
  • 网络Laryngeal papilloma;papilloma of larynx;JLP
  1. 喉乳头状瘤患儿及家长心理卫生状况的调查分析

    The Analysis of Investigation on Mental Health of the Childhood Patients with Papilloma of Larynx and Their Parents

  2. 结论喉乳头状瘤患儿具有内向,情绪不稳定的个性倾向,家长有内向、神经质个性倾向,心理上均存在明显的焦虑、抑郁、恐惧、躯体化等方面症状。

    Conclusions The patients with papilloma of larynx has the inclination of nervousness , diffidence and anxiety , so has their parents .

  3. 喉乳头状瘤及喉癌细胞核DNA含量及形态参数的图象分析研究

    Image Analysis on Nuclear DNA Content and Morphological Parameters in Laryngeal Papillomas and Carcinomas

  4. HPV在小儿喉乳头状瘤中的表达及临床意义

    Expression and Clinical Significance of HPV in Juvenile Laryngeal Papilloma

  5. 结论:PTEN蛋白异常表达及DNA含量变化可能在喉乳头状瘤恶变机制中发挥重要作用。

    Conculsion : PTEN protein abnormally expressed probably plays an important role in the laryngeal papilloma malignant transformation .

  6. 儿童喉乳头状瘤组织中Survivin及Caspase-3蛋白表达及相关性研究

    Correlation of the expression of survivin and caspase-3 proteins in juvenile laryngeal papilloma

  7. HPV(11)对小儿喉乳头状瘤预后的影响鼻内翻性乳头状瘤与人乳头瘤病毒感染的相关性研究

    Evaluating the impact of human papilloma virus infection on prognosis of juvenile laryngeal papilloma

  8. 结论:单纯显微支撑喉镜下CO2激光手术与其联合干扰素治疗复发性小儿喉乳头状瘤均能延缓肿瘤复发。

    Conclusions : Both surgery alone treatment and combined with interferon treatment can delay the recurrence of laryngeal papillomatosis .

  9. 目的:研究在喉乳头状瘤及其癌变组织中PTEN蛋白表达及DNA含量的变化,探讨喉乳头状瘤癌变的机制。

    Objective : To investigate the expression of PTEN protein and analyse DNA content in laryngeal papilloma and its malignant transformation .

  10. COX-2蛋白在小儿喉乳头状瘤复发和成人乳头状瘤发生方面可能起到一定的作用。

    COX-2 protein perhaps has definite effects in the children ' papilloma recurrence and the adults ' papilloma ocurrence .

  11. 小儿喉乳头状瘤HPV-DNA及体液免疫检测

    Detection of HPV-DNA and humoral immunity in juvenile laryngeal papilloma

  12. 结果显示24例喉部肿瘤组织p53基因点突变;35例喉癌及24例喉乳头状瘤组织中检出了HPV-DNA。

    The results showed that the point mutation of p53 gene was found in 24 cases of laryngeal neoplasms , and HPV-DNA was detected in 35 cases of laryngeal carcinoma tissues and 24 cases of laryngeal papilloma tissues respectively .

  13. 喉乳头状瘤患儿血清人乳头状瘤病毒11b病毒样颗粒抗体检测及意义

    The detection and significance of human papilloma virus 11b virus like particles and its serum antibody in juvenile larynx papilloma

  14. GST-π阳性率在喉乳头状瘤和喉鳞状细胞癌分别为20%和85%,两者之间差异具有显著性。

    The expression rates of GST π in squamous papilloma and squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx were 20 % and 85 % , respectively . The difference between them was significant .

  15. 【目的】探讨环氧合酶-2(COX-2)蛋白在喉癌中的表达及其临床意义,同时探讨其在喉乳头状瘤和声带息肉中的表达情况。

    【 Objective 】 To investigate the cyclooxygenase-2 protein expression and clinical significance in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma , at the same time , to investigate its expression in human laryngeal papilloma and vocal cord polyps .

  16. 青少年型喉乳头状瘤和外阴尖锐湿疣的临床和组织病理观察

    Clinical and Histopathological Study of Juvenile Laryngeal Papilloma and Vulval Condyloma Acuminatum

  17. 小儿喉乳头状瘤切除术不同全麻诱导方式的对照研究

    Comparison of different general anesthesia induction methods in children laryngeal papilloma ectomy

  18. 小儿喉乳头状瘤62例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 62 cases laryngeal papiloma in children

  19. 喉乳头状瘤恶变13例报告

    Malignant change of laryngeal papilloma with 13 case reports

  20. 慢性喉炎、喉乳头状瘤及喉癌增殖细胞核抗原的表达

    Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in chronic laryngitis , laryngeal papilloma and carcinoma

  21. 目的喉乳头状瘤是常见的喉部良性肿瘤,本文探讨喉乳头状瘤的外科治疗方式。

    Objective Laryngeal papilloma is a common laryngeal benign tumor , which recurs easily .

  22. 表皮生长因子受体及血管内皮生长因子在喉乳头状瘤中的表达

    Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor and vascular endothelial growth factor in laryngeal papilloma

  23. 前言:目的探讨小儿喉乳头状瘤的治疗及临床特点。

    Objective : To investigate the treatment and clinical feature of pediatric laryngeal papilloma .

  24. 喉乳头状瘤治疗的长期临床观察

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Laryngeal Papilloma

  25. 目的探讨婴幼儿复发性喉乳头状瘤的观察与护理。

    Objective To explore the observation and nursing of recurrent laryngeal papilloma in infant patients .

  26. 综述了小儿喉乳头状瘤的病因、病理研究,及治疗方面的进展。

    This article reviews the research in the exploration of etiological pathology and its therapeutic progress .

  27. 方法:为3例病变范围广泛或多次复发的喉乳头状瘤患者行喉造口激光切除术。

    Method : 3 patients with extensive or recurrent laryngeal papilloma were treated by laryngostomy and laser surgery .

  28. 声带息肉、喉乳头状瘤及喉癌组织内核仁组成区相关嗜银蛋白的定量学研究

    A Quantitative Study on the AgNORs in the Polyps of Vocal Cord , Papillomas and Carcinomas of Larynx

  29. 目的了解内窥镜手术结合α-干扰素治疗小儿喉乳头状瘤的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the curative effect of endoscopic surgery combined with interferon subcutaneous injection on juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis .

  30. 目的:了解肿瘤相关基因在喉乳头状瘤中的表达情况,探讨其与喉癌组织中的基因表达差异。

    Objective : To explore the differential gene expression profiles between adult laryngeal papilloma and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma .