
  • 网络Vocal cord cancer;glottic cancer
  1. 6例声带癌术后随访1年无复发。

    No recurrence was found in the 6 cases of glottic cancer during 1 year of ( follow-up ) .

  2. 声带癌T_1病变的CO_2激光治疗

    CO2 laser surgery for T1 vocal cord carcinoma

  3. 动态喉镜及纤维喉镜诊断早期声带癌价值比较CO2激光治疗早期声门型喉癌疗效分析

    Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Flexible Laryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Early Vocal Cord Cancer Carbon dioxide laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma

  4. 方法选择34例Tis和T1期声带癌患者接受表面麻醉,Nd∶YAG激光经纤维喉镜引导,对喉肿瘤进行汽化切割治疗。

    Methods 34 patients with glottic Tis or T1 squamous cell carcinoma were treated with Nd ∶ YAG laser vaporization by fiber-laryngoscopy .

  5. 本文报告了声带癌前疾病及癌前病变29例,早期声门癌(原位癌,T1及T2)21例。

    Cases of precancerous diseases of vocal cord and 21 cases of eraly glottic cancers ( carcinoma in situ , T 1 and T 2 ) were examined under laryngostroboscope .

  6. 目的对叠盖成型部分喉切除术(PLIL)治疗临床上T1~2N0M0单侧声带癌进行临床研究。

    Objective To study on the treatment of T 1 ~ 2 N 0M 0 vocal card carcinoma with partial laryngectomy with imbrication laryngoplasty ( PLIL ) .

  7. 动态喉镜下咬检性切除早期声带癌

    Excisional biopsy in resection early vocal cord neoplasms under strobolaryngoscope

  8. 早期喉癌与声带癌前病变的诊断及微创治疗

    Diagnosis and Minimally Invasive Treatment for Early Glottic Cancer and Vocal Cord Dysplasia

  9. 声带癌T1的激光与放射治疗对喉发声机能的影响

    Vocal Function Following Carbon Dioxide Laser Surgery and Radiotherapy for Glottic Carcinoma T_1

  10. 声带癌患者治疗前与治疗后嗓音声学参数对比分析未见有统计学显著性差异;

    Tl , ere vJere no statistical significant differences in acoustic parameters between pre-treatment and post-treatment .

  11. 室带会厌瓣转位在声带癌手术中的应用

    Application of the displacement of the ventricular bands-epiglottis mucosal flap in the surgical management of glottis carcinoma

  12. 全部肿瘤经病理证实。动态喉镜下咬检性切除早期声带癌

    All pathological results were obtained by excisional biopsy . Excisional biopsy in resection early vocal cord neoplasms under strobolaryngoscope

  13. 支撑喉内窥镜下激光治疗早期声带癌和癌前病变

    Early vocal cords cancer and precancerosis of larynx treated with Nd : YAP laser under the laryngoscope and rigid endoscope

  14. 声带早期癌DNA分析及p53、Ki-67和bcl-X的表达

    Laser scanning cytometric DNA analyses and expression of p53 protein , Ki-67 and bcl-X in early carcinomas of vocal cord

  15. 声带早期癌按病变的侵袭深度分为:原位癌(5例)、低侵袭癌(33例)和侵袭癌(6例)。

    The early glottic cancer were classified into three types according to depth of penetration of the vocal cord lesions , such as carcinoma in situ ( 5 cases ), microinvasive carcinoma ( 33 cases ) and invasive carcinoma ( 6 cases ) .

  16. 结果声带息肉、癌旁组织及癌组织P53表达率分别为6.66%、46.6%和66.2%(P<0.0001);

    Results In polyp of vocal cord , paracancerous and carcinoma , the positive rates of P ~ 53 were 6.66 % , 46.6 % and ~ 66.2 % ( P < 0.0001 );

  17. Nd:YAG激光声带切除术治疗声带癌

    Cordectomy with Nd : YAG laser under laryngoscope in the treatment of vocal cords neoplasms

  18. 声带振动模式与早期声带癌

    The Vibrative Pattern of Vocal Cords and Early Vocal Cord Cancer

  19. 目的:利用动态喉镜观察声带振动及黏膜波动,以早期诊断声带癌,并在图象放大屏幕下活检性切除病变组织;

    Objective : To diagnose early vocal cord neoplasms by observing the vocal cord vibration and mucosal wave under strobolaryngoscope and resected the lesion by excisional biopsy ;

  20. 目的:频闪喉镜电视录像系统可以观察到其它喉镜不能看到的声带振动图像,通过声带振动模式的改变,诊断早期声带癌。

    Objective : Our purpose was to diagnose the early cancer of vocal cords by the variation of the vibrative patterns in vocal cords .

  21. 电视喉动态镜下163例声嘶患者声带振动和粘膜波的观察分析动态喉镜及纤维喉镜诊断早期声带癌价值比较

    Clinical Analysis on 163 Cases with Hoarseness under Move-Laryngoscope Efficacy of Videostroboscopy and Flexible Laryngoscope in the Diagnosis of Early Vocal Cord Cancer

  22. 与正常声带粘膜振幅比较,声带肥厚、息肉等病变,声带粘膜振动波幅为正常值的30~90%,而声带白斑、声带癌分别为15~20%和0~5%。

    Compared with normal volunteers , the amplitude in hypertrophic and polyp groups were 30 ~ 90 % , 15 ~ 20 % in leukoplakia and 0 ~ 5 % in cancer respectively . The amplitude changed with the pathological severity .