京大学声学研究所等研究机构的相继成立标志着中国的音乐声学研究进入了一个新阶段。

    The establishment of many institutes and labs of acoustics marked a new period in the research history of acoustics .