
  1. 这是因为喉韵的强度只和矿物质含量有关。

    It is because intensity of Hou Yun has something to do with the minerals .

  2. 从技术上讲,普洱的品质就喉韵而言即使存放了二十年也不会改变。

    Technically , the quality of tea in terms of Hou Yun never changes even if tea is kept for20 over years .

  3. 虽然普洱的陈化不会对喉韵有所提高,但是陈化会创造不同的风味并且使得口感上更加醇厚。

    Although aging of tea does not improve the Hou Yun , the aging creates variety of flavor and makes taste mellower on tongue .